Walter E Williams: Our Moral Dilemma

Most of our nation's problems are a direct result of our being immune, hostile or indifferent to several moral questions. Let's start out with the simple and move to the more complex. Or, stated another way, let's begin with questions that generate the least hostility, moving to those that generate the greatest. If a person benefits from a hamburger, a suit of clothing, an apartment or ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - The Licensing Racket

Jacob Sullum: The High Price Of Prohibition

Forty years ago this Friday, President Richard Nixon announced that "public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse." Declaring that "the problem has assumed the dimensions of a national emergency," he asked Congress for money to "wage a new, all-out offensive," a crusade he would later call a "global war on the drug menace." The war on drugs ended ... MORE

Christopher Chantrill: Economics For Babies

Economics is too hard for liberals and many others. Who can tell from deficits and multipliers, after all? So it is time to dumb economics down and make it simple enough for a baby to understand. "Economics for Babies." This could be a publishing sensation to equal the Dummies phenomenon. Here is how it works. Drill, Baby Drill  Our liberal friends are convinced, because ... MORE

VIDEO: "Free or Equal" with Johan Norberg - Preview

Daniel Oliver: Concripts in a Ponzi Scheme

The spit turns slowly over the Social Security roasting fire but there is no whimpering from the children being cooked. Yet. Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal (one of English literature's great satires) for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or their country, and for making them beneficial to the public was: to eat them. Our  ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Tolerance For Me But Not For Thee

Freedom of association includes the right to discriminate. Gay-rights organizations have been quick to defend the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank after it came under attack for hoisting a gay-pride flag on a pole directly beneath the American flag. The Fed did so at the request of, and to show support for, its gay, lesbian, and transgender employees. Republican Del. Bob Marshall ... MORE

VIDEO: Why Is Gary Johnson Being Shut Out of the Debate?

Rich Lowry: Unemployment Catastrophe

Pres. Barack Obama is given to cute vehicular metaphors about the state of the economy. We were "in a ditch," then got out and hit a "bump in the road." This is studiously folksy. It also vastly understates the nature of our situation. President Obama is presiding over an unspooling social catastrophe in the form of unemployment, and especially long-term unemployment. For all those ... MORE

Affordable Housing Means Your House Is Worth Less

by Anthony Randazzo. Martin Luther King famously once proclaimed, “I have a dream, that one day my children would not be judged by the color of the skin, but by the content of their character, and that they would have a right to a home at an affordable price.” Okay, that’s not exactly what he said. But an unusual coalition of financial institutions and community housing advocates ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Fallacies of Race