Showing posts with label independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label independence. Show all posts

Don Watkins: Atlas Shrugged Is Required Reading

The promise of freedom from welfare enslavement.  It's not often that an American election sparks debate about a philosopher. But ever since Mitt Romney announced his selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential candidate, talk has turned to the ideas of novelist-philosopher Ayn RandRyan is on record as being a fan of Rand's, and although  ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Where Is John Galt?

Where is a man who can save us?  A man of virtue and action who can rebuild our economy and culture? We must find a true-to-life John Galt. I think America’s best shot at economic recovery and restoring constitutional freedom is to nurture men and women who emulate the virtues of John Galt, a hero in Ayn Rand’s magnum opus novel,  ... MORE

Are Teenagers Big Children Or Small Adults?

by A. Barton Hinkle. America can’t make up its mind. This should not be surprising in a nation of 314 million people, half of whom can’t make up their minds about what to have for dinner. But dinner is inconsequential. How we treat children is not. And when it comes to the treatment of children, society’s approach is wildly incoherent. Last week the Supreme   ... MORE

Retaining Harder Than Declaring Our Independence

by Jackie Gingrich Cushman.   We declared our independence from Great Britain 236 years ago next week. It was a declaration long in coming, brought about by the overreaching rule of King George III and Britain's insistence on taxation without representation. The taxation began in the 1760s, the Boston Massacre occurred in 1770, the Boston Tea  ... MORE

Peter L Gray: Don't Board 'Fracking Banned' Wagon

Another empty scare tactic to promote green energy.  In my last column, I preached patience for those who question the safety of extracting shale gas via fracking. In this month’s column, I profile the growing trend of states and localities electing to ban fracking in response to fears that it might cause groundwater contamination. The availability of cheap  ... MORE

Larry Neumeister: Jury Nullification Making Noise In NY

A government lawyer fears jurors voting their conscience.   A government lawyer on Wednesday vigorously defended the prosecution of a man who urges jurors to sometimes disregard the law and vote their conscience, calling him a “significant threat’’ to the integrity of the judicial system. Assistant U.S. Attorney Rebecca Mermelstein argued before   ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Back To Economic Basics

Understanding the role of human action.   Lately I’ve landed in discussions about whether there is such a thing as human action. I’m not kidding. Some educated people have their doubts. Just to be clear from the outset, human action, as Ludwig von Mises pointed out, is purposeful behavior, as opposed to the reflex that occurs when the patellar  ... MORE

VIDEO: The Left Can't Tolerate Independent Blacks

The true perpetrators of plantation politics reveal themselves again.

Dera Enochson: Depending On The Government

Dependence runs deep. We're all becoming more and more aware of the danger of depending on any government -- and especially the current one -- but this dependence runs deeper than most of us think. There has been much discussion in recent years about the deep control of government if we let them run our health care. Although I have yet to meet a person under 30 who ... MORE

Libertarians Hunt Humans -- And Other Tales

by David Harsanyi.  With the electorate getting more comfortable with libertarian ideas, a Maginot Line of hackery is being built to keep the barbarians out. The latest is over at Reuters, where Sally Kohn writes one of the silliest pieces on the topic I’ve ever read. Using Peter Thiel’s seasteading efforts (”sovereign nations built on oil-rig-type platforms anchored in ... MORE

The Superiority Of School Vouchers Demonstrated

by Gary Jason. The failure of the American K-12 public school system has been obvious for decades. Some of us fossils can recall the public uproar that accompanied the release of the report "A Nation at Risk" back in 1987, documenting the mediocre at best, disastrously bad at worst performance of the nation's public schools. The public school special interest groups ... MORE

4th Of July Special: The Americans Who Risked Everything

by Rush H. Limbaugh Jr (the talk radio host's father). It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining and the wind was from the southeast. Up especially early, a tall, bony, readheaded young Virginian found time to buy a new thermometer, for which he paid three pounds, fifteen shillings. He also bought gloves for Martha, his wife, who was ill at home.                 ... MORE