Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Why Racial Profiling Exists

Human beings do not have god-like insight. Right now, there isn't enough known about the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a black, by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old part-Hispanic, during his neighborhood watch tour in an Orlando, Fla., suburb. If evidence emerges that Zimmerman's actions were not   ... MORE

Emily Dolhansky: Young & Disillusioned With Government

Government too involved in citizen's life.   The years between adolescence and adulthood can be among the most confusing. Plagued with conflicting ideas, rebellious tendencies, and peer pressure, some teenagers turn inward and develop anti-government attitudes turning to radical groups such as skinheads and anarchists. For years, these groups have     ... MORE

VIDEO: The Student Loan Crisis

Be afraid. Be very afraid.    Because you see, another financial crisis looms. Just as there were millions of people given mortgages they couldn't afford, a million graduates are about to discover they have a useless degree they couldn't afford.

Karin Agness: Why Ron Paul Appeals To Young Voters

A champion of free enterprise and limited government. The first primaries of 2012 are complete, but the fight over the proper role of government continues. The question before GOP primary voters is who best reflects their own answer to that question, and then, who is best suited to make that case to the American people? A clear winner has yet to  ... MORE

VIDEO: Pelosi's Double Standard on the Minimum Wage

Socratic interviewer Jan Helfeld exposes the irrationality of a liberal icon.

Tim Worstall: Minimum Wage Proven To Be Too High

Youth unemployment proves it.  The argument about minimum wages sadly usually consists of two groups of people entirely talking past each other. On the one, wrong, side those who insist that any minimum wage at all is going to mean immediate mass unemployment. On the other, wrong again, side, those who insist that a minimum wage has no effect on   ... MORE

Daniel Oliver: Concripts in a Ponzi Scheme

The spit turns slowly over the Social Security roasting fire but there is no whimpering from the children being cooked. Yet. Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal (one of English literature's great satires) for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or their country, and for making them beneficial to the public was: to eat them. Our  ... MORE