Showing posts with label language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label language. Show all posts

Washington State Castrates Frosty The Snowman

by Mark J. Perry.    OK, I might have exaggerated a little bit with that headline and the Frosty photo above. But not by much, and only because Frosty probably doesn’t appear in any state statutes. But a new manpersondate in the state of Washington that legally bans any gender (aka male) bias in state statutes will replace “penmanship”     ... MORE

Victor Davis Hanson: 1984 + 29

The Obama revolution.    Imagine if, during the campaign of 2008, someone had written the following: “If Barack Obama is elected president, then each year from now on the federal budget will be a trillion dollars in the red. He will pile up in two terms more debt than all previous presidents combined. Interest rates will stay at near zero; 7.6 percent       ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Our Deviant Society

Watch out for falling standards.    Here's one usage of the term gentleman: The gentleman helped the fallen lady to her feet. Here's another, one we might hear from a newscaster or a police spokesman: Tonight we report on the arrest of two gentlemen who raped, sodomized and murdered an 80-year-old woman. During earlier times, to be c  ... MORE

VIDEO: PC Is Never Having To Say You're Sorry

WARNING: Members of the ethnic or gender grievance industries will be offended.

Thomas Sowell: Phony In Chief

True believers may not want to know the truth. When President Barack Obama and others on the left are not busy admonishing the rest of us to be "civil" in our discussions of political issues, they are busy letting loose insults, accusations and smears against those who dare to disagree with them. Like so many people who have been beaten in a verbal    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: How Times Have Changed

A devolving society.    Having been born in 1936 has allowed me to witness both societal progress and retrogression. High on the list of things made better in our society are the great gains in civil liberties and economic opportunities, especially for racial minorities and women. People who are now deemed poor have a level of material wealth that would    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: A Political Glossary

When politicians talk fairness, hide your wallet. Since this is an election year, we can expect to hear a lot of words -- and the meaning of those words is not always clear. So it may be helpful to have a glossary of political terms. One of the most versatile terms in the political vocabulary is "fairness." It has been used over a vast range of issues, from  ... MORE

Peter Berger: On Blasphemy Laws

Religious groups raise hell over words.   In common usage blasphemy means words and actions which constitute an insult to God or other sacred entities. To the modern mind the term may seem obsolete, a leftover from primitive superstition. It is anything but obsolete to many people in the contemporary world. Toward the end of January two ... MORE