Showing posts with label prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prices. Show all posts

James Nye: Denny's Dishes Out Pain Thanks To ObamaCare

To cut employee hours and add surcharge to the bill.  President Obama's election victory ensured his Affordable Care Act would remain the centerpiece of his first term in power - but that has left some business owners baulking at the extra cost Obamcare will bring. Florida based restaurant boss John Metz, who runs approximately 40 Denny's and ... MORE

Walter E Williams - Disaster Ignorance

Higher prices attract more supply.     Here's a which-is-better question for you. Suppose a New Jersey motel room rented for $125 a night prior to Hurricane Sandy's devastation. When the hurricane hits, a husband, wife and their two youngsters might seek the comfort of renting two adjoining rooms. However, when they arrive at the motel,  ... MORE

Check Out The Drastic Price Increases On These 21 Items

It's not just gas!    Tuesday’s presidential debate touched on some massive economic issues that are affecting all Americans. The immense increase in gas prices was a crucial part of the discussion, but have other everyday products seen a drastic increased in price over the same time period?  According to Blaze research on data provided by the   ... MORE

Kenneth Gould: The High Cost Of College

An economic explanation. Despite good intentions, government has reduced price competition; as a result, prices have risen much faster than they otherwise would. Many news articles are starting to note that middle and upper-middle class parents are having trouble paying for their children’s college educations. Most of these articles see this  ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Amazon Is Obama's Mistress

President Obama has a mistress.    Her name is Amazon. Whereas former Presidents Kennedy and Clinton rendezvoused with female interns, Obama rendezvous with an e-commerce company. Amazon currently monopolizes e-book sales, controlling 60 percent of the market. And, like a jealous lover, Obama is suing Amazon’s competitors in order to    ... MORE

3 Crucial Things About The Apple Antitrust Case

by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins. Just when Apple was introducing its latest iPad, the government announced that Apple was among six companies being investigated over ebook pricing. As that investigation appears to be nearing its conclusion, here are three things everyone needs to know about the case. 1. The government is targeting voluntary agreements  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Good Economists

Reality isn't always pretty.     It's difficult to be a good economist and simultaneously be perceived as compassionate. To be a good economist, one has to deal with reality. To appear compassionate, often one has to avoid unpleasant questions, use "caring" terminology and view reality as optional. Affordable housing and health care costs are terms with ... MORE

Scott Bittle/Jean Johnson: Presidents And The Price Of Oil

The great energy challenge.   If you’re a primary voter, you’ve got your pick of candidates who’ll promise to bring down the price of gasoline. Unfortunately, whoever wins is going to run up against the limits of presidential power pretty quickly. The fact is that presidents don’t have that much authority over the price of oil, for a number of virtually  ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: How Liberals Distort Austrian Economics

Lame campaign to discret the Austrian school. When a presidential candidate declares, as Ron Paul has, “We’re all Austrians now,”  it’s inevitable that his critics would try to discredit him—whether they understand what he’s talking about or not. That’s what Matthew Yglesias does in his Slate piece “What Is ‘Austrian Economics’?” I recommend the piece because it's ... MORE

Greg Beato: The Case For Walmart

NY politicians should drop their misguided war. In late November, New York City fired another preemptive strike against the gathering threat of $4 prescription drug co-pays, organic baby food, and eco-friendly laundry detergent. It came in the form of a report entitled Food for Thought: A Case Study of Walmart’s Impact on Harlem’s Healthy Food Retail    ... MORE

Robert P. Murphy: Understanding The Price Of Money

On purchasing power. In a money economy, the money commodity is on one side of every transaction, and hence reduces the number of relevant prices. The direct exchange ratio between any two commodities can easily be computed from their respective money prices. The "price" or purchasing power of money is the array of goods and services for which a unit of ... MORE