Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Free Consumers From Renewable Power Mandates

by Thaddeus G. McCotter.   Jean Jacques Rousseau, the philosophical forebear of the left, argued that civilization must be forcibly dismantled and remade because it had corrupted humanity from its original state of noble savagery. Today’s progressives, like Rousseau, would turn back the clock and command rather than persuade us to accept their   ... MORE

Climate Change Is About Power, Not Environment

by Rick Manning.       The heartbreak of a faltering premise. Global warming alarmists must be shaking their heads in disbelief. Just when they felt they had the stars aligned to push their anti-free enterprise/capitalism agenda on the international stage and claim the power they crave, the climate and scientists have begun to turn against them. Sidney,  ... MORE

Jerry Brown, Climate Change Prophet Of Doom

by Steven Greenhut.    Moonbeam rising. On governance and budget matters, Gov. Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) has earned a reputation for being reasonable and moderate (by California standards). Even many Republicans describe him as the "last adult" in the Capitol, given his refusal to embrace far-reaching programs. Yet when it comes to global warming,   ... MORE

John Stossel: Governed By Zealots

Agendacrats gone wild. The government's environmental rules defeat even environmentalists. Thomas Collier is a Democrat who managed environmental policy for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Then he noticed a mining opportunity in Alaska, one he calls "the single largest deposit of gold and silver that is not being developed in the entire world." Tom's    ... MORE

Hillary's Solar Scheme Is Central Planning At Its Worst

by Ira Stoll.   Just when you thought gov't couldn't get any dumber. In a YouTube video released over the weekend, the leading Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, announced that "on day one as president," she would set "two ambitious national goals that will test our capacities." Said Clinton, "First, I will ensure we hit a target     ... MORE

EPA Power Grab Incites States To Consider Nullification

by Kyle Maichle.     Resisting a claim to every last drop of water in the nation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has in recent years imposed numerous new regulatory rules strangling the freedoms of businesses and property owners. Latching on to every possible excuse for regulating economic activities by citing microscopic effects on  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel: Recycling Stupidity

John Stossel: The Anti-Science Left

Putting politics above science.   This year is the 10th anniversary of a book called "The Republican War on Science." I could just as easily write a book called "The Democratic War on Science." The conflict conservatives have with science is mostly caused by religion. Some religious conservatives reject evolution, and some oppose stem cell    ... MORE

Pope Reveals God Cannot Stop Climate Change By Himself

by Gregg Zoroya.      Holy man declares moral imperative to reduce greenhouse gases. Scientists weary after years of often vicious opposition by doubters of their climate-change findings see this year as crucial to the planet's future because of a religious document expected from Pope Francis on Thursday. The rare encyclical, or teaching letter,     ... MORE

Global Warming: When Science Meets Science Fiction

by Tim Constantine.      One of the most effective ways to sell your political agenda is to back up your concerns with factual information. That info may be statistical or scientific. In the absence of solid facts, the next most effective method often seems to be to instill fear. If you don’t support “agenda X” there will be dire consequences. In the case ... MORE

Elise Cooper: How Not To Handle A Water Crisis

A crisis created by government regulations.  Californians have a love affair with water. It’s used for pools, irrigation, green grasses, and washing cars. Yet, because of the drought the grass is turning brown, cars are staying dirty, and pools might be a thing of the past. American Thinker interviewed people who have some knowledge about this crisis.   ... MORE

Rand Paul Says The Republican Brand Is 'Broken'

by Theodore Schleifer.       Presidential candidate Rand Paul has christened himself a different kind of Republican, and now he's embracing a unique moniker: tree hugger. In a new book released on Tuesday, Paul said he composts and believes in clean air and clean water. Paul notes that he has planted giant sequoias in his yard and repurposed old    ... MORE

Gary North: The Global Warmers Have Lost The War

The ultimate inconvenient truth.   It’s always nice to see a leftist outfit finally fess up to a lost cause. The global warming crowd has clearly lost, and this Mother Jones article makes this clear. The governments of the world have not implemented the Kyoto treaty of 1992 or its 1997 update. The whole thing lapsed on December 31, 2012. It’s over.  ... MORE

Chriss Street: The Sun Is Engaging In Climate Change Denial

Another problem for Al.  The sun is known to be the main driver of all weather and climate. With 99.86% of the mass in our solar system, the great ball of violent fire in the sky has recently gone quiet in what is likely to be the weakest sunspot cycle in more than a century and actually flatlined in recent days. Weak solar cycles, like the current one,   ... MORE