Showing posts with label minimum wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minimum wage. Show all posts

Katie Kieffer: Lower The Minimum Wage To $0

Or, how to energize a floundering economy. If you love In-N-Out burgers and care about the workers who flip your burgers, then you should support a minimum wage of $0. Deep down, I know you’re tired of seeing actors jump up and down for TV cameras while waving professional signs that read: “McGreedy! McStingy! McPoverty!” or “McShame.     ... MORE

How L.A.’s New Minimum Wage Could Hurt the Poor

by Monica Potts.  A liberal argues that higher wages will just negate government subsidies. This week, the Los Angeles City Council voted to increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour, from the current $9, by 2020, joining the ranks of other liberal cities like Seattle and San Francisco who are acting despite federal inaction on the issue. But L.A. is the  ... MORE

Warren Buffett Knows Minimum Wage Hurts Workers

by Chris Matthews.    Billionaire suggests education instead. Warren Buffett is a favorite of the American left for his support of such policies as higher taxes on the rich and healthcare reform. But advocates for workers rights may be a little less pleased with the billionaire investor after he published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal Friday, decrying   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: The True Black Tragedy

Keeping blacks on the liberal plantation.     Hustlers and people with little understanding want us to believe that today's black problems are the continuing result of a legacy of slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. The fact is that most of the social pathology seen in poor black neighborhoods is entirely new in black history. Let's look   ... MORE

Seattle Raised Its Minimum Wage, Now This Is Happening

by Meghan Raffa.    As of April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle rose to $15. Small businesses have seven years to implement this change, while large companies must raise wages within the next two years. On one hand, it seems like a good thing that the government is mandating that low-income workers make enough money to help them meet  ... MORE

Pizza Shop Goes Under Thanks To Minimum Wage Hike

by Tina Patel.   On Seattle's minimum employment incentives. It may be one of the first casualties of Seattle’s new minimum wage law. The owner of Z Pizza says she’s being forced to close her doors, because she can’t afford the higher labor costs. Devin Jeran was happy to get a raise, when Seattle’s minimum wage went up to $11 an hour at the beginning  ... MORE

J.D. Tuccille: Will The Minimum Wage Protesters Order Fries From Their Burger-Flipping Robot Replacements?

Going the way of gas attendants and theater ushers.     The Momentum Machines website is low-key right now, but that may have something to do with high-profile arguments in the press and protests in the streets demanding that fast-food chains pay workers $15 an hour to do the job the company's robots are designed to fill. Even before   ... MORE

NY Times Gets Confused About Minimum Wage Again

by Tim Worstall.    The editorial page has been dumbed down. There was a glorious time, when America was young again, that the New York Times actually had the right idea about the minimum wage. The rate should be zero of course. No, really, here’s their headline: "The Right Minimum Wage: $0.00." That’s not an Op/Ed, that’s an editorial.  ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: Minimum Wage and Magical Thinking

No one can defy the law of demand.     If all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the fewer people will demand it. That's the law of demand, a fundamental idea in economics. And yet there is no shortage of politicians, pundits, policy wonks, and members of the public who insist that raising the price of labor will not have the  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Self-Enforcing Discrimination

How do-gooders handicap the poor. Black politicians, civil rights organizations and others who say they are concerned with the welfare of poor black people often support harmful measures. One of the most effective tools for disadvantaged people is to be able to charge a lower price for what they sell and pay a higher price for what they buy. ... MORE

A Slow-Motion Accident Right Before Our Eyes

by Michael Hausam. Seattle's minimum wage chickens coming home to roost. The city of Seattle is providing the nation the economic-planning equivalent of a Funniest Home Video face-plant compilation movie. And it promises to be a doozy. Except for in this case, the face-plant is occurring to an entire city’s population and there’s no hope for a big cash   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Ruinous 'Compassion'

Killing jobs with kindness.      It is fascinating to see brilliant people belatedly discover the obvious — and to see an even larger number of brilliant people never discover the obvious. A recent story in a San Francisco newspaper says that some restaurants and grocery stores in Oakland's Chinatown have closed after the city's minimum      ... MORE

Seattle Restaurants Closing Ahead Of $15 Minimum Wage

“It’s not a political problem; it’s a math problem.”   Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law goes into effect on April 1, 2015. As that date approaches, restaurants across the city are making the financial decision to close shop. The Washington Policy Center writes that “closings have occurred across the city, from Grub in the upscale Queen     ... MORE

Killing Jobs & Closing Doors — A Minimum-Wage Warning

by Michael Saltsman.  NY needs to take note of SF. Couples across the country spent Valentine’s Day watching the rom-com “You’ve Got Mail,” where Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan fight over customers as his bookstore behemoth threatens to gobble up her neighborhood Shop Around The Corner. That storyline resonated with viewers in 1998, and     ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Minimum Wage Exploitation

Businesses Find Ways To Cope With Minimum Wage Hikes

by Chris Kirkham.    Low-skill workers, consumers pay the price. When the minimum wage in San Jose went from $8 to $10 an hour in 2013, Adolfo Gomez started sending kitchen staff at his Mexican restaurant home early. His mother and brother handled the extra work. In Albuquerque, Myra Ghattas told cooks and hostesses to come in later when the  ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: The Minimum Wage And Magical Thinking

Defying the law of demand never works.     If all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the less people will demand it. That's the law of demand, a fundamental idea in economics. And yet there is no shortage of politicians, pundits, policy wonks, and members of the public who insist that raising the price of labor will not have  ... MORE