Showing posts with label free speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free speech. Show all posts
fromCreators: There are seven unelected people who have life-and-death control over our economy and hence our lives — the seven governors of the Federal Reserve Board.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromReason: California prosecutes man for insulting posts on Islamic Center's Facebook page. The government's theory would equally criminalize insulting posts on a NRA page, or on a pro-Trump organization's page, or on a Communist Party page.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromPowerlineBlog: Police brutality in America has gotten so rampant that it is no longer rare to see entirely innocent individuals being beaten or killed by US cops.
Police State America

fromPowerlineBlog: A look back at the leftist propaganda outlet in the first year of Trump
Media Bias on Parade    Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

fromFFF: There are about 30 powers given to Congress throughout the Constitution. Everything else is reserved to the states — even without the addition of the Bill of Rights and its Tenth Amendment.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

fromPowerlineBlog: Assaults on free speech, war on sex-trafficking, everything about Jeff Sessions and the Trump-Russia fake news.
Media Bias on Parade    Indoctrination and Censorship    The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

January 1, 2018

Worst media moments of 2017

fromPowerlineBlog: Video features the media's lowest moments of 2017 in a little under eight minutes.
Media Bias on Parade

fromReason: If Americans want to bet on sports, the wise course for the government is to let them. Prohibitionists think gamblers squander precious time and money on a foolish fantasy they will never achieve. Well, look who's talking.
Regulation Nation     The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

fromDailyWire: Six new California laws (from the Democrat-controlled legislature) sure to  make our lives just a little (or a lot) more frustrating.
Regulation Nation    Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

fromTheWashingtonExaminer: To promote one point of view and censor another is infringing on the freedom of speech for those of the opposite view – the exact oppression that our founders wished to prevent when they wrote the Constitution.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Short excerpts of sterling insights from the brilliant and beloved American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist and author Carl Sagan.
The Pursuit of Happiness

fromYouCan'tBreakMe: Excellent advice for a fulfilling life.
The Pursuit of Happiness

fromCreators: Professors at schools of education tend to have the lowest level of academic respectability. American education could benefit from eliminating schools of education.
Indoctrination and Censorship

from TheDailyCaller: Any attempt to regulate the internet comes into direct conflict with the First Amendment, which is what makes the internet work in the first place. Restricted online speech = one-sided political dialogue and less ideological diversity.
Media Bias on Parade   Indoctrination and Censorship

from Reason: Red tape and the holidays.

from TheFreeThoughtProject: A self-proclaimed pedophile hunter, who lures would-be child molesters into public spaces where they can be arrested, has been arrested for this practice.
The Government is Not Us

from Yahoo: One reason for the clash is that citations to those feeding the homeless helps feed the coffers of politicians.
The Government is Not Us

fromTheDailySheeple: HuffPost writer Andy Ostroy attempted to virtue signal as a progressive liberal by attacking Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina as a token black man and a “manipulated prop” being used to sell the tax bill. Then ...
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption   Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

from Capitalism Magazine: You may see no better opportunity to advance liberty on an individual yet highly effective level.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

from Capitalism Magazine: Students can spend years in educational institutions, discussing all sorts of issues, without ever having heard a coherent statement of the other side of those issues that differ from what their politically correct teachers say.
Indoctrination and Censorship    Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

from ABCNews: This season, for the first time in years, no festive lights will bring it to life.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

from InJusticeToday: To increase revenue, many states and municipalities impose hefty fines on those charged with minor offenses like traffic violations, jaywalking, or even leaving a trashcan on the street.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process    The Government is Not Us

from LegalInsurrection: The “Campus Free Speech Act” requires a policy on free speech and free expression that guarantees “the fullest degree of intellectual freedom and free expression” on campus.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromTheDailyBell: Students can spend years in educational institutions, discussing all sorts of issues, without ever having heard a coherent statement of the other side of those issues that differ from what their politically correct teachers say.
Regulation Nation

December 19, 2017

Is the FBI really unaware of how they’ve abused its own surveillance?

from TheDailySheeple: It’s amazing when the fox guards the chicken house, and it’s no more apparent than with the recent testimony before Congress by FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Twitter deploys censorship to combat "hate speech"

from Alternet: Unpopular ideas have no place on Twitter as website becomes PC echo chamber.
Indoctrination and Censorship   Media Bias on Parade

$15 minimum wage studies predict bleak future for California, Seattle

from TheGazette: California became the first state to increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour, but that could mean the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, a report warned last week.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market    Regulation Nation

The big con: The truth behind Net Neutrality and why the sky Is not falling

from TheDailyBell: An Obama era regulation which attempted to police businesses was repealed, paving the way for the free market to run its course.
Regulation Nation

California wildfires don’t have to be the new normal

from Mises: When land is privately owned, owners have strong incentives to maintain its long-term value. In the South, this means that owners monitor their land for concentrations of deadwood that could spark fires.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market    Regulation Nation

Musician arrested, strip searched, thrown in jail for singing without a license 

from TheDailyBell: Insecure bully cops will arrest citizens for questioning their orders, and will charge them with “obstruction of justice.”
Regulation Nation   Police State America

December 18, 2017

The end of free speech

from Reason: In 2017, the left eats its own and the right shows its true colors.
Indoctrination and Censorship

FBI edits to Clinton exoneration go far beyond what was previously known; Comey implicated

ZeroHedge: The letter reveals specific edits in a coordinated conspiracy among top FBI brass to decriminalize Clinton's conduct by changing legal terms and phrases, omitting key information, and minimizing the role of the Intelligence Community.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Since feeding the homeless is now illegal, a group carried AR15s to give out food—it worked

from theFreeThoughtProject: A large group of well-armed good samaritans took to the streets this week to openly break a bad law to help the homeless and those less fortunate.
Regulation Nation

What happens after the next 9/11

from LewRockwell: We’re going backwards in most areas of personal freedom. And America, of all places, is leading the way.
Police State America

NYT prints government-funded propaganda about government-funded propaganda

from FAIR: Social media manipulation is in urgent need of robust discussion. But outlets that focus only on attempts by official US enemies, and never direct any criticism inwards, aren’t concerned with an earnest discussion of the problem.
Indoctrination and Censorship   Media Bias on Parade

Judicial Watch President: "Forget Mueller," The real question is "do we need to shut down the FBI?"

from ZeroHedge: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said it's time to move beyond discussing whether it's appropriate to shut down Special Counsel Mueller's investigation and move on to consider whether it's now time to consider shutting down the FBI.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption   Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

December 16, 2017

Free speech is democracy's greatest safeguard 

from ToledoBlade: In a time of social turbulence, ensuring that all avenues of expression remain open and unabridged will ensure the preservation of our democracy and the promise of progress.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Trump calls conduct at the FBI ‘disgraceful’ in latest criticism of bureau

from TheWashintonPost: Trump has said the FBI’s reputation is “in tatters” over its handling of politically sensitive cases.
The Government is Not Us

Google Hiring 10,000 Certified Morons to Further Throttle Free Speech

from The BurningPlatform: Google openly and unabashedly champions censorship to curry favor with government authoritarians.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Have a statute of limitations for calling out men's behavior 

from StLouisPostDispatch: There should be a statute of limitations on calling men out on behavior that wasn't a crime then, and frankly is not a criminal offense now.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Residents outraged as DHS spraying town with chemicals—using them as human guinea pigs

from TheFreeThoughtProject: Residents of a small Oklahoma town fear they are being used by Homeland Security as test subjects for the chemical/biological warfare testing.
The Government is Not Us    Defense Versus The War Machine

Big Brother installing surveillance cameras in places of worship 

fromActivistPost: Places of worship are paying the government a $100 dollars a month to spy on families.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

December 15, 2017

Government is the cause of—not the solution to—online censorship

from Reason: As people worry about the net neutrality vote, public officials threaten our rights to free speech.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Bogus wiretap charges brought against man who recorded cops costs NH taxpayers $275,000

from TechDirt: Even though courts have found use of wiretap statutes in this fashion unconstitutional, in the Live Free or Die state, the statute lives freely and dies even harder.
Police State America

Bill O'Reilly: Secret tape exists of woman offered $200K to file sexual harassment charges against Trump

from ZeroHedge: The tactic of shaming, a favorite of the political left, seems to be kicked up a notch.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

FCC votes to repeal net neutrality rules

from The Hill: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal its landmark net neutrality protections, capping off a months-long campaign by the agency’s Republicans to deregulate the broadband industry.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Scared Cops Are Scary

from Reason: The acquittal of the officer who killed Daniel Shaver illustrates a double standard in judging self-defense claims.
Police State America

California Brags It Will End Gun Violence With Sudden Enforcement Of 50-Year-Old Law

from DownTrend: Significant as an admission by the state that instead of enforcing existing laws, they have been passing gun control laws that only restrict the rights of law abiding people.
2nd Amendment Assaults

December 12, 2017

Shocking VIDEO of cop executing an unarmed man begging for his life

from FreeThoughtProject: Even more shocking was the cop's acquittal. Read more here: Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life
Police State America   The Government is Not Us

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - PC Nitwittery 2017

from LibertyPen/YouTube: Consider this a progress report on the dumbing down of America. A look at the explosion of PC nitwittery taking place on college campuses.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Britain considers making whistling at women a HATE crime

from DownTrend: The Metropolitan Police today revealed it is speaking with other UK forces to assess whether it is worth cracking down on gender-based hate crimes after a pilot scheme was launched in the East Midlands last year.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Albany marijuana advocate suggests jury nullification

from WALB10: Georgia marijuana advocates are making a push to convince jurors not to convict people charged with minor drug crimes. Don't forget: Government exists to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Declaration of Independence)
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process   The Pursuit of Happiness

20 of the Most Ridiculous Anti-Gun Moments of 2017

from BearingArms: Just when we thought things couldn’t get any crazier than the whirlwind year we had during the presidential election of 2016, we were served 2017.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Chief pathologist resigns to expose sheriff for falsifying autopsy reports to protect killer cops

from FreeThoughtProject: After resigning from his position as chief, an autopsy doctor is now calling out the sheriff for overriding his death investigations to protect officers.
Police State America   The Government is Not Us

November 23, 2017

Thankful for Property Rights on Thanksgiving Day

from LibertyPen/YouTube: Private property became the foundation for building the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. A John Stossel column.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Statewide ban on e-cigarettes indoors in New York starts today

from The heavy-handed government nannies will allow free people to vape in their private homes -- for now.
Regulation Nation   The Government is Not Us

With TSA on the ropes, holiday travel may be a bear

from Politico: A potentially record-setting uptick in travel this Thanksgiving will coincide with TSA's implementation of new screening rules.
The Government is Not Us

Feminist supports making false rape allegations against men

from Downtrend: Feminist writer Emily Lindin: Here’s an unpopular opinion: I’m actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - The Minimum Wage

from LibertyPen/YouTube: In just over two minutes, Friedman explains the driving force behind the counter-productive practice of minimum wage.
Regulation Nation   Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Owen Benjamin - Fighting Back the Thought Police

from LibertyPen/YouTube: From the Tom Woods Show, Comedian/commentator Owen Benjamin shares how he successfully dealt with attacks from the PC thought police.
Indoctrination and Censorship   Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

November 18, 2017

The spurious move to stifle speech on campus because it is 'dehumanizing'

from Reason: The latest tactics for intolerant leftists to silence opinions academics and like-minded students disagree with.
Indoctrination and Censorship

FCC approves TV technology that gives better pictures but less privacy

from Reuters: Of course they approved the technology, government likely subsidized it. It allows third parties to tap into television recording devices (cameras, voice activation), a fundamental piece of the puzzle if 1984 is the instruction manual.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

New rules with hefty fees set for growing, selling marijuana in California

from KTLA5: An array of licenses, permits and fees insure the black market will flourish in the Golden State for the foreseeable future.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

FDA loyalty to Big Pharma exposed in move to ban plant that’s CURING opioid addiction

from The Free Thought Project: Sometimes the goals of crony capitalism and the drug war clash.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   The Government is Not Us

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Can Government Force Speech Against Your Beliefs? 

from LibertyPen/YouTube: Can state politicians demand a Catholic pregnancy center to pimp pro-abortion propaganda. The state of California says yes. Attorney Thomas Glessner is filing a lawsuit that says no.
Indoctrination and Censorship

High schoolers win $3 million against sheriff for warrantless drug search molestation

from NY Daily News: The molesting cops continue on the job, ever vigilant in their quest to rid drugs from bras everywhere.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   Police State America

November 17, 2017

Asset forfeiture gone wild: after pot raids, cops legally steal 7 houses

from High Times: Michigan cops seize the homes of seven medical marijuana patients. In practice, asset forfeiture (legalized theft) has become an irreplaceable (even though immoral) revenue stream for American law enforcement officers.
Police State America

Supreme Court abortion case could promote free speech by both sides

from USA Today: California idiocy goes to trial. Red states might have to stop requiring advice some consider propaganda. And pro or con, both sides could end up having to trust women more.
Indoctrination and Censorship   The Government is Not Us

The state of street-level surveillance

from EFF: EFF’s “Street-Level Surveillance” project shines light on the advanced surveillance technologies that law enforcement agencies routinely deploy in our communities.
Police State America   Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Tighter gun laws will leave libertarians better-armed than everybody else

from Reason: In a politically polarized America, gun control is destined to be obeyed primarily by its advocates.
2nd Amendment Assaults

California mandates send electricity prices skyrocketing, but Texas free market policies keeps prices low

from Fox News: In 2017, Californians paid almost double – 86 percent more – to keep the lights on and run manufacturing than did Texans.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Jury acquits ‘nice guy’ who admitted selling cannabis to a cop

from Leafly: The Declaration of Independence states that America exists to produce a government that will protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness implies self-determination so long as it does not intrude on the rights of others. Gambling, drugs and prostitution are all pursuits of happiness and should be nullified by a jury.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

November 3, 2017

The tip of a prosecutorial iceberg?

from Creators: Judge Andrew Napolitano looks at the implications involved in the grand jury indictments in the Trump-Russia investigation.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

280,000 children could die of malnutrition in Venezuela

from CNA: End stage socialism. Caritas Venezuela has warned that some 280,000 children could die of malnutrition due to food shortages amidst the country’s grave economic crisis.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

🎬   Tucker Carlson - Players Posing as Refs (Mainstream Media's Anti-Trump Agenda)

from LibertyPen: Excerpts from Tucker Carlson Tonight. Media bias by the mainstream media in general, and CNN in specific, has become transparent for all who wish to see.
Media Bias on Parade

Dear Democrats: Did you look everywhere?

from World News Daily: Barry Farber examines left's 'total team amnesia' over $9 million spent on the anti-Trump propaganda dossier.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The marijuana machine rolls ahead

from Bloomberg Business: The billion-dollar bud faces new momentum and problems as three more states legalize it.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Political correctness is ruining America, poll says

from NY Post: But, poll also says Americans are wimpy when it comes to protecting the First Amendment.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

October 25, 2017

Britain says no the term "pregnant woman" as it excludes transgender people

from FoxNews: For those suffering from gender dysphoria, it is apparently considered unkind to suggest a womb is necessary
in order to be pregnant.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

California's six-figure pension club has 62,000 members

from Reason: And seven retirees in Los Angeles pulled down more than $1 million each in retirement benefits last year. "Public service" has its privileges.
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market

Lies and manipulation: The sorry state of global climate alarmism

from WattsUpWithThat?: While practitioners of environmental religion fret about one-tenth of one degree, India has real concerns: food and water.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Europe: journalists against free speech

from GatestoneInstitute: Gone is all pretense that journalism is about reporting the facts.
Media Bias on Parade

Sens. Rand Paul and Ron Wyden unveil privacy-protecting surveillance reform bill

from Reason: Two senators fight back against the surveillance society and the police state to protect individual from their government.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Don’t call the cops if you’re autistic, deaf, mentally ill, disabled or old

from Rutherford Institute: Sometimes it’s dangerous enough calling the cops when you’re not contending with a disability. Unfortunately, the risks just skyrocket when a disability is involved.
Police State America

October 24, 2017

New York Magazine: Democrats commit suicide by favoring migrants

from Breitbart: As well as the DNC purge, the ongoing Hillary hysterics, the obstructionism, the split between the mainstream and Sanders people, the alienation of black youth and white males...
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Walter E Williams: Undermining America

from Creators: Though typical Democrats and Republicans do not have this leftist hate for our nation, they have been willing accomplices in undermining the most basic value the Founding Fathers sought to promote — limited government.
Indoctrination and Censorship

 ðŸŽ¬  ⭐️  Tucker Carlson - Chilling Free Speech on College Campuses

from LibertyPen: From censoring speakers to squads of thought police: a look at the many tactics used to chill speech on campus. Excerpts from Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Eye-opening survey shows top fear of US citizens is government, not terrorism

from The FreeThoughtProject: An extensive survey of hundreds of adults across the United States has just revealed that the thing most Americans fear—more than anything else—is their own government.
The Government is Not Us

Trump, Rand Paul come to the rescue in new health care executive order

from Townhall: At last, a step in the right direction.
Regulation Nation

What liberals need to learn about free speech

from The Panther: Excellent article from a Chapman college student, who campaigned for Hillary, making the case for free speech to his fellow liberals.
Indoctrination and Censorship

October 18, 2017

Free markets make the world a better place

from Reason: Economic growth, capitalism, improves standards of living, health, life expectancy.
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market

8 out of 10 will only read this headline

from MoonOfAlabama: Headlines lie to catch attention and only a few read beyond them. What was once identified as tabloid has now become mainstream.
Media Bias on Parade

Ahead of Halloween, universities nationwide tell students what not to wear

from the College Fix: Universities scramble to protect snowflakes from the sight of sombreros, headdresses or other symbols that may trigger the need for a safe space.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

If you live in one of these nine states, you'll soon need a passport to fly domestically 

from Circa: In just over three months, residents from nine states will be required to show a U.S. passport to board any flight, including domestic travel, according to new TSA guidelines.
Regulation Nation

There are no shortcuts on the path to success and happiness

from Liberty.Me: Success and happiness are possible to anyone willing to do what is required to achieve that kind of life, but it takes a lifetime of effort and dedication to the most important thing in life, making one’s life the best it can possibly be.
The Pursuit of Happiness

Florida's governor declared a state of emergency ahead of a Richard Spencer speech

from the Circa: Or, thought police declare war on free speech. Only good ideas need be feared in the arena of debate and white supremacy is not one.
Indoctrination and Censorship

October 17, 2017

Survey find Americans’ views on free speech is a whole bunch of crazy

from the Daily Bell: Why a whole bunch of crazy?
"There are no contradictions. If you see a contradiction, check your premises. One of them is wrong" -- Ayn Rand
Indoctrination and Censorship

Who's the Harvey Weinstein of sex work? The police

from Reason: This week has a lot of people wondering "who's the Harvey Weinstein?" of their industry. For sex workers, the answer is all too often a local cop.
Police State America

Chicago's soda tax fizzles

from Reason: Everybody realized it was about bringing in money, not improving public health.
Regulation Nation

⭐️  Walter E Williams: Who pays what in taxes?

from Creators: Today, some politicians argue that the rich must pay their fair share and label the proposed changes in tax law as tax cuts for the rich. Let's look at who pays what.
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market

Rand Paul: The insurance companies are extorting us, Trump stopped that

from RealClearPolitics: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) discusses the president's executive order on the Affordable Care Act, why he says the plan is an attempt to empower consumers and why this could be a bipartisan issue.
Regulation Nation

ICE’s civil forfeiture guidelines leaked, and they’re not good

from RealClearPolitics: A government handbook reveals details of its legalized theft program. The concern is strictly about the value of property with no consideration of justice.
The Government is Not Us

October 13, 2017

Scalias all the way down

from the Wall Street Journal: The primary value of Trump is revealed. While the press goes wild over tweets, Donald is remaking the federal judiciary.
Justice is a Result, Not a Process

Smart devices are snitching on owners and rewriting the criminal justice system

from Activist Post: A new type of court case is slowly but steadily emerging within the American legal system: alleged crimes being detected from data supplied by smart devices.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Is taking a knee protected speech?

from Creators: From the great Andrew Napolitiano. Some jurisdictions — such as California, the District of Columbia, New Jersey and New York — give more protection to employees for expressive conduct in the workplace than others do.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Bump stock ban retroactively criminalizes possession of legally acquired products

from Reason: Government looks to turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals as current owners of newly prohibited devices can now go to prison for keeping them.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Not-so-Great Britain to criminalize reading extremist content online

from StephenLendman: 15 years for illegal reading. Will Americans resist this final nail in the coffin of free speech?
Indoctrination and Censorship

If 'no one wants to take our guns,' stop saying the opposite

from Creators: A column by Larry Elder. he "common sense" goal of many "gun control activists" is not a ban on this or that feature but a ban on civilian ownership of guns.
2nd Amendment Assaults

October 4, 2017

Feds Give Americans the frog treatment

from Reason: A plan by the Department of Homeland Security to collect social media information on American citizens,
including their "handles" and even their search results.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

CNN continues to solidify its place atop the fake news dung heap

from American Spectator: 24/7 party politics disguised as news.
Media Bias on Parade

Studies confirm, free people are happier

from TheDailyBell: Even people who think that the government should be less involved in daily life are happier than
people who think society needs more rules.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

⭐️  The deep theory behind stifling speech

from The Savvy Street: A brilliant, but long, piece on how philosophy is responsible for the rise in political correctness and
how philosophy can also fix it.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Stop manipulating the worst shooting in U.S. history to support your political views

from LongRoom: Those eager to make this tragedy about gun control are going to run into a lot of factual difficulties,
not just political ones.
2nd Amendment Assaults

John Stossel: Disabled by Government

from Creators: After government nitwittery removes 20,000 university lectures from access, an entrepreneur comes
to the rescue.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

October 3, 2017

Freedom of conscience is the foundation of all freedom

from The essence of freedom is the ability to be true to oneself.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

⭐️  Flip-flopping on free speech

from NewYorker: Great piece on the fight for the First Amendment, on campuses and football fields, from the sixties to today.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Marijuana prohibition turns 80

from NORML: The government propaganda that has dictated marijuana policy for the past eight decades is withering, but still prevails in some of the union's most backward states.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

California seeks ban on fossil fuel cars, laying the groundwork to ban human driven cars

from Activist Post: Looks like the nitwits who make up California's ruling class would have out-of-state drivers check their cars at the border since no fuel will be sold. That should be great for tourism.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Smart billboards target individual motorists and spy on license plates and cellphones 

from MassPrivatel: A new age of "advertised spying" is dawning.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

PC Stalinism: the EU bans cartoons critical of the EU

from Spiked!: In a move totally unsurprising to anyone who has been paying attention, the EU has shown its authoritarian colors by banning cartoons from one of its own exhibitions.
Indoctrination and Censorship