Feb 22, 2019

How socialism broke Venezuela

fromCommentaryMagazine:  The tragic journey from Perez to Chavez to Maduro.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

FBI plotting to keep DNA of ENTIRE population on file to create ‘nation of suspects’

fromDailyStar:  President Donald Trump has signed the Rapid DNA Act into law which means the police can routinely take DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of a crime.
The Government is Not Us            Government is Watching Every Move You 

Our disastrous obsession with equality

fromMises:  “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” — Milton Friedman
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Victor Davis Hanson: Changing reality with words

fromTownhall:  Beware of euphemisms. Radical changes in vocabulary are usually admissions that reality is unwelcome or indefensible.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Study: Crackdown on prescriptions drove up Hep. C infections

fromFreeBeacon:  Government regulations succeeded only in transforming Oxycontin users into heroin addicts.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange      Regulation Nation

Arizona trying to become first in U.S. to require citizen DNA

fromActivistPost:  The ruling class finds it in their interest to know more about their human livestock.

Feb 21, 2019

The United States should legalize prostitution

fromCollegian:  Sex working is the most dangerous job in the country, even more so than logging or oil workers. Despite the general taboo associated with prostitution, legalizing it would benefit everyone more than expected.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Houston narc who lied to justify a deadly drug raid had been accused of perjury

fromReason:  There may be a consequence for the lying narco cop responsible for the deaths of two innocent people and the injuries to five other state agents.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Trump wants taxpayers reimbursed for billions thrown away on California's high speed rail scheme

fromCNBC:  Politicians lied about every aspect of the plan to rob federal taxpayers. The costs, feasibility and speed bear no resemblance to what had been promised.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption         Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Supreme Court to hear biggest gun rights case since 2010

fromReuters:  The U.S. Supreme Court took up its biggest gun rights case in nearly a decade, agreeing to hear a challenge to New York City’s strict limits on handgun owners transporting their firearms outside of the home.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Oregon on track to be 1st state with mandated rent controls

fromAP:  Now Oregon property owners are as helpless to dictate rents as they are to dictate taxes.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

How people in 1968 used jury nullification to block unreasonable arrests

fromCATO:  There wasn’t much doubt that the men had been doing what the law prohibited. Yet Long Island juries found them not guilty. That’s a phenomenon often called jury nullification.

Feb 20, 2019

Record high name government as most important problem

fromGallup:  Thirty-five percent of Americans name the government, poor leadership or politicians as the greatest problem facing the U.S. This is the highest percentage Gallup has recorded for this concern.
The Government is Not Us

After innocent couple murdered over cop’s lies, Houston police vow no more no-knock raids

fromFreeThoughtProject:  After a no-knock raid, based on lies, led to the murder of an innocent couple, Houston police chief Art Acevedo vows to no longer use them.
Police State America

Victor Davis Hanson pronounces the coup against Trump dead, then performs an autopsy

fromRedState:  FBI officials, like Andrew McCabe, found that the media was more than willing to oblige. Correspondents would happily publish any “leaks” officials were willing to provide.
Media Bias on Parade         Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

‘Free expression/free speech’ for students being muzzled

fromInsideSources:  Years of Supreme Court decisions have left student expression rights at a crossroads, even as justices have expanded safeguards for nearly every other area of free expression.
Indoctrination and Censorship

How the Feds are using civil asset forfeiture to threaten free speech

fromReason:  Sex, publishing, and quasi-legal theft collide in the Backpage prosecution.
Police State America       

A look into the legal distinction between sex trafficking and prostitution

from1011Now:  Prostitution is a consensual, but illegal, voluntary exchange. Human trafficking, is modern day slavery. Big difference.