Thomas Sowell: Social Degeneration, Part One

Facing reality. Someone at long last has had the courage to tell the plain, honest truth about race. After mobs of young blacks rampaged through Philadelphia committing violence -- as similar mobs have rampaged through Chicago, Denver, Milwaukee and other places -- Philadelphia's black ... MORE  
Social Degeneration Part Two                     Social Degeneration Part Three

VIDEO: The War on Walmart

Whose afraid of cheap groceries?

Walter E Williams: Ominous Parallels

Repeating the folly of the past. People are beginning to compare Barack Obama's administration to the failed administration of Jimmy Carter, but a better comparison is to the Roosevelt administration of the 1930s and '40s. Let's look at it with the help of a publication from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and the Foundation for Economic Education titled "Great Myths of the ... MORE

Ron Ross: Why President Obama Is Painful To Watch

A political trip to the dentist. If someone looked at your face while watching President Obama make a speech or hold a press conference, I'll bet it would reflect pain and discomfort. Your facial expression might be described as a grimace. There are a number of reasons for that kind of reaction. It might not even matter whether you are liberal or conservative. There is much  ... MORE

Thomas Bowden: Importance Of The Obamacare Litigation

What’s at stake in the Obamacare litigation? Much more, we are being told, than the viability of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act itself. What hangs in the balance, conservatives proclaim, is nothing less than the future of constitutionally limited government in America. Back in January, Judge Roger Vinson held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority by  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Reason Requires Capitalism

Ayn Rand shows how the path of reason leads to capitalism.

Phyllis Schlafly: Get Government Out Of Our House

And leave the light on. If Congress can't repeal the law that banishes the Edison light bulb and forces us to buy Chinese-made bulbs we don't like, voters will ask, what was the use in electing a Republican House? Not only are the majority of Americans in favor of abolishing that obnoxious law, but even a majority of House members voted to repeal the current law, yet that ... MORE

Jonah Goldberg: Wake Up And Smell The Tea

Tea Party downgrade? Not hardly. Is this a wake-up call to Washington?” NBC’s David Gregory asked Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.) on Meet the Press, referring to the S&P downgrade. “Well, it’s a partial wake-up call. I believe this is, without question, the tea-party downgrade.” Shortly after pointing fingers and assigning blame, Kerry went on to lament how Republicans insist on ... MORE

VIDEO: The Recipe For America's Destruction

Whatever else, call him correct. More than 50 years ago, John Birch Society Founder Robert Welch foresaw those forces that plague America today.

Rick Barrett: Feds Push For Licenses To Drive Tractors

Proposal will treat tractors like big rigs. Tim Strobel has been driving a tractor for 20 years, so he's a bit puzzled that federal officials are kicking around an idea that could ultimately force him - and anyone else operating farm machinery - to get a commercial driver's license. Yes, the same kind of license that interstate truckers must have to operate their rigs.  ... MORE

VIDEO: Obama's Bottom Line - Credit Rating Downgrade

excerpts from the President's speech that simplify and clarify.
excerpts from the President's speech that simplify and clarify.

William Kristol: Fear The FED

FED continues to stack house of cards. A businessman and investor for whose judgment I have the highest regard sends this email about yesterday’s Fed announcement: “It is impossible to overstate the danger posed to the long-term stability of our country by current Fed policy, which has reached what one can only hope is the apogee of misplaced confidence in their ability to    ... MORE

Jacob Feldman: Government Consumes American Earnings

Americans work so politicians can spend. Each year Americans for Tax Reform Foundation authors the Cost of Government Day (COGD) report which measures the number of days worked to pay off the annual burden of government spending and regulation. In 2011, Americans have to work 224 days (through August 12) to support the government Goliath. For the third ... MORE

John Stossel: A Government That Kills

More dangerous cars have been mandated.  President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers. The New York Times reported: "It is an extraordinary shift in the relationship     ... MORE

VIDEO: California Politicians vs Gun Rights

How Fear, not fact, informs the gun rights debate.

Ira Stoll: Obama Gets A Blank Check For An Endless War

Where is the press? Where are the protests? The Obama administration is on pace to have more American soldiers killed in casualties related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than the George W. Bush administration did in its first term. Already, hundreds more American troops have been killed in Afghanistan during the less than three years of the Obama administration than during ... MORE