Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts

Jesse Weed: Obama's Social Justice Capitalism

Obama is not just motivated by kickbacks. Unlike the mercy-killing "vulture" capital firms, venture capital firms invest in start-up companies. Take a quick look at a venture capital firm like Atlas Venture Capital and you see a list of firms that are not exactly household names. The sole criterion venture capital firms use to select start-ups for initial financial  ... MORE

Don Surber: Obama Backers Getting Rich On Green Causes

Al Gore likes the Fisker.   Over the holidays, the New York Times reported: “Fisker Automotive is recalling all 239 of its 2012 Karma luxury plug-in hybrid cars because of a fire hazard.” Not mentioned in the report was the fact that the Obama administration had given this tiny car company a Solyndra-sized loan of $529 million. Banks loans the money with ... MORE

Obama Puts New Crony Capitalism Mechanism In Place

Bureaucrats to lord new powers over industry.    In a defiant display of executive power, President Obama on Wednesday will buck GOP opposition and name Richard Cordray as the nation’s chief consumer watchdog, even though the Senate contends the move is inappropriate, senior administration officials told the Associated Press.  ... MORE

Doctors Agree ObamaCare Is No Remedy For Health Woes

by Sally Piper, Pacific Research Institute.  America’s doctors have conducted a full examination of the president’s health reform law — and their diagnosis of its effects on our healthcare system isn’t good. Nearly two-thirds of doctors expect the quality of care in this country to decline, according to a new survey from consulting giant Deloitte. Just 27 ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Obama's Crony Capitalism

What Solyndra reveals about Obama's economic policy.  The president's address on jobs last night included some soaring phrases, but it left out one crucial word that epitomizes his approach to economics: Solyndra. Fourteen months ago, the president was using his sonorous baritone to deliver soaring rhetoric about how his policies helped launch that  ... MORE

VIDEO: Top 3 Common Myths of Capitalism

Is being pro-business and pro-capitalism the same? Does capitalism generate an unfair distribution of income? Was capitalism responsible for the most recent financial crisis?

Steve Chapman: Wired For Overregulation

Washington's latest regulatory power grab. Outside the Washington headquarters of the Federal Trade Commission is a sculpture of a powerfully built, shirtless man forcibly restraining an unruly horse. It's called "Man Controlling Trade," and it captures a common attitude in government: Oftentimes, capitalist firms need to be saddled and broken.               ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: An Unusual Economy?

Higher labor costs equal higher unemployment. Many in the media are saying how unusual it is for our economy to be so sluggish for so long, after we have officially emerged from a recession. In a sense, they are right. But, in another sense, they are profoundly wrong. The American economy usually rebounds a lot faster than it is doing today. After a recession passes,     ... MORE

Anthony Gregory: More Liberty Up In Smoke

 Tobacco and the limits to utilitarianism. Tobacco companies are suing the U.S. government over a policy forcing them to put ghastly images on their product to dissuade consumers from smoking. Along with warning labels, which have long been mandated, would come graphics depicting diseased lungs, corpses, rotting teeth, even tracheotomy holes. The businesses claim this is an ... MORE

Gene Healy: Nixon's Wage And Price Controls

Another tale of executive power and the damage done. Remember "TARP," "Too Big to Fail," "Government Motors," "pay czar," the buzzwords of the Bush-Obama era? They reflected a disturbing trend toward presidential interference in economic life. Forty years ago this week, President Richard Nixon showed us just how dangerous unchecked executive power can ... MORE