Robert VerBruggen: Making A Hash Of The 2nd Amendment

Ignoring the Founders on gun rights.  Harvard historian Jill Lepore has a piece attacking gun rights in the latest New Yorker, and a follow-up post on the magazine’s website. Most of it is basically what you’d expect: some numbers about gun violence, some horrifying anecdotes about people who’ve misused guns, some reporting from a gun range, some artsy ... MORE

VIDEO: Is Government's Problem Revenue or Spending?

Doug Bandow: A Two Pronged Attack On Liberty

The statist consensus of Democrats and Republicans. The race for the Republican Party presidential nomination is essentially over.  The GOP apparently has decided Mitt Romney is the answer. Unfortunately, that means the question must be pretty dumb. Not that Barack Obama is a better answer.  Both Romney and Obama are enthusiastic       ... MORE

Armstrong Williams: Government And Capitalism

False stimulation masks reality.   Are we not judged by God relative to our kindness to the downtrodden and the disadvantaged? Maybe. But since God created this planet and everything on it, including the laws of nature which dictate that the strong survive and the weak perish, why are models based on those laws so frequently disregarded? Can     ... MORE

Peter Ferrara: Stealing Our Elections

Why AG Holder and ACORN Obama hate Voter ID.  Columnist David Limbaugh, brother of Rush, asks in a recent column, "Can anyone think of an innocuous reason that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder oppose state voter ID laws?" The correct answer is definitely "No!" But even Limbaugh dances around the full answer to the ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: Building A 21st Century FDA

A better way to fast track new pills for old ills.   “FDA is relying on 20th century regulatory science to evaluate 21st century medical products,” declared Food and Drug Administration Commissioner (FDA) Margaret Hamburg back in October 2010. One result: As biotech and medical discoveries accelerate, the number of new drugs approved by the ... MORE

VIDEO: FOX NEWS - Death By Executive Order

Brian Sussman: Big Brother's Next Target: Your Car

The next step toward eco-tyranny. Many are quite concerned about Senate Bill 1813, a massive piece of legislation supposedly devoted to transportation issues.  Besides including a provision allowing the IRS the power to revoke passports belonging to those who are delinquent with tax debt in excess of $50,000, it appears that the potential law may be ... MORE

Benjamin Weiser: Jury Statute Not Violated Rules Judge

A victory for the cause of jury nullification.  The next time the 80-year-old retired chemistry professor takes his protest to the plaza outside the federal courthouse in Manhattan, he may make it home without being locked up. A federal judge on Thursday ordered the dismissal of an indictment against the professor, Julian P. Heicklen, who had been ... MORE

VIDEO: "If I Wanted America To Fail"

Alex Fitzpatrick: CISPA, A Monster That Refuses To Die

More like the Patriot Act than SOPA. The Cyber Intelligence Security and Protection Act, better known as CISPA, is headed to the House floor this week amid a flurry of amendments and controversy. When the bill first gained notoriety, it was compared to the much-hated Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. But there’s a key difference. While SOPA was labeled as a   ... MORE

Steve Huntley: Liberals Take Aim At Free Speech

The Constitution is under attack from the very people who claim to be fierce advocates of civil rights — liberals. Their goal is to restrict the very first amendment the Founders attached to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights — the one saying Congress “shall make no law” limiting freedom of press, speech and religion, and the rights of association and to petition ... MORE