Showing posts with label spying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spying. Show all posts

Dec 17, 2018

District court judge in Texas holds Obamacare is unlawful

fromReason: Do you really care why or are you just going to rejoice?
Regulation Nation

Greedy California politicians eyeball text messaging tax as new resource to mine

fromTheMercuryNews: Millennials favor socialism. They are also the ones who text message most. Perhaps there is a warped kind of justice going on here. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery      Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

He ain't no Henry Ford---Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded gravy train

fromDavidStockmansContraCorner: Tesla cars are financed by over $280 million in federal tax incentives, including a $7,500 federal tax break and millions more in state rebates and development fees. Can you say crony capitalism?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The EPA wants to get out of puddles and ditches. Environmental activists are outraged.

fromReason: A welcome new federal approach under the Clean Water Act. The Obama EPA defined "navigable water" as basically every ditch, puddle, pond, etc. which made them all fall under its jurisdiction.
Regulation Nation

Three Clinton Foundation whistleblowers to testify about tax Crimes, pay-for-play

fromZeroHedge: Following allegations of sloppy accounting, potential tax fraud and pay-to-play, the Clinton Foundation will be under a Congressional microscope this week.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The EFF gift guide: What’s creeping us out

fromEFF: Here are some gifts being pushed this year that, from a privacy or security standpoint, are on our naughty list.

Dec 15, 2018

Truth and free speech are being taken away from us

fromForeignPolicyJournal: "Moreover, as the claim is that government was harmed by Wikileaks publishing the truth, Assange’s secret indictment sets the precedent that truth is harmful to government."

DEA spy cameras In vacuum cleaners: surveillance state

fromZeroHedge: The government website reports that "the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) awarded a contract to an American defense company to build a vacuum cleaner for surveillance purposes."
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

The media incentives to align themselves with the state at the expense of truth

fromCaitlinJohnstone: Insightful explanation of the why the mainstream media becomes a statist propaganda tool. 
Media Bias on Parade

Walter E Williams: Acceptable racism

fromCreators: Muhammad Ali had it right when he said: "Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

It’s in America’s best interests to stop overspending on our military

fromtheFederalist: We spend gobs of money on our military, so what do we get in return? A lot of foreign intervention that has little clear benefit to Americans.
Defense Versus The War Machine

Trump's cluelessness is his best defense against charges that he 'knowingly and willfully' violated law

fromCreators: If Trump did not recognize hush payments to his (alleged) former mistresses as illegal campaign contributions, he is not criminally culpable.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Nov 13, 2018

The real winner of the 2018 midterms: individual liberty

fromTheHill: The most important takeaway is that we will have a divided federal government, with the executive branch and Senate controlled by the Republicans and the House controlled by the Democrats.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Civil forfeiture is worse than its proponents proclaim

fromSaltLakeTribune: For the uninitiated, this is a law that allows the government to legally take possession of your property without even having to charge you with commission of a crime, let alone secure a conviction.
Police State America

Pot proponents claim victory, set sights on national legalization

fromNBCNews: "Marijuana has now been legalized for adult use in one out of every five states, so I think it's safe to say federal laws are in need of an update," he said.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Racism as a Political Tactic

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, a look at how racism has been reduced to virtually a meaningless political tactic. Christopher Harris.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery     Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Gov’t denies homeless people food by raiding charity, pouring bleach on food to destroy it

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Earlier this month, the kind folks over at Free Hot Soup Kansas City hosted a picnic at their local park and invited hundreds of homeless people to partake in the food. 
Regulation Nation     The Government is Not Us

DEA and ICE 'are hiding secret cameras inside streetlights and traffic barrels across the country'

fromDailyMail: The US Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agencies have hidden a number of covert surveillance cameras inside street lights, according to federal contracting documents.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

October 31, 2018

A national debt 6 times the size of the economy? That's where America is heading.

fromReason: While federal revenue will continue to rise as well, it will not keep up with spending.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

3 steps to get the government out of your life

fromTheDailyBell: Step one: stop taking the bait
The Government is Not Us

Trump’s tariffs are backfiring even on industries that were supposed to benefit from trade protectionism

fromAEI: Trump’s steel tariffs are backfiring even for the US steelmakers who were supposed to be the main beneficiaries of tariffs since the whole point of Trump’s protectionism was to artificially prop up high-cost.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Parents outraged after school shaved large patches of hair from kids’ heads to drug test them

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Government's compliant slave training. Students in a Kansas middle school were humiliated after officials removed large chunks of their hair to comply with the school's drug test policy.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange     The Government is Not Us

How the government uses its giant facial recognition database

fromTheDailyBell: Government used the terrorism crisis to deploy its massive domestic surveillance scheme
Read about the real reason it exists.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Walter E Williams: Democratic-controlled House

fromCreators: The Founders recognized that we need government; however, they also recognized that the essence of government is force and that force is evil.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

October 1, 2018

Feds force suspect to unlock an Apple iPhone X with their face

fromTheFederalist: It finally happened. The feds forced an Apple iPhone X owner to unlock their device with their face. That's by any police agency anywhere in the world, not just in America.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - Freedom is in Danger

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From “The Rise and Fall of American Freedom,” Judge Andrew Napolitano warns Americans about the deterioration of the Constitution and future of liberty.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Your "privilege" level: how much we can steal from you in the name of equality

fromMises: It’s hard to imagine a more effective way to increase division in society than by splitting everyone into different groups that are either good or bad, privileged or oppressed.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

TSA furious as LA bucks the Feds by allowing citizens to fly out of state with weed

fromFreeThoughtProject: The TSA will rat you out to the police if you are caught trying to fly with weed, but as long as you abide by state laws, the police will leave you alone.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

California versus the rest of the nation

fromEricPetersAuto: The control freaks of left coast seek to dictate the future of automobiles.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The Kavanaugh hearings are about reason versus emotion

fromTheFederalist: There is only one fundamental dividing line in the reaction to the televised hearings about accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, and it’s not solely a partisan one.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

September 29, 2018

Murders and rapes increasingly going unsolved as cannabis arrests surge—despite legalization

fromFreeThoughtProject: New research shows cannabis arrests are on the rise at the same time over half of the United States have legalized cannabis in some form or another.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Mom regains custody of 10-month-old son who was taken by CPS because she left the hospital too quickly

fromReason: Judge: "There is nothing in the record which would lead this court to believe that the mother is unwilling to provide the appropriate care for the child."
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: should you need the government's permission to work?

fromInstituteForJustice/YouTube: In a free country, no third party would stand between an man needing an employee and a man willing to work at the rate offered.
Regulation Nation

The government wants airlines to delay your flight so they can scan your face

fromTheIntercept: No inconvenience is too great for the common man when government seeks to expand its database on the citizenry. Designed to be a public servant, government is now the master.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Stormy Daniels and “peak oil”

fromEricPetersAuto: Everyone knows about Stormy Daniels. How many know that United States is on track to be a net exporter of oil by the early 2020s Whatever happened to “peak oil”? Weren’t we supposed to be running out?
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

John Stossel: Leaving the left

fromCreators: Dave Rubin began doing long interviews with people like talk show host Larry Elder. The more people he interviewed, the more he became convinced something was missing in the left's picture of the world.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

August 30, 2018

CA becomes first state to eliminate bail for suspects awaiting trial

fromABC30: When they got rid of attorney-client privilege, no one cared because it was just Michael Cohen. Will anyone now care that the presumption of innocence is headed toward the shit can.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process        The Government is Not Us

3D gun proponent Cody Wilson defiant, offers firearm blueprints for sale In an exclusive interview with Matt Aaron of the Podcast Network, Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed explains how he planned all along to defy US lawmakers.
2nd Amendment Assaults

VIDEO: Mark Penn, Tucker Carlson - Big Tech, Big Brother

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Remember this: When liberals do the right thing morally, they often injure themselves politically. They did this weekend.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Walter E Williams: Immigrants and Disease

fromCreators: The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to determine whether they have an inadmissible health condition.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Why the liberal dilemma leads to a Democratic demise

fromTownhall: Remember this: When liberals do the right thing morally, they often injure themselves politically. They did this weekend.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Warrior cops endanger our lives and freedoms

fromTownhall: "My beef is with the growing squads of warrior cops who have been given the green light to kill, shoot, taser, abuse and steal from American citizens in the so-called name of law and order."
Police State America

July 30, 2016

TSA tracking regular travelers like terrorists in secret surveillance program

fromTheBostonGlobe: Welcome to the Quiet Skies.  
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Carter Page - The Pretense to Spy on the Trump Campaign

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: The Obama administration’s DOJ and FBI deployed a phony Clinton-DNC paid dossier as a pretense to spy on Page, the Trump campaign and then launch the Mueller probe.  
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Hilarious straw ban memes hit on the dark truth that all laws require force

fromReason: Straw banners will soon have to answer for all the people fined, arrested, or even jailed for violating their petty prohibitions.  
Regulation Nation

Burro-eato! Donkey herds are dwindling as hungry Venezuelans slaughter them for food

fromMiamiHerald: End stage socialism is a terrible thing to witness.  
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Dad guilty of manslaughter for pointing gun at a cop who then shot and killed his 12-year-old daughter

fromDailyMail: They kill his daughter, then send him to prison. Twisted justice always favors the state.  
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of education: The homeschooling option

fromTownhall: Americans have lost faith in the public school system. Only 36 percent of U.S. parents have a “great deal” of support for public schools, according to a 2017 study by Gallup.  
Indoctrination and Censorship

July 9, 2016

Government calls it forfeiture, but it’s theft

fromBloomberg: If America is a Christian nation, why is stealing okay?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Smart technology sees through walls to track and identify people

fromNBCNews: A group of researchers and students at MIT have developed an intelligent radar-like technology that makes it possible to see through walls to track people as they move around.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Defying Congress, Jeff Sessions keeps blocking medical marijuana research

fromReason: Two years after accepting applications, the DEA has yet to grant licenses to growers.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

If civility is out of style, where do we end up next?

fromReason: Yearning for the days when interrupting your debate opponent was considered the height of incivility.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Caribbean nations agree to consider marijuana legalization

fromMarijuanaMoment: Caribbean nations agreed to consider marijuana reclassification, noting “human and religious rights” issues as well as “the economic benefits to be derived” from legalization.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

The next Supreme Court Justice must uphold the principles of individual liberty

fromDailyTorch: There is always an adversary looking to limit freedom, and our surest line of defense is the Constitution.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle      The Pursuit of Happiness

July 2, 2016

Laws that are 'impossible' to follow can still be Constitutional, says California court

fromTheIntercept: California judges insure the state remains the gold standard for nitwittery, deciding that just because it is impossible to comply with a law doesn’t make it invalid.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process     Regulation Nation    Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Cops arrested a black man. He called them Nazis, so he was charged with a hate crime.

fromReason: "This is not what the hate crime statute was for. This is criminalizing pure speech, and that violates the First Amendment."
Police State America

Marijuana legalization is having its best year ever

fromVox: From Canada to Vermont to Oklahoma to California, this has been a huge year for legalization advocates.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Shocking moment a cop uses a stun gun on a suspect sitting on a curb who WAS following police orders

fromTheDailyMail:     Video shows a Lancaster, Pennsylvania police officer deploy his Taser on a nonviolent man complying with orders.
Police State America

The wiretap rooms

fromTheIntercept: The NSA’s hidden spy hubs in eight U.S. cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Home builders are building smaller homes because of Trump's tariffs

fromEconomicPolicyJournal: Lumber is the biggest component of a new home. An average house last year had more than $60,000 in wood products. Since early last year, lumber costs have shot up by more than 60 percent.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

June 27, 2016

FBI won’t reveal extent of illegal “geek squad” spying

fromTheDailyBell: As hard as the FBI tries, people’s rights keep getting in the way of their investigations!
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

A list of 97 taxes Americans pay every year

fromTaxesVersusLiquidity: It is like death by a thousand paper cuts.  Politicians have become extremely creative in finding ways to extract money from all of us, and most Americans don't even realize what is being done to them.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Walter E Williams: Diversity and Inclusion Harm II

fromTheDailyBell: In recent years, the Federal Aviation Administration has also become consumed by diversity and inclusion -- much to the detriment of our safety.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

John Stossel: Chinese Big Brother

fromTheDailyBell: The Chinese government monitors your web activity and gives you a grade. Your purchases, social interactions and political activity will determine what privileges you get. 
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Harley-Davidson to shift production overseas to offset EU tariffs

fromTheWallStreetJournal: The folly of Trump tariffs. Motorcycle maker said tariffs of 31% the EU enacted last week would raise the cost of each motorcycle it ships there from the U.S. by about $2,200.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The army took over the spigots, forcing thirsty Venezuelans to pay

fromBloomberg: End stage socialism is an exercise in economic cannibalism.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

June 3, 2016

Your Home is your...snitch? When your appliances work as police informants.

fromTheMarshallProject: “From a law enforcement or intelligence perspective, smart appliances are very valuable tools that can let us monitor or listen to individuals,” says a former FBI executive assistant director.  
Police State America     Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Colorado set to become first In U.S. To use “smart pavement” to monitor drivers In real-time

fromActivistPost: The rise of connected smart cities is in fact based upon multi-use systems and is being imposed with very little debate. It is an all-encompassing agenda that politicians everywhere fully support.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Trump has cut federal payroll by 24,000 jobs

fromCNSNews: The federal government cut 3,000 jobs in May and federal employment has now dropped by 24,000 since President Donald Trump took office, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Mike Rowe - When safety and feelings become priorities

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: The safety first mentality is challenged at long last. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Breaking down America’s worst long-term challenges

fromTheDailyBell: Debt, the retirement crisis and the destruction of our currency. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Spy Games - Corruption@FBI 13

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Now, we know the Obama FBI had implanted a spy within the Trump to deposit information that could later be used as a basis for investigation. 
The Government is Not Us       Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

May 21, 2016

Google’s Selfish Ledger is an unsettling vision of Silicon Valley social engineering

fromTheVerge: This internal video shows a Google concept for how total data collection could reshape society.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Study: Voters worried about political correctness flocked to candidate Trump

fromReason: "Support for Trump (and opposition to Clinton) is especially likely amongst people who feel emotional reactance to restrictive communication norms."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Video of a bully cop getting owned by an informed citizen

fromTheDailyMail: Cops should learn the law just to avoid embarrassment if nothing else.
Police State America

It's time to put our federal meat inspection law out to pasture

fromReason: Outdated regulations are hampering the beef meat industry.
Regulation Nation

Want to listen to police scanners? Cops say no more

fromTheWallStreetJournal: In a police state, authorities operate in secret. Their actions are seldom made public.
Police State America

State sets massive precedent, passes law to effectively ban the NSA

fromTheVerge: Michigan seeks to become a sanctuary state from the privacy invasions of federal snoops by honoring the Fourth Amendment.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

May 13, 2016

How a “location API” allows cops to figure out where we all are in real-time

fromCreators: Last week, The New York Times reported on Securus, a prison telecom company that has a service enabling law enforcement officers to locate most American cell phones within seconds.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make     Police State America

Texas Health Department considers cracking down on CBD

fromCreators: Why would government keep patients from a harmless pain-relieving substance? Because they can. They are regulators and the mission of regulators is to destroy options.
Regulation Nation    The War Against Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Feds collect record taxes through April; still run $385.4B deficit

fromCNSNews: Politicians succeeded to transfer more wealth from individuals to themselves but could not constrain their drunken-sailor spending.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

New law: Kansas cops can no longer have sex during traffic stops

fromCreators: This is no doubt about revenue. Good news: traffic citations can no longer be bartered away. 
Bad news: the police unions are not happy.
Police State America

The new battle over genetic privacy: How DNA sites became a police weapon

fromNewstatesman: Police are using sites such as to revive historic crime investigations.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Cop savagely beats his own daughter at school, and no one tries to stop him

fromTheFreeThought: Do you really think he treats the general public better than his own daughter?
Police State America

May 5, 2016

Spy agency NSA triples collection of U.S. phone records: official report

fromForbes: The U.S. National Security Agency collected 534,000,000 records of phone calls and text messages of Americans last year, more than triple gathered in 2016, a U.S. intelligence agency report released on Friday said. 
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Surveillance oversight across the Golden State

fromEFF: Too often, law enforcement makes unilateral decisions about surveillance equipment in the dark, driven by the sales pitches of vendors rather than an open dialogue about the public safety needs of the community.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Venezuela hikes minimum wage by 155% -- should McDonald's and Walmart match it?

fromForbes: The ugly truth about Venezuela’s minimum wage hikes: they are part of the country’s problem rather than solution.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

John Stossel: Propaganda Networks

fromForbes: Why does American journalist Abby Martin do propaganda for socialist murderers? Few viewers know that teleSUR is funded by the tyrants who control Cuba and Venezuela. 
Media Bias on Parade

VIDEO: Cathy Areu - Sherpa Guides Tucker Carlson Through Leftist Nitwittery

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, Cathy Areu (publisher of Catalina magazine) explains the finer points of progressive thinking (also known as leftist nitwittery) to the traditional-thinking host. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Public support for marijuana is growing. Will lawmakers follow?

fromPBS: Politicians may wind up under so much duress that they are actually forced to represent the will of the people.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

May 1, 2016

The economic case for free trade is stronger than ever

fromReason: But working-class identity politics threaten to ruin everything.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Why Americans are avoiding the doctor

fromMarketWatch: Despite having insurance, the costs are too high.
Regulation Nation           Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Good drivers are creating a budget shortfall, proving gov’t needs you to break the law to fund itself

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: One state has found that relying on a significant percentage of its budget to be derived from traffic fees and fines leads to a massive shortage when drivers fail to break the law.
The Government is Not Us

Democrats lose ground with millennials

fromReuters: An online survey of more than 16,000 registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Here is why North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons

fromTheNationalInterest: Kim's declaration that promises the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula is about survival.
Defense Versus The War Machine

Republicans love federal snooping

fromReason: (Unless it's against Trump).
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

April 25, 2016

Is the U.S. government evil? You tell me

fromRutherfordInstitute: This is a government that treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, traded, tracked, tortured, and eventually eliminated once they’ve outgrown their usefulness.
The Government is Not Us

Walter E Williams: Educational fraud continues

fromCreators: "I'm not sure about what can be done about education. But the first step toward any solution is for the American people to be aware of academic fraud at every level of education."
Indoctrination and Censorship

Public transit becomes another tool for total government surveillance

fromReason: City’s new bus system comes with 24-7 camera feeds.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Former federal prosecutor: Pay attention to what Andrew McCabe lied about

fromTownhall: After nearly two years of digging, there is still no proof of Trump-campaign collusion in Russian election-meddling. But we have collusion all right.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Trump assured Rand Paul that he intends to end wars in Afghanistan and Syria

fromGatewayPundit: Paul reversed course and voted for Mike Pompeo to become Secretary of State after assurances that President Trump intends to end the wars in Syria and Afghanistan and reform FISA.
Defense Versus The War Machine      Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Man's joke video of dog giving Nazi salute lands him U.K. hate speech fine

fromReason: Court feels "menaced" by a pug. The Brits seem a bit tightly wound.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

April 23, 2016

14 Years Ago Today, Pat Tillman was killed and gov’t covered up the truth to his death to sell war

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: On this day 14 years ago, former NFL player Pat Tillman was shot and killed by his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan, and the events surrounding his death still remain a mystery.
Defense Versus The War Machine

The rapid rise of San Francisco's surveillance camera network

fromSFGate: What started out as a pilot program with six privately-owned cameras around Union Square has morphed into a highly coordinated surveillance network of 350 cameras that share footage with police.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

In defense of cash

fromReason: Around the world, governments are trying to kill paper money. It's a terrible idea.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Bipartisan coalition emerges to support jury nullification appeal

fromTheLibertyConservative: First Amendment: Congress can make no law abridging free speech. They don't have to. The courts do it for them.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle       Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Andrew Napolitano: President Trump and the Attorney-Client Privilege

fromCreators: Records of whatever work Michael Cohen has been doing for him in the past 10 years will soon be in the custody of federal prosecutors who expect it to be evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the president himself.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Media war on Trump continues around the clock, and other proof of media bias

fromCreators: Every hour of every day, somewhere a major media outlet is attacking the president. It might be with a news show. It might be on an entertainment program.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption      Media Bias on Parade

April 18, 2016

Feds taxed and borrowed $4.47 trillion since last tax day

fromCNSNews: That means the federal government taxed and borrowed approximately $13,736.85 for every man, woman and child in the country.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

California progressives launch (another) attack on free speech

fromNationalReview: The California State Assembly is set to vote on a bill that would actually — among other things — ban the sale of books expressing orthodox Christian beliefs about sexual morality.
Regulation Nation      Indoctrination and Censorship

US police forces buying hack-vulnerable 'GrayKey' box to crack into encrypted phones

fromTheDailyMail: The $15,000 device that can unlock ANY iPhone
Police State America

Crimes of a monster: your tax dollars at work

fromTheRutherfordInstitute: We are living in an age of war profiteers. We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. Many of them work for the U.S. government. We are living in an age of monsters.
Defense Versus the War Machine

Tucker Carlson warns against intervention in Syria (Video)

fromTheDailySheeple: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue Monday night warned the U.S. against intervention in Syria.
Defense Versus The War Machine

Congress killed efforts to undo Sessions's civil forfeiture expansion, despite unanimous house votes

fromForbes: More than half the country has enacted civil forfeiture reform since 2014. Eight of those states have either completely banned or sharply restricted their agencies from participating in adoptive forfeitures.
Police State America

April 11, 2016

The slippery slope to a Constitution-free America

fromCreators: The ease with which Americans accept routine invasions of their privacy and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses is beyond unnerving. 
The Government is Not Us     Police State America   

Congress should stop ‘policing for profit’

fromOCRegister: For decades, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have been free to seize the property of Americans without so much as bringing criminal charges. It's legalized theft. 
Police State America

DHS wants to create profiles of journalists and “media influencers” who mention its name

fromActivistPost: The Department of Homeland Security wants to compile an extensive database on journalists, editors, foreign correspondents, and bloggers to identify top “media influencers” who mention its name. 
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Has the war party hooked Trump?

fromCreators: The sole beneficiaries of the gas attacks in Salisbury and Syria appear to be the War Party. 
Defense Versus The War Machine

‘Another false flag’: Fmr Congressman Ron Paul on Syrian gas attack

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Former congressman Ron Paul weighed in on the alleged gas attack which took place in Syria and noted how the deep state will use this likely false flag to push the US into another senseless war. 
Defense Versus The War Machine

If Laura Ingraham goes down for 'bullying,' you're next!

fromCreators: If Ingraham is a "bully," what do you call MSNBC's caustic, Trump-hating lineup of hosts?  
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery     Media Bias on Parade