Brian Doherty: Is The Soul Of The GOP Worth Fighting For?

Ron Paul vs. Rick Santorum. Ron Paul’s campaign (and his fans) had hoped to make the Republican presidential nomination race a Romney vs. Paul one by now. In this wished-for scenario, Paul could use his Tea Party, small government, Christian conservative bonafides to be a legitimate contender on the delegate-collection path toward Tampa. Alas, the former joke ... MORE

Eric Peters: Chevy Volt Sleeps With The Fishes

It might as well have been a Trabant. GM has just announced it will be idling the plant (and the 1,300 workers at that plant) where the "game changing" Chevy Volt electric car is -- uh, was -- built. GM says it's only temporary -- until they figure out how to "align production with demand." It could be a long wait for those workers. GM projected production  ... MORE

VIDEO: Harry Browne - Anti-Freedom Traps

Washington Times: Taking Back Property Rights

Kelo decision needs to be plowed under. Congress is taking steps to reverse a Supreme Court decision that turned a thriving middle-class community into a waterfront wasteland. It’s about time Kelo was knocked off-kilter. On Tuesday, the House passed a bill aimed at mitigating the impact of the controversial 2005 Supreme Court ruling in Kelo v. City of New ... MORE

Emily Miller: D.C.'s Crime Solution: Become A Victim

Official insists resident shouldn't defend themselves. Washington residents are up in arms, though not armed. With violent crime up 40 percent in the first two months of the year - including double the number of robberies at gunpoint - residents are looking for ways to protect themselves. Elected officials and police have no solution. Take Benjamin Portman   ... MORE

VIDEO: The February Nanny Of The Month

Busybodies minding your own business.

Eric E. Sterling: The War On Drugs Hurts Business

Time for an economic analysis of drug policy.  “The drug war is weakening state institutions, infiltrating judicial systems and undermining rule of law,” all of which is bad for business, César Zamora, Nicaraguan businessman and vice president of the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA) told the Christian Science  ... MORE

Robert Stacy McCain: The Breitbart Experience

His powerful voice for individual liberty will be missed.      Last Friday, at 10:30 p.m., Andrew Breitbart sent me a two-word text message: "Where y'at?" We were both in Troy, Michigan, that night. He was scheduled to speak at the next day's Americans for Prosperity forum. I was in town to cover the Republican presidential primary campaign. Knowing he would be  ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Spies In New Brunswick

Whose side is government on?   On June 2, 2009, a janitor in an office building in New Brunswick, N.J., noticed what he thought was terrorist-related literature and sophisticated surveillance equipment in an office he had been assigned to clean. He told his boss, who called the local police, who notified the FBI. Later in the day, the FBI and the New Brunswick  ... MORE

Gary Jason: Like The Price Of Gas? Just Wait!

Obama's post-November plans for our energy sector. The worthy journalists of the mainstream media have not seen fit to raise urgent questions about the soaring price of gas, and the current administration's role in causing it. Contrast that with the intensely critical commentary directed at George W. Bush when gas spiked during the latter part of his tenure ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - The Case For School Choice

Parental choice vs bureaucratic monopoly.

Katie Kieffer: Santorum Fails Constitution 101

Rick is not happy with our founding document.     I think Sen. Rick Santorum would make a great community organizer. Unfortunately, we are trying to remove, not re-elect, a community organizer in the White House. Both Santorum and President Obama have a track record of ignoring the Constitution and implementing their personal ideologies at the  ... MORE