Showing posts with label integrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label integrity. Show all posts

Gary North: An Anomaly In American History

Ron Paul's farewell address.   On Wednesday, November 14, Ron Paul delivered his final speech at the podium of the United States House of Representatives. It was covered by C-SPAN live, and was later posted on C-SPAN's site. It was soon posted on YouTube, and from there was posted on numerous sites. Within hours, various media outlets began to     ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Phony In Chief

True believers may not want to know the truth. When President Barack Obama and others on the left are not busy admonishing the rest of us to be "civil" in our discussions of political issues, they are busy letting loose insults, accusations and smears against those who dare to disagree with them. Like so many people who have been beaten in a verbal    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: How Times Have Changed

A devolving society.    Having been born in 1936 has allowed me to witness both societal progress and retrogression. High on the list of things made better in our society are the great gains in civil liberties and economic opportunities, especially for racial minorities and women. People who are now deemed poor have a level of material wealth that would    ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Where Is John Galt?

Where is a man who can save us?  A man of virtue and action who can rebuild our economy and culture? We must find a true-to-life John Galt. I think America’s best shot at economic recovery and restoring constitutional freedom is to nurture men and women who emulate the virtues of John Galt, a hero in Ayn Rand’s magnum opus novel,  ... MORE

Rush H. Limbaugh Jr: They Risked Everything For Liberty

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor. It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining and the wind was from the southeast. Up especially early, a tall bony, redheaded young Virginian found time to buy a new thermometer, for which he paid three pounds, fifteen shillings. He also bought gloves for Martha, his wife, who was ill at home. Thomas Jefferson arrived early at the statehouse. The temperature was 72.5 degrees and the horseflies weren't nearly so bad at that hour. It was a lovely room, very large, with gleaming white walls. The chairs were comfortable. Facing the single door    ... MORE

VIDEO: Harry Browne - Defining Morality

National Review: Free John Edwards

The questionable prosecution of John Edwards. John Edwards, the Dorian Gray of the Democratic party, is one of the most loathsome characters in American politics, corrupt himself and a source of corruption in others, a preening, moralizing fraud who went so far as to have a staffer claim paternity of the illegitimate child he fathered with a campaign contractor.    ... MORE

John Fund: Why We Need Voter-ID Laws Now

The attorney general can't look away anymore. Attorney General Eric Holder is a staunch opponent of laws requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls to improve ballot security. He calls them “unnecessary” and has blocked their implementation in Texas and South Carolina, citing the fear they would discriminate against minorities. I wonder what    ... MORE

Alicia M. Cohn: Ron Paul Demonstrates True Transparency

The rare politician who honors the public's trust.    Ron Paul's presidential campaign regularly reports expenses well below the $200 minimum to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and in at least 160 reports so far in the campaign has reported purchases costing a dollar or less. Paul's diligence goes beyond the letter of the law and is    ... MORE

Dick Lyles: Individual Liberty Vs. Government Tyranny

Big government is liberty's greatest threat.   Hardly a day goes by that I’m not compelled to reflect on the haunting words of Pastor Martin Niemoeller: “First they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the trade ... MORE

Deneen Borelli: Why Voter ID Should Matter To All Of Us

What's more important than the integrity of the ballot box? The Rev. Jesse Jackson and other establishment civil rights leaders scolded South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley earlier this year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day no less, for her state’s voter identification law. They reminded her that her Indian ancestry (Gov. Haley's parents are from Amritsar in India’s  ... MORE

Thomas Lifson: Something Is Rotten At Reuters

An incompetent news service or a propaganda tool?  The Reuters news service once again has made itself a laughingstock by publishing a mistake-riddled hit piece on Marco Rubio, all but ruling him out as a vice presidential nominee for the GOP because of alleged financial problems, many of which turned out to be untrue. Five corrections were necessary. ... MORE

Patriot-News: What Separates Ron Paul From The Pack

Only Paul seeks to minimize the role of the state. At a recent GOP debate, the presidential candidates were asked what they would be doing on a Saturday night if they weren’t running for president. The responses were typically safe and predictable, mostly having to do with watching sports, but one brave soul said he would be reading an economics textbook.   ... MORE

Roger L. Simon: Ron Paul Defends Romney & Capitalism

Texas congressman is a rare breed: politically honest.   I admit I have been critical of Ron Paul in the past, and still am regarding foreign policy, but I admire his forthright honesty in defense of Mitt Romney today. That’s a rare thing for a politician, particularly in the thick of the fight, but Paul seems to be a man who means what he says, good, bad or  ... MORE

AFP: Attorney General Holder Tied To OKC Bombers

He provided the explosives to Nichols and McVeigh.  Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing ... MORE