Showing posts with label minimum wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minimum wage. Show all posts

Thomas Sowell: The Fact-Free Left: Part II

Intentions trump results, every time.     There is no way to know what is going on in someone else's mind. But sometimes their behavior tells you more than their words. The political left's great claim to authenticity and honor is that what they advocate is for the benefit of the less fortunate. But how could we test that? T.S. Eliot once said,    ... MORE

Costs From Regulations Pile Up, Hurt Small Business Profits

by Joyce M. Rosenberg.   Govt's war on capitalism. It's getting more expensive to be an employer and small business owners say that's making it harder for them to make money. The health care law, minimum wage increases and paid sick leave laws in some states and cities are increasing costs. Small companies also face the prospect of higher overtime  ... MORE

Higher Minimum Wage Leads To Price Rises And Job Losses

by Tim Worstall.    We have been trying to tell people for some time now that raising the minimum wage just isn’t this costless exercise that so many seem to think it is. Raising that minimum wage means a pretty large amount of money flowing to one specific group of people in the economy. Which, given that we’ve not created any new money here,      ... MORE

Fast Food Restaurant Responds To Minimum Wage Hike

by Kaitlyn Schallhorn.    Some raise prices, others layoff workers. As San Francisco is set to raise its minimum wage to $15 over the next few years, Chipotle raised the price of its food. According to Investors Business Daily, Chipotle in San Francisco raised its prices as much as 14.4 percent as the Golden Gate City raised its minimum wage by 14 percent.    ... MORE

The $15 Minimum Wage Would Cost 300,000 Jobs

by Tim Worstall.    There’s an absolutely fascinating little piece of information in George Osborne’s budget over in my native UK. For it gives us a firm calculation of the number of job losses that will come from a rise in the minimum wage in that country. And we can adapt that estimate to the United States and the effect of the $15 an hour that is   ... MORE

Why Should Government Demand Wage Rates Rather Than Let Individuals Be Free To Pursue Their Own Interests?

by Chuck Barnard.  We should all be free to work for a business based on our personal criteria, including the wage they pay. What right do any of these progressives have to tell someone who would agree to work for another individual for a mutually agreed-upon wage that they can’t? How do they have the right to say to someone they must work for a  ... MORE

The Effects Of The Minimum Wage Rise In San Francisco

by Tim Worstall.   As we keep trying to point out to people there really isn’t anything even remotely resembling a free lunch when it comes to the discussion of wages and labor. Meaning that just because well meaning liberals wave their magic wand and decree that wages will rise there will indeed be countervailing effects. And in San Francisco, where   ... MORE

Cheerleaders To Get Minimum Wage Under California Law

by Justin Worland.     Now, maybe the pretty girls will try out. New legislation in California would protect cheerleaders for professional sports teams from receiving low pay that some in the industry say amounts to less than minimum wage. The bill, the first of its kind in the nation, passed the California State Senate Monday and awaits the signature of   ... MORE

McDonald’s Response To $15 An Hour Minimum Wage

by Farley Elliott.  It seems that most of the online restaurant platforms looking to deliver us into the future are primarily aimed at just getting the world to interact less and less in person. Food delivery and personal meal apps are all the rage — and allow anyone to just sit at home in soiled sweatpants forever — as are reservation systems and payment  ... MORE

New York Democrats Begin To Realize Minimum Wage Means Maximum Unemployment For Low-Skill Workers

by Novell Rose.   It is not about politics, it is about math. It happened in Seattle — pay goes up, business goes down. As Western Journalism reported about the city’s $15-per-hour minimum wage law, an article in Seattle Magazine raised the red flag about the red ink a number of local restaurants would be facing because of the increasing labor     ... MORE

Brian Doherty: L.A.'s Minimum Wage Hike: A Teaching Moment For Those Trying To Help The Underprivileged

Harder to do good for someone if it costs a lot more.  A lightly annotated story from today's L.A. Times from the frontline of the politically connected trying to claim special exemptions from L.A's forthcoming minimum wage hike, which highlights not the corruption of the politically connected seeking special favors but the logic    ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Lower The Minimum Wage To $0

Or, how to energize a floundering economy. If you love In-N-Out burgers and care about the workers who flip your burgers, then you should support a minimum wage of $0. Deep down, I know you’re tired of seeing actors jump up and down for TV cameras while waving professional signs that read: “McGreedy! McStingy! McPoverty!” or “McShame.     ... MORE

How L.A.’s New Minimum Wage Could Hurt the Poor

by Monica Potts.  A liberal argues that higher wages will just negate government subsidies. This week, the Los Angeles City Council voted to increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour, from the current $9, by 2020, joining the ranks of other liberal cities like Seattle and San Francisco who are acting despite federal inaction on the issue. But L.A. is the  ... MORE

Warren Buffett Knows Minimum Wage Hurts Workers

by Chris Matthews.    Billionaire suggests education instead. Warren Buffett is a favorite of the American left for his support of such policies as higher taxes on the rich and healthcare reform. But advocates for workers rights may be a little less pleased with the billionaire investor after he published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal Friday, decrying   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: The True Black Tragedy

Keeping blacks on the liberal plantation.     Hustlers and people with little understanding want us to believe that today's black problems are the continuing result of a legacy of slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. The fact is that most of the social pathology seen in poor black neighborhoods is entirely new in black history. Let's look   ... MORE

Seattle Raised Its Minimum Wage, Now This Is Happening

by Meghan Raffa.    As of April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle rose to $15. Small businesses have seven years to implement this change, while large companies must raise wages within the next two years. On one hand, it seems like a good thing that the government is mandating that low-income workers make enough money to help them meet  ... MORE

Pizza Shop Goes Under Thanks To Minimum Wage Hike

by Tina Patel.   On Seattle's minimum employment incentives. It may be one of the first casualties of Seattle’s new minimum wage law. The owner of Z Pizza says she’s being forced to close her doors, because she can’t afford the higher labor costs. Devin Jeran was happy to get a raise, when Seattle’s minimum wage went up to $11 an hour at the beginning  ... MORE