Showing posts with label equality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label equality. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Our Deviant Society

Watch out for falling standards.    Here's one usage of the term gentleman: The gentleman helped the fallen lady to her feet. Here's another, one we might hear from a newscaster or a police spokesman: Tonight we report on the arrest of two gentlemen who raped, sodomized and murdered an 80-year-old woman. During earlier times, to be c  ... MORE

Caroline Baum: Flying With Milton Friedman

Milton proved ideas matter. As I was leaving the house for a full day of travel, I wanted something to read during airport holdovers and almost certain delays. My only prerequisite was that the book be small enough to fit in my purse. Whether I grabbed Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom because of recent tributes to the Nobel laureate — he    ... MORE

Alana Goodman: Good Riddance To Payroll Fairness Act

Thank you Republicans! The Senate voted down the Paycheck Fairness Act yesterday, a bill that was ostensibly aimed at closing the fabled 77-cent-on-the-dollar pay gap between men and women in the workplace (and in reality aimed at helping Democrats increase the gender vote gap between them and Republicans next November). The bill failed mainly along ... MORE

David Harsanyi: The Democrats' 'Fairness' Canard

Beating back the woman haters.  Only one group of Americans can make this nation a fairer place: trial lawyers. After all, crushing injustice has enveloped the nation. New Yorkers make more money than Iowans. Female lawyers earn more than male fishermen. People who are 6 feet tall -- and I saw this in a semi-scientific study -- earn, on average, about  ... MORE

VIDEO: William F Buckley Jr - Conservatively Speaking

Shikha Dalmia: Forget About Income Inequality

It's economic opportunities that will help the poor. Reading David Grusky’s essay is a strange experience: with the wrong diagnosis, he gets half of the right cure. Grusky maintains that the central problem confronting America is income inequality. He argues that the root cause of this malady lies in how rich people acquire their pre-tax income—by rigging the ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Big Hoax

What political spin and pious euphemisms don't tell us.   There have been many frauds of historic proportions — for example, the financial pyramid scheme for which Charles Ponzi was sent to prison in the 1920s, and for which Franklin D. Roosevelt was praised in the 1930s, when he called it Social Security. In our own times, Bernie Madoff's hoax has made  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Equality Or Inequality

Equality without destroying liberty.   Rick Santorum's speech at the Detroit Economic Club stirred a bit of controversy when he said: "I'm not about equality of result when it comes to income inequality. There is income inequality in America. There always has been, and hopefully — and I do say that — there always will be." That kind of statement, though having ... MORE

Scott Mayer: The Audacity Of Ambition

Downsizing the American Dream. President Obama seems to be downsizing the American Dream. In an insufficiently noticed January 25th speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he said: "Folks don't have unrealistic ambitions. They do believe that if they work hard they should be able to achieve that small measure of an American Dream." "Unrealistic ambitions" -- is he ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Wealth Creation Disparity

An ignored disparity. With all the talk about "disparities" in innumerable contexts, there is one very important disparity that gets remarkably little attention -- disparities in the ability to create wealth. People who are preoccupied, or even obsessed, with disparities in income are seldom interested much, or at all, in the disparities in the ability to create ... MORE

Andrew B. Wilson: Freedom Vs. Fairness

Will America succumb to the politics of envy?    As the third of seven children, I grew up in a family where fairness issues were constantly bubbling to the surface. It did us no good. Each of us pleaded in vain for relief from the unequal division of household chores and duties. And complain though we would, we couldn't stop the sometimes uneven   ... MORE