Walter E Williams: Let's Blame Speculators

Here's a non-rocket science question: If you expect a reduced harvest of wheat, corn, rice or any other commodity some time in the future, what would be the wise thing to do about your consumption today? I bet that the average person would answer: Consume less now so that more will be available in the future. But how in the world can people be encouraged to consume less now?  ... MORE

VIDEO: Fight of the Century: Keynes vs Hayek Round 2

Brilliant new economics hip-hop music video by John Papola and Russ Roberts at

Steve Chapman: Why Birtherism Is Here To Stay

On Oct. 22, 1844, thousands of followers of American evangelist William Miller woke up expecting Jesus Christ to make his triumphant return that day, as they had been told. That night, they went to bed, surprised and disappointed. But Miller's movement endured. It was too much to expect that birthers, presented with President Barack Obama's birth certificate, would say:  ... MORE