December 19, 2017
Is the FBI really unaware of how they’ve abused its own surveillance?
from TheDailySheeple: It’s amazing when the fox guards the chicken house, and it’s no more apparent than with the recent testimony before Congress by FBI Director Christopher Wray.Government is Watching Every Move You Make
Twitter deploys censorship to combat "hate speech"
from Alternet: Unpopular ideas have no place on Twitter as website becomes PC echo chamber.Indoctrination and Censorship Media Bias on Parade
$15 minimum wage studies predict bleak future for California, Seattle
from TheGazette: California became the first state to increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour, but that could mean the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, a report warned last week.Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market Regulation Nation
The big con: The truth behind Net Neutrality and why the sky Is not falling
from TheDailyBell: An Obama era regulation which attempted to police businesses was repealed, paving the way for the free market to run its course.Regulation Nation
California wildfires don’t have to be the new normal
from Mises: When land is privately owned, owners have strong incentives to maintain its long-term value. In the South, this means that owners monitor their land for concentrations of deadwood that could spark fires.Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market Regulation Nation
Musician arrested, strip searched, thrown in jail for singing without a license
from TheDailyBell: Insecure bully cops will arrest citizens for questioning their orders, and will charge them with “obstruction of justice.”Regulation Nation Police State America