Random Roadblocks In The Name Of Terrorism

TSA's warrantless search and seizures go on the road. When the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced last year that it would soon begin setting up security checkpoints in places other than just airports, it definitely was not joking. News Channel 5 in Nashville, Tenn., has announced that Tennessee is the official inaugural state for the launch of TSA's ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Parallels To Rome

Katherine Mangu-Ward: 5 Myths About Healthy Eating

A helping of skepticism regarding government fixes. It’s hard to argue against rules that give consumers more information. Perhaps for that reason, proposals to require restaurants to jam calorie, fat and other nutrition statistics onto already crowded signs and menus pop up over and over—most recently as part of the health-care reform law—despite the fact that ... MORE

George Reisman: In Praise Of The Capitalist 1 Percent

Everyone benefits from the hated capitalists. The protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement and its numerous clones elsewhere in the country and around the world chant that 1 percent of the population owns all the wealth and lives at the expense of the remaining 99 percent. The obvious solution that they imply is for the 99 percent to seize the wealth of ... MORE

Gary Horne: Government Against The People

The ruling elite's increasing willingness to use force. If there is a single feature distinguishing the left from the rest of civil society, it is the willingness to use force. While claiming to be for the people, the statists consistently use force against others. The use of force and disrespect for the property of others by the Wisconsin union mobs and the occupy-Wall ... MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - The Free Market

Obama's Change: Steep Drop In Standard Of Living

by Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor. Think life is not as good as it used to be, at least in terms of your wallet? You'd be right about that. The standard of living for Americans has fallen longer and more steeply over the past three years than at any time since the US government began recording it five decades ago. Bottom line: The average individual ... MORE

Peter Wehner: In Defense Of Gridlock

It's the public's way to slam on the brakes. Ronald Reagan made enormous contributions to his country during his presidency – and appointing Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court ranks very high among them. I say that not simply because of the votes Justice Scalia has cast over the last quarter-century, but because of his enormous intellectual contributions to our ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Dazed And Confused No More

A full 50% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana. Candidates running for president can easily wreck their campaigns with one serious misstep. Back in 1976, one Democrat said he favored getting rid of criminal penalties for marijuana use. Can you imagine how Americans of that primitive era reacted to his blunder? They elected him. Once in office, Jimmy Carter ... MORE

VIDEO: Understanding The Frustration With Government

Christopher Chantrill: Subsidies Have Consequences

The ruling class doesn't have a clue about business. To an Obami like Jay Carney, White House press secretary, the failure of corporate crony Solyndra is "just the way business works." You win some, you lose some. Only, of course, the way business works is that when you lose, it's supposed to be your money that gets lost. As Matthew Continetti points out, under ... MORE

REASON.COM: Find Your True Love!

A quiz to match you to your perfect GOP candidate. Not sure who to commit to in the Republican primary race? Let Reason help you out.  Picking a presidential candidate is like sorting through online dating profiles—nobody's quite right, but once a meet-cute is out of the question, the best you can hope for is to pick a mate out of a self-selected digital lineup. Thus our handy candidate ... MORE

James Wilson: Prohibit Prohibition

To prohibitionists of all kinds, the ends justify the means, even if those means include murder. I realized this while watching the Ken Burns 3-part documentary Prohibition, which debuted last week. During Alcohol Prohibition, the Federal State deliberately poisoned alcohol supplies to discourage drinking. As many as 10,000 died. The callousness of  ... MORE

War On Drugs Has Become War On The American People

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute. "On July 29, 2008, my family and I were terrorized by an errant Prince George's County SWAT team. This unit forced entry into my home without a proper warrant, executed our beloved black Labradors, Payton and Chase, and bound and interrogated my mother-in-law and me for hours as they ransacked our belongings…  ... MORE

VIDEO: Harry Browne - Economic Consequences