Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts

Roberts Hands A Poisoned Chalice To The President

by Christopher Chantrill. What in the world was Chief Justice Roberts trying to do by voting with the liberals on ObamaCare?  Conservative opinion is all over the map, but conservative talk show hosts were clear, as I drove south from liberal Seattle to liberal Ashland, Oregon, on June 28, 2012, that the ball was in the voters' court. Whatever you think of Roberts'  ... MORE

Star Parker: Voter Rights Are Not Free

Just like freedom itself. Engraved large on one of the walls of the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC are the words “Freedom is not free.” It is sad that so many are unable or unwilling to appreciate the truth of this simple phrase or are ready to heed those who have or seek power who distort it. I cannot think of ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Real 'War On Women'

Slight of hand under the guise of fairness. Among the people who are disappointed with President Obama, none has more reason to be disappointed than those who thought he was going to be "a uniter, rather than a divider" and that he would "bring us all together." It was a noble hope, but one with no factual foundation. Barack Obama had been a    ... MORE

Katrina Trinko: Paul's Delegate Scramble

Why Ron Paul's delegate count remains relevant. Mitt Romney was declared the initial winner of the Iowa caucuses. Then, after a recount, Rick Santorum was announced as the actual victor. But it’s Ron Paul who may be having the last laugh in the Hawkeye State — and elsewhere. While media and voter attention has shifted to the general election, Paul  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: A Cynical Process

Power brokers with a narrow cause.   Labor unions, like the United Nations, are all too often judged by what they are envisioned as being — not by what they actually are or what they actually do. Many people, who do not look beyond the vision or the rhetoric to the reality, still think of labor unions as protectors of working people from their employers. And  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Mixing Ignorance And Democracy

Mindlessly exercising a right.  This is an election year, which means all of us will spend the next few months carefully following the campaigns, finding out all we can about the candidates' proposals and pondering what issues are most vital for the nation's future. Just kidding. Most of us wouldn't do that if you Tased us to within an inch of our lives. In fact,     ... MORE

VIDEO: Top Cop Chooses Not To See Voter Fraud

Even after stranger given Attorney General Eric Holder's ballot.

John Fund: Why We Need Voter-ID Laws Now

The attorney general can't look away anymore. Attorney General Eric Holder is a staunch opponent of laws requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls to improve ballot security. He calls them “unnecessary” and has blocked their implementation in Texas and South Carolina, citing the fear they would discriminate against minorities. I wonder what    ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: What If Democracy Is Bunk?

Do Americans have a fundamental misunderstanding?  What if you are only allowed to vote because it doesn't make a difference? What if no matter how you vote, the elites get to have it their way? What if "one person, one vote" is just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance? What if democracy is dangerous to personal freedom? ... MORE

John Stossel: Never Trust Government Numbers

Big government rides on the wheels of deception.    President Obama said in his State of the Union speech, "We've already agreed to more than $2 trillion in cuts and saving." That was reassuring. The new budget he released this week promises $4 trillion in "deficit reduction" — about half in tax increases and half in spending cuts. But like most politicians   ... MORE

Deneen Borelli: Why Voter ID Should Matter To All Of Us

What's more important than the integrity of the ballot box? The Rev. Jesse Jackson and other establishment civil rights leaders scolded South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley earlier this year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day no less, for her state’s voter identification law. They reminded her that her Indian ancestry (Gov. Haley's parents are from Amritsar in India’s  ... MORE

Karin Agness: Why Ron Paul Appeals To Young Voters

A champion of free enterprise and limited government. The first primaries of 2012 are complete, but the fight over the proper role of government continues. The question before GOP primary voters is who best reflects their own answer to that question, and then, who is best suited to make that case to the American people? A clear winner has yet to  ... MORE

VIDEO: Bill Whittle Explains THE VOTE PUMP

Did you know government spends $2.2 trillion a year on vote buying?

John Stossel: Don't Trust Your Instincts

Simple answers are satisfying, but often wrong. Simple answers are so satisfying: Green jobs will fix the economy. Stimulus will create jobs. Charity helps people more than commerce. Everyone should vote. Well, all those instinctive solutions are wrong. As Friedrich Hayek pointed out in The Fatal Conceit, it's a problem that in our complex, extended economy ... MORE

James A. Bacon: Victimhood Has Its Privileges

The quest of Obama's justice department.   The U.S. Justice Department is ever-vigilant against signs of “voter suppression” these days, most recently blocking - on the grounds that it would hurt blacks - a South Carolina law that would require voter identification. But the voting rights of some minorities, it appears, are more worth protecting than ... MORE