Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts

Jan 21, 2019

Yes, the FBI is America's secret police

fromTheHill: In order to boost the credibility of the FBI’s investigations of the Trump team, much of the media is whitewashing the bureau’s entire history. But the FBI has been out of control almost since its birth.
Police State America

VIDEO: Rand Paul - The mindless Middle East war machine

fromTheHill: For several years now, Senator Rand Paul has worked tirelessly to extract American soldiers from perpetual wars in the Middle East. He explains his position and praises Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria.
Defense Versus The War Machine

A victory for the Chicago police code of silence

fromCreators: The acquittal was a shock but, in a city with a history of unpunished police abuses, not a surprise. No one ever got rich betting that Chicago police will face punishment for committing crimes in the line of duty.
Police State America

Fast food is getting more expensive as minimum wages rise

fromTheHill: Government regulators are relentless in their quest to lower the standard of living for Americans.
Regulation Nation      Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Florida to announce legalization of medical marijuana flower

fromForbes: When Florida legalized medical cannabis, one of the most highly debated regulations was Florida’s ban on flower sales.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Trump wants to leave NATO? It's not a bad idea

fromCreators: The military threat that the Kremlin once represented has shriveled.

September 7, 2018

Why the American establishment has lost credibility

fromReason: Three incidents last week demonstrate the problem. 
Indoctrination and Censorship     Media Bias on Parade

How government regulations made healthcare so expensive

fromMises: The U.S. “health care cost crisis” didn’t start until 1965. The government increased demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals. 
Regulation Nation

Paving the road to the end of NATO

fromStrategicCulture: Trump is saying Europe’s defense isn’t our responsibility anymore. He’s saying you don’t get to have your Iranian oil and hollow out our economy at the same time. 
Defense Versus The War Machine

Tucker Carlson on NYT op-ed: We have 'a pretty good idea' who wrote it

fromTheHill: Anonymous sources, uh huh. Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday said he has "a pretty good idea who wrote" an anonymous bombshell New York Times op-ed that is highly critical of President Trump. 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption     Media Bias on Parade

VIDEO: Walter E Williams - Reflections on Lost Liberty

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Life, Liberty and Levin, Dr. Walter E Williams joins Mark to discuss the current state of liberty in post-Constitutional America. 
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Kaepernick and Nike show the morality of capitalism. (and we should celebrate it)

fromCreators: Capitalism is economic freedom and freedom is the soil in which all seeds can be planted. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The Worst U.S. Government: Here And Now

by Barry Farber.    “Your computer gypped me out of $80 this week,” the worker complained to the boss. “I’ll look into it,” the boss promised. A day later the boss said to the worker, “You’re right. Our computer did cheat you out of $80 this week. But that same computer gave you $80 too much the week before last. Isn’t that true?” “Yes,” admitted    ... MORE

SF Gate: Petraeus Scandal Reveals Threat To Privacy

Where did the checks on government go?    All Americans who regard privacy as a fundamental right should be unnerved by the breadth and the detail of a search through personal correspondence in the scandal that brought down CIA Director David Petraeus. For a moment, put aside the question of whether Petraeus and Gen. John Allen, the top   ... MORE

Steve Chapman: The Obsolete Allaince

 Has NATO outlived its usefulness? Defense Secretary Robert Gates went to Europe recently to announce that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization may have a "dismal future" and that before long, American leaders "may not consider the return on America's investment in NATO worth the cost." Why does he make that sound like a bad thing? "Watch out! We may have to stop ... MORE