WSJ Editorial: Thank You, Grover Norquist

That Americans pay too little tax is not the problem.    So it's all Grover Norquist's fault. Democrats and the media are singing in unison that the reason Congress's antideficit super committee has failed is because of the conservative activist's magical antitax spell over Republicans. Not to enhance this Beltway fable, but thank you, Mr. Norquist. By reminding     ... MORE

Doug Bandow: Time To Gut, Not Cut, The Federal Gov't

The solution is simple, just not easy.    Washington’s vaunted debt reduction supercommittee has failed.  The dozen members were unable to agree on a package of deficit reduction measures which would only have slowed the fast rising tide of federal red ink.  It will probably take the Second Coming before legislators voluntarily halt the wild taxpayer-paid party on the ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Alice In Liberal Land

Avoiding reality has its appeal.  "Alice in Wonderland" was written by a professor who also wrote a book on symbolic logic. So it is not surprising that Alice encountered not only strange behavior in Wonderland, but also strange and illogical reasoning -- of a sort too often found in the real world, and which a logician would be very much aware of. If Alice could visit the world ... MORE

VIDEO: Terror, Security and Money

Why is there no balance of risk and reward?

Walter E Williams: Should The Rich Be Condemned?

The ignorant see capitalism as only benefiting the rich. Thomas Edison invented the incandescent bulb, the phonograph, the DC motor and other items in everyday use and became wealthy by doing so. Thomas Watson founded IBM and became rich through his company's contribution to the computation revolution. Lloyd Conover, while in the employ of Pfizer ... MORE

Forbes: America Before The Entitlement State

by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins.   Reacting to calls for cuts in entitlement programs, House Democrat Henry Waxman fumed: “The Republicans want us to repeal the twentieth century.” Sound bites don’t get much better than that. After all, the world before the twentieth century–before the New Deal, the New Frontier, the Great Society–was a dark ... MORE

REUTERS: Super Committee Is A Super Flop

Debt-reduction efforts will be led by voters in 2012. The failure of a congressional deficit-cutting "super committee" means the tough work of putting the United States' finances on a stable path will likely have to wait until 2013 at the earliest. Barring some unforeseen development, the Republican and Democratic co-chairs of the committee are due to issue a joint  ... MORE

VIDEO: President Obama, Where Are The Jobs?

Only crony capitalism seems to have been stimulated.

AP: Ron Paul Is Gaining Traction In Iowa

Liberty candidate is rising in the polls. Texas Rep. Ron Paul is emerging as a significant factor in the Republican presidential race, especially in Iowa. He's been long dismissed by the GOP establishment, but the libertarian-leaning candidate is now turning heads beyond his hard-core followers - and rising in some polls - just weeks before the state holds the leadoff    ... MORE

Reality Check: Coming Financial Crisis By The Numbers

30 reasons for major concern. The United States is drowning in a sea of red ink from coast to coast and most Americans have absolutely no idea what is about to happen.  Hopefully you have started to prepare for the coming U.S. financial crisis.  If not, hopefully this article will be a wake up call for you.  Right now, governments all over Europe are on the verge of ... MORE

VIDEO: 3 Reasons Not To Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers

Charles Krauthammer: The Pipeline Sellout

Obama puts politics over nation, again.  In 2008, the slogan was “Yes We Can.” For 2011–12, it’s “We Can’t Wait.” What happened in between? Candidate Obama, the vessel into which myriad dreams were poured, met the reality of governance. His near–$1 trillion stimulus begat a stagnant economy with 9 percent unemployment. His attempt at Wall Street reform left ... MORE

Bill Freeze: The Inevitable Outcome Of Big Government

Uncontrolled power + special interests = crony capitalism. Would a farmer who put out a trough of slop be surprised if it attracted a bunch of pigs? Then why are activists who promote enlarging the size and scope of government shocked when one program after another is hijacked by corporations that find it easier to seek favors in Washington than ... MORE

VIDEO: Peter Schiff - Educating Occupiers

Peter Schiff explain the true source of America's economic woes to protestors.

Jacob Sullum: Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Scaring seniors with simple truths.   At the Republican presidential debate in Tampa on September 12, Mitt Romney said Rick Perry had needlessly “scared seniors” by calling Social Security “a Ponzi scheme.” Romney, more sensitive to the anxieties of retirees, prefers to say “the American people have been effectively defrauded out of their Social Security” (as he puts it ... MORE

John Fricke: Should I Buy A Gun?

A question everyone should be asking.  I have never owned a gun. Matter of fact, I have fired a gun a grand total of one time in my life. I shouldered a shotgun out in the north Georgia woods when I was nineteen years old and fired at a milk bottle filled with water as a target. The kick from the gun nearly tore my shoulder off, since I obviously had no clue what ... MORE