November 1, 2019

Four different reports released last night indicate the days ahead will be devastating for the deep state

fromGatewayPundit:  Last night it was as if the planets aligned against the Deep State.  On four different fronts it’s now clear that the crooks in the Obama Administration should be very worried.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

CEO of Constitution Center wants to cancel First Amendment, pass hate speech laws

fromReason: Freedom of expression is under attack from politicians, activists, and, saddest of all, journalists who benefit most from it. When hate speech is banned, the only alternative is hate action.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery

The pro-war assumptions in your newspaper

fromCurrrentAffairs:  If you want to know why America’s giant military apparatus seems never to shrink and our wars never seem to end, you’ll find a big clue on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times.
Defense Versus The War Machine

Why do environmentalists seem determined to torment, rather than convince?

fromReason:  From plastic bag bans to plastic straw bans to bans on shampoo bottles in hotels, California is adopting supposedly environmental policies that won't save the environment but will piss off residents.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery

Walter E Williams: Gun grabbers misleading us

fromCreators:  Gun controllers' belief that "easy" gun availability is our problem ignores U.S. history. Guns were far more readily available yesteryear.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Why kids are socialists and how to start fixing it

fromTownhall:  It's taken us almost 250 years to build this country, and we could wreck it in a single generation. At this rate, we will. In order to prevent the looming disaster, we need to be clear on what has gone wrong.

October 31, 2019

The futility of the drug war

fromFFF:  When someone brings into existence or supports a government program that produces drug cartels that kill people, he is morally responsible for the natural and predictable consequences of that program.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Canadian court won't force beauticians to wax the customer's balls

fromStrategicCulture:  A major setback for champions of gender dysphoria who demand that males who identify as women can force beauticians to give them a bikini wax.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Democratic wealth tax proposals demonstrate economic ignorance

fromReason:  Bashing the rich may be good politics, but it’s terrible economics.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus the Free Market

California’s electric vehicle dream is turning into a nightmare  California might be blazing a trail with getting a large number of electric vehicles on the road, but the only trail California is currently blazing is the wildfire/PG&E fiasco that could plunge millions into blackouts.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus the Free Market

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson, Piers Morgan - Hating Trump More Than Loving America

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  A major setback for champions of gender dysphoria.Media narrative: Trump is bad. Trump killed al-Baghdadi. Killing al-Baghdadi was bad. 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Police blew up an innocent man’s house in search of an armed shoplifter. Too bad, court rules.

fromMSN:  When they were finished, it looked as though the Greenwood Village, Colo., police had blasted rockets through the house.

October 23, 2019

The American deep state would sooner sacrifice the republic than lose again to Donald Trump

fromStrategicCulture:  Democrats have become terrified of a longstanding political technology known as ‘free and fair elections.’
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Target employees won the 'fight for $15' but weren't ready for the trade-offs

fromStrategicCulture: Hours cut, benefits lost. More proof that fools rush in where wise men never go.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Civil unrest is erupting all over the world, but just wait until the United States joins the party…

fromStrategicCulture:  Democrats have become terrified of a longstanding political technology known as ‘free and fair elections.’
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The police state’s deadly toll on America’s children

fromRutherfordInstitute:  Children are forced to learn the police state’s lessons in compliance and terror, which are being meted out with every SWAT team raid, roadside strip search, and school drill.

Google Maps will tell you where police are hiding

fromNewsChannel6:  Google Maps is competing with traffic and GPS app ‘Waze’ with some new features. Users around the world will soon be able to report where police officers are hiding.
Police State America

Rand Paul praises Trump on Syria truce: 'extraordinary breakthrough'

fromNewsmax:  Sen. Rand Paul Wednesday praised President Donald Trump for the "extraordinary breakthrough" reached in Syria and said the actions taken could lead to peace in the region for the first time in years.