Clinton: Obama Will Ignore Congress On Libya War

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a classified congressional hearing that the Obama regime would ignore Congress if it tried to rein in the unconstitutional war in Libya, but that the administration would send press releases to lawmakers, according to news reports. When Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) asked Clinton during the briefing what the regime’s response would be to Congress exercising its constitutional  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Failed Education Monopoly

Ethical Limbo: How Low Can Government Go?

Texas cops are ticketing thousands of school children to raise revenue.
With the rise of get-tough juvenile crime policies across Texas, the municipal courthouse has become the new principal’s office for thousands of students who get in fights, curse their teachers or are generally “disorderly” on school campuses — even in elementary schools, according to data collected from school systems by Texas Appleseed,  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Measuring Force

You don't just walk up to the local bully and slap him across the face. If you are determined to confront him, then you try to knock the living daylights out of him. Otherwise, you are better off to leave him alone. Anyone who grew up in my old neighborhood in Harlem could have told you that. But Barack Obama didn't grow up in my old neighborhood. He had a much more genteel upbringing, including a fancy private school,  ... MORE

Quin Hillyer: Atlas Needs Help

Conservatives should not shrug at this movie.
True confessions: Dagny Taggart is the only fictional character I ever fell in love with -- or at least, when reading the first third of Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged some two decades ago, I was so smitten with the heroine that I wished somebody like her would show up in real life. All of which explains how high was the hurdle standing  ... MORE

VIDEO: 5 Signs the Economy is Improving?

Steve Chapman: Unconcealed Truth About Carrying Guns

"Experience is a dear teacher," said Benjamin Franklin, "but fools will learn at no other." Give some credit to fools: At least they eventually learn from experience. What would Franklin say about people who don't? By that, I refer to gun control advocates alarmed that the Illinois legislature may vote to let licensed individuals carry concealed handguns. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence calls the ... MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - A Power Without Limits

Housing Decline: Only Halfway Home

When Reuters and announced the awful housing numbers from February, most observers were surprised. The housing market appeared to have found a bottom last fall, and many economists were expecting small but predictable improvements every month.The Commerce Department, however, doused whatever positive expectations there were when they announced that new home ... MORE

John Stossel: Students Who Get It!

I went to Princeton in 1969, where they taught me that government could solve the world's problems. Put the smartest people in a room, give them enough taxpayer money, and they will fix most everything. During those years, I heard nothing about an alternative. How things have changed! I recently spent time with several hundred college-aged people at a Students for Liberty  conference in Washington  ...  MORE

Thomas Sowell: Voting With Their Feet

The latest published data from the 2010 census show how people are moving from place to place within the United States. In general, people are voting with their feet against places where the liberal, welfare-state policies favored by the intelligentsia are most deeply entrenched. When you break it down by race and ethnicity, it is all too painfully clear what is happening. Both whites and blacks are leaving California, the poster state ... MORE

VIDEO: The True Cost of Public Education

Walter E Williams: Department of Injustice

One of the requirements to become a Dayton, Ohio police officer is to successfully pass the city's two-part written examination. Applicants must correctly answer 57 of 86 questions on the first part (66 percent) and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the second part. Dayton's Civil Service Board reported that 490 candidates passed the November 2010 written test, 57 of whom were black. About 231 of the roughly 1,100  ... MORE