March 24, 2020

Justice Department reportedly asks Congress for indefinite detention powers to fight coronavirus

fromReason: Congress should loudly and unanimously reject this insanity.

Why we need free markets to fight pandemics

fromMises: The free market price system allows for the rapid and intensive reallocation of resources that is necessary in a crisis scenario like a pandemic. 

Walter E Williams: Progressive cities and black education

fromCreators: A recent report by Chris Stewart has shed new light on some of the educational problems faced by black youth.

Californians calling cops on their neighbors if they hear them coughing

fromSummit: Some Californians are calling 911 if they hear their neighbors loudly coughing or sneezing, with paramedics being dispatched to homes in some cases. Yes, really.

Israeli doctor in Italy: we no longer help those over 60

fromTownhall: No ventilators for anyone over 60. This is socialized medicine Italian-style. Be careful what you wish for.

The media is even more garbage than usual

fromTownhall: This was the media’s time to shine, a moment when we needed clear, objective information delivered by intelligent people who asked the important questions.

March 20, 2020

Coronavirus will be deadly to your liberty

fromReason: COVID-19 is the healthiest thing to happen to government power in a very long time.

It's up to the Supreme Court to teach Seattle 'Free Speech 101'

fromTheHill: The Constitution protects not only your right to speak but also your right not to speak, including your right to refrain from paying for the speech you oppose.

Save sports for the next generation of female athletes

fromTownhall: Stop biological males from competing in female sports and provide a legal remedy for girls deprived of opportunities from policies that permit males to compete on female teams.

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Don't Confuse the Two Kinds of Capitalism

fromReason: Ayn Rand explains that there are two types of capitalists in America and only one reveres the free market.

Victor Davis Hanson: The mysterious rise, fall and rise of Joe Biden

fromTownhall: At no time did Biden cease his bloopers or embarrassing moments of forgetfulness and confusion. The field changed, not Biden himself.

David Stockman says coronavirus is sparking a financial crisis, warns ‘Wall Street is toast’

fromCNBC: “It’s going to end as a financial crisis because the illusion that central banks always have your back and the economy would keep expanding and growing forever was complete nonsense.”

March 19, 2020

Panic will end but tyranny will not

fromDailyMail: We saw it with 9/11 and we’re seeing it the covid-19: people will give up their freedom and accept expanding government power when they’re afraid.

Joe Biden’s plan to shut down the firearms industry

fromNationalReview: His political attacks on the industry are why we have a law barring attempts to hold arms manufacturers legally responsible for shootings.

To track virus, governments weigh surveillance tools that push privacy limits

fromWallStreetJournal: Geolocation and facial-recognition systems can locate vectors of infections, but they also gather highly personal data.

Civil asset forfeiture should be eliminated entirely

fromStarTribune: Police and prosecutors should be bound by criminal law, a system where citizens—and their stuff—are innocent until proven guilty.

Orange County threatens to jail people who walk outside with others not in household

fromDailyMail: Covid-19 has given authoritarians carte-blanche to run roughshod over the rights of citizens
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The plastic bag ban backfires

fromWallStreetJournal: While California's governor is quick to close bars under the pretense of stopping the spread of the virus, they promote reusable bags that are notoriously dirty transmitters.

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