June 17, 2020

Engineering a race war: Will this be the American police state’s Reichstag fire?

fromRutherfordInstitute: The Deep State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, but this is about so much more than systemic racism. This is the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand.
The Government is Not Us                  Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Democrats clarify that black lives will only matter until November

fromBabylonBee: History indicates that the Democrats only interest in blacks has been to keep them dependent on government and rise to power on their backs.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Why economists are so often accused of being indifferent to social problems

fromMises: "The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups."
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Walter E Williams: Now what?

fromCreators: "Poor people are more dependent on law and order than anyone else. In the face of high crime or social disorder, wealthier people can afford to purchase alarm systems, buy guard dogs, hire guards and, if things get too bad, move to a gated community. Their only protection is an orderly society."
The Government is Not Us

Vermont principal put on leave for not agreeing with Black Lives Matter

fromJonathanTurley: We have never had any organization treated as so inviolate that it cannot be challenged by anyone in their private or personal discourse.
Indoctrination and Censorship

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - How to Cure Marxism

fromRutherfordInstitute: From Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, Thomas Sowell tells how he was enticed by Marxism as a youth and how the real world cured that notion.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

June 13, 2020

The year gun control died

fromReason: Gun opponents would leave predatory cops armed and their victims helpless. So much for that idea.
2nd Amendment Assaults

It turns out you can spot a bad apple. You just can’t remove one.

fromJonathanTurley: Around the country, the percentage of civilian complaints that result in disciplinary action is astonishingly low. And the rate at which offending officers are severely disciplined is effectively zero.
Police State America

Sen. Rand Paul: Slapping someone could get you 10 years in prison under federal 'anti-lynching' bill

fromInformationLiberation: Senator Paul is "single-handedly" holding this atrocious bill up as the GOP-controlled senate is too cowardly to stand against it, lest they be perceived as "pro-lynching." 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Seattle "Autonomous Zone" now has a "heavily-armed" warlord as crime spikes 300%

fromZeroHedge: "Anarchists just took over Seattle and the Liberal Democrat Governor just said he knows “nothing about that”. -- Donald Trump
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The extraordinary hypocrisy of public health experts

fromSpiked: They support BLM marchers but wanted to deny medical care to lockdown protesters.
Regulation Nation

Devouring its own: How many on the left fostered the violent movement now rioting across the country

fromJonathanTurley: Despite its violent history, some Democratic leaders have been enablers or outright supporters of the Antifa movement, insisting that such groups cannot be compared to extreme right wing groups.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

June 6, 2020

From 9/11 to COVID-19, it’s been a perpetual state of emergency

fromTheRutherfordInstitute: "Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve. Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support.” —Étienne De La Boétie, The Politics Of Obedience
Police State America

Joe Biden basically admits libertarians were right all along: cops shouldn't have military gear

fromReason: Biden voted for the 1997 bill that created the Pentagon's 1033 program, which allows surplus military gear to be passed along to local cops. It took 23 years, but he finally changed his opinion.
Police State America           Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Policing for profit: How civil asset forfeiture has perverted American law enforcement

fromAmmo: Asset forfeiture is having devastating consequences: In 2014 alone, law enforcement took more stuff from American citizens than burglars did.
Police State America

The state’s priority is protecting itself, not you

fromLibertarianInstitute: The state is far more punitive against those that threaten the comfort and authority of government institutions and workers than they are against crimes against citizens.
Police State America

The lockdowns are now a scandal

fromNationalReview: Last week, the media, politicians, and many experts decided that every argument they made for destroying the lives of millions of people in America could be deferred to advance a preferred political cause.
The Government is Not Us

Lockdown supporters embraced wildly wrong COVID-19 projections that fit their preconceptions

fromReason: The episode illustrates the perils of confirmation bias on both sides of the debate about disease control measures.
Police State America           Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption