Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts
April 13, 2016

John Stossel: The great American tax ripoff

fromReason: The many taxes you pay without knowing.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Jury nullification: The evolution of a doctrine

fromCATOInstitute: The Founding Fathers guaranteed trial by jury three times in the Constitution-more than any other right-since juries can serve as the final check on government’s power to enforce unjust laws.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Zuckerberg 'optimistic' AI tools to flag, remove hate speech on Facebook will be here in 5-10 years

fromWashingtonExaminer: The politically correct thought police look to savage the First Amendment.
Indoctrination and Censorship     Media Bias on Parade     Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Cruz grills Zuckerberg on Facebook's censorship of conservatives Zuckerberg, not testifying under oath and despite voluminous evidence to the contrary, committed to a free exchange of ideas.
Indoctrination and Censorship      Media Bias on Parade

Handing out pamphlets is not a crime

fromReason: A Michigan jury tampering case strikes at the heart of the First Amendment.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - The Trouble with Facebook

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, a look at the revelations from Facebook that have users rethinking social media.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

March 23, 2016

Tolerance cuts both ways: freedom for the speech we hate

fromTheRutherfordInstitute: Reminder: The First Amendment affirms the right of the people to speak freely, worship freely, peaceably assemble, petition the government for a redress of grievances, and have a free press. 
Indoctrination and Censorship      Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner promised a criminal justice revolution. He’s exceeding expectations.

fromTheIntercept: What a justice warrior looks like. In his first week on the job, he fired 31 prosecutors from the DA’s office because they weren’t committed to the changes he intended to make. 
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

House passes bill that would give patients access to experimental drugs

fromNYTimes: It's your life, isn't it? About time government stops trying to impede your survival.
Regulation Nation     The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Vivaldi browser taps privacy-first DuckDuckGo search

fromCNet: Block out government peeping toms. As your personal information leaks out through Facebook, one web browser offers a new option to keep a lid on it -- for private browsing tabs, at least. 
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Barry Farber: We can't go on like this

fromWND: Too many Americans hate President Donald Trump more than they love Americans. 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

It didn’t take long for the U.S. to rack up another trillion dollars of debt

fromMarketWatch: Looking ahead, analysts see the nation much deeper in debt. The Committee for a Responsible Budget projects debt exceeding the size of the economy within a decade.  
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

March 12, 2018

Emotional learning will be the downfall of society

fromTownhall: Feelings are more dangerous than ideas, because they aren’t susceptible to rational evaluation. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - The Political Value of Crisis

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A brilliant analysis by Professor Sowell regarding the primary tactic used by politicians to push their agendas.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Government wants our trust, but where's the accountability?

fromReason: The foul ups by the Broward County Sheriff's Office don't inspire confidence.
The Government is Not Us

Jurors can be heroes, too; follow consciences rather than law

fromDuluthNewsTribune: They have the extraordinary power to reach a decision they believe is right.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

If police don’t have to protect the public, what good are they?

fromTheRutherfordInstitute: According to the U.S. Supreme Court, police have no duty, moral or otherwise, to help those in trouble, protect individuals from danger, or risk their own lives to save “we the people.”
Police State America

Justice Alito's fantastic line of questioning in 'political' apparel case exposes liberal bias

fromDailyWire: A brilliant exposure of leftwing nitwittery.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

March 10, 2018

America's war on pain pills is killing addicts and leaving patients in agony

fromReason: The government's efforts to get between people and the drugs they want have not prevented drug use, but they have made it more dangerous.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

WaPo columnist openly pimps Marxism: 'It's time to give socialism a try'

fromCBSPittsburgh: A least give them credit for kicking off the shackles of deception.
Economic Policy: Statism Vs The Free Market

Squashing free speech on campus

fromTownhall: Over the last few years, leftists have been the authoritarians on campus, squashing speeches by speakers they deem "fascist" and claiming that ideas they don't agree with are somehow tantamount to "violence."
Media Bias on Parade

Understanding jury nullification and why it may save America from the deep state, police state

fromArtVoice: If liberty has a future, this could be it.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - Influential Experiences

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Professor Friedman looks back at the factors which influenced him most.
Economic Policy: Statism Vs The Free Market       The Pursuit of Happiness

Video of cop beating man for crossing the street so horrific, he was actually arrested

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Because the body camera video of a police officer savagely beating a man for crossing the street was so disturbing, the violent cop has actually been arrested and charged with multiple counts.
Police State America

March 2, 2018

No jail sentence for woman who falsely claimed rape by three unidentified black men

fromReason: What should the proper punishment be in such cases?
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Brilliant Economic Insights

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Professor Hanson looks at how the Obama administration deployed tribal affiliations to divide the American people by creation of a majority grievance culture.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Andrew Napolitano: In Defense of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

fromCreators: The Second Amendment was written to protect the right to self-defense — whether against bad guys, crazy people or a tyrannical government bent on destroying personal liberty.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Police unions defend bad cops who do awful things. Why won't they defend Broward County deputy?

fromReason: "Why bad cops need to pay their union dues" or "Get-out-of-jail-free cards aren't free."
Police State America

Dick’s Sporting Goods announces end to ‘assault rifle’ sales — again

fromBreitbart: The operative word is "again". Dick's made the same grandstanding claim on December 18, 2012.
2nd Amendment Assaults

From the land of fruits and nuts: California city ban distracted walking

fromCBSLosAngeles: The greedy hand of government hopes to pluck $500 from the wallets of any pedestrian listening to headphones or talking on an iPhone.
The Government is Not Us     Regulation Nation

February 20, 2018

Victor Davis Hansen: Understanding the California Mind

fromAmericanGreatness: In California, civilization is speeding in reverse—well aside from the decrepit infrastructure, dismal public schools, and sky-high home prices.
The Government is Not Us     Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

"Now, the reckoning comes" - the media-created Russia-collusion story collapses

fromZero-Hedge: The press has played an active role in the Trump-Russia collusion story since its inception. It helped birth it...
Media Bias on Parade      Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Study: thanks to fracking, we don’t need Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) to meet Paris climate target

fromWattsUpWithThat: Even without the clean power plan, US can achieve Paris Agreement emissions reductions. CMU researchers point out that there are many paths to compliance.
Regulation Nation

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - Empowering Parents for Better Schools

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Professor Friedman makes the case that parents are more vested in the education of their children than faceless bureaucrats.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Marijuana criminal cases dropped en masse by Philadelphia district attorney

fromNBC10: The new DA's message to police who arrest people for simple pot possession: We're going to drop the charges. Who needs jury nullification when the prosecutor saves us the trouble?
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process      The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Mueller indictment - The "Russian influence" Is a commercial marketing scheme

fromMoonofAlabama: What is described was a small commercial marketing scheme which ran click-bait websites to generate advertisement revenue and created online crowds.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

February 16, 2018

A lawsuit against Sessions could be the one to legalize marijuana

fromForbes: The government contention that there is no medical benefit to cannabis is being exposed in court as moronic.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange      Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Trump's Immigration Plan

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Tucker Carlson looks at Trump's immigration plans and examines the complaints of Democrats
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Walter E Williams: Black History Month

fromCreators: Black Americans, as a group, have made the greatest gains, over some of the highest hurdles, in a shorter span of time than any other racial group in mankind's history. But what about now?
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: A Million Dollars a Minute

fromCreators: President Obama's and President Trump's own military and intelligence chiefs have argued that the national debt is the greatest threat to freedom and security that we face today. Why is no one listening?
Defense Versus The War Machine    Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Endangered gestures: the kiss on the hand Disappearing along with hierarchies, order and politeness.
The Pursuit of Happiness       Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Democrats forming marijuana legalization consensus

fromForbes: Smart, very smart.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption     The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

February 13, 2018

Why Americans trust CEOs more than politicians

fromTheDailyBell: Just 15% of Americans think the government will bring us to a better future. 59% say the government is the most broken institution, followed by 21% who think the media is the worst.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

China’s surveillance police glasses could usher in a new age of government tracking

fromSanvada: China's cops will wear sunglasses with facial recognition technology capabilities as their police state marches on.
Police State America

John Stossel: Silk Road

fromCreators: Give me a break. Locking some people up forever will not stop sales of drugs. Americans should have learned that from our last attempt — Prohibition. 
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process     The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Insights of ex-CIA Ray McGovern - Corruption@FBI 9

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Ray McGovern knows a lot because after 50 years in the CIA, he has seen a lot. Closely examining the recent facts revealed regarding FBI corruption, McGovern shares his take.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Libertarian Party spotlights jury nullification

fromDailyInterLake: “Jury nullification is a tool, and like any tool you can use it in a lot of ways. And one of the ways is to uphold the rule of law when government is violating the rule of law.”
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Here’s what’s wrong with Ayn Rand’s Philosophy

fromTheObjectivistStandard: An accounting of some of the problems created by this philosophy.
The Pursuit of Happiness      Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

January 30, 2018

How federal agents could gain access to your personal emails

fromTheNationalInterest: The Department of Justice wants the court to take liberty away from people, not to expand it.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Study shows one state has robbed its citizens of $42 million just to cover up police crimes

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: The investigation found that less than 1 percent of the 65,000 complaints filed in the state resulted in the officers being charged with a crime.
Police State America

California makes 20x what gas-station owners make on a gallon of gasoline, after tax hike

fromIntellectualTakeout: California's gasoline tax rose by 12 cents per gallon on Nov. 1, bringing it to nearly 40 cents per gallon. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market    The Government is Not Us

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - The Lesson of the Federal Reserve

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Five minutes of wisdom from the lips of the master.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Black woman sues Walmart for the ‘racism’ of locking up products that get stolen

fromDownTrend: Thieves demand equal opportunity.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Holding the FBI to account

fromCreators: Voters must demand transparency and accountability, or they will continue to witness the unraveling of our democracy and system of justice — one text at a time.
Police State America

January 26, 2018

How the government is gutting the right to trial by jury

fromReason: What the 2nd Circuit’s opinion in U.S. v. Tigano reveals about the state of our criminal justice system
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Andrew Napolitano: A conspiracy of silence assaults privacy

fromCreators: This marks a public policy determination that the Constitution can be ignored or evaded by majority consent whenever it poses an obstacle to the government's purposes.
The Government is Not Us    Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: Harry Browne - Eliminate Federal Welfare

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Author, financial expert and former presidential candidate Harry Browne contends that redistribution of income is not a proper role for the federal government.
The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Author, financial expert and former presidential candidate Harry Browne contends that redistribution of income is not a proper role for the federal government.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market    The Pursuit of Happiness

NBA pushes for legal sports gambling nationwide and a cut of the action

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Author, financial expert and former presidential candidate Harry Browne contends that redistribution of income is not a proper role for the federal government.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Busybodies minding your own business: California may label coffee a cancer risk A judge will decide whether coffee should be labeled as carcinogenic under a three-decade old law which is meant to warn Californians about potential harms.
Regulation Nation

January 23, 2018

California moves to register illegal aliens to vote -- automatically

fromTheDailyMail: The California New Motor Voter Act is expected to add more than two million new registrants in the first year.
The Government is Not Us    Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Minimum wage hikes inflict maximum pain

fromReason: Hiking the minimum wage is feel-good humanitarian idea that’s guaranteed to hurt actual humans.
Regulation Nation

2017 might have been worst year in U.S. history for media bias

fromTownhall: A society is on the path to tyranny is when the majority of a nation’s journalists are committed to doing whatever they can to destroy one political group while feverishly covering up the scandals of another.
Media Bias on Parade

Jury nullification: A powerful tool for the advancement of liberty

fromReason: You may see no better opportunity to advance liberty on an individual yet highly effective level.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Taxpayers held liable after video showed cops make K9 “eat” handcuffed man

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: After police sicced their K9 on a non-violent man, who was not resisting, and actually handcuffed, they were found justified as the taxpayers shell out $250,000.
Police State America

'We loot or we die of hunger': food shortages fuel unrest in Venezuela

fromTheGuardian: End-stage socialism is an awful thing to witness.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

January 22, 2018

Government-approved workouts? The fight against fitness licensing.

fromReason: Crossfit is fighting to keep the government from regulating how Americans are taught to exercise. The health of the nation may be at stake.
Regulation Nation

California Dems propose surcharge on businesses to fund social programs

fromFoxNews: State busybodies have a new scheme to drive business out of the state.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Sean Hannity - The Deep State Assault on Democracy

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Often chided as a conservative puppet, Sean Hannity has earned his stripes with brilliant and insightful investigative reporting on Clinton-FBI collusion and corruption.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

VIDEO: Cops taser, assault handicapped vet—then arrest him for half a gram of cannabis

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Crossfit is fighting to keep the government from regulating how Americans are taught to exercise. The health of the nation may be at stake.
Police State America     The Government is Not Us

Sweden is preparing for a "civil war": PM wants to deploy army in no-go zones

fromReason: Can we admit there is something very wrong going on in Sweden?
Defense Versus The War Machine

Google has an actual secret speech police

fromReason: It’s not just terrorist videos that Google is censoring.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

fromTheWashingtonTimes: The elites in the federal government and the deep state — the parts of the government that are unauthorized by the Constitution and that operate in the dark, what candidate Trump called “the swamp” — have formed a consensus that marches the might of the government toward total Orwellian surveillance.
The Government is Not Us      Government is Watching Every Move You Make    Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

fromTheRuthrfordInstitute: Enough with the deafening silence in the face of outright corruption, base immorality, denigrating language, demoralizing greed, abject cruelty, derision, cynicism, violence, oppression and tyranny.
The Government is Not Us 

fromCreators: Over the course of two hours last Thursday morning, Donald Trump offered two diametrically opposed takes on a surveillance bill making its way through Congress. Both were wrong.   
Government is Watching Every Move You Make 

fromReason: Is there a place in our system for a jury to acquit because the jurors believe the underlying law is unconstitutional?
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

fromForbes: Recovery from our generations-long war on cannabis must include a range of efforts at the federal level, from adjusting the role and responsibility of law enforcement to reinvesting in communities.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

fromCreators: The Southern Poverty Law Center is now a hate group itself. It's a money-grabbing slander machine.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

fromPeoplesPundit: Nullification occurs when a jury votes “not guilty” because a law is either unjust or wrongly applied, not because a defendant is actually innocent.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

fromFreeThoughtProject: With the legalization of marijuana comes the bolstering of the police state and the new mouth swab checkpoints for weed are evidence of it.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange     Police State America

fromPeoplesPundit: Nullification occurs when a jury votes “not guilty” because a law is either unjust or wrongly applied, not because a defendant is actually innocent.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

fromBillWhittle/YouTube: Remember when the world made sense and movies showed us evil just long enough to be vanquished? What happened? What spell have we been under?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption      The Government is Not Us

fromCNNMoney: End-stage socialism is always a tragic sight. Cash is gone.

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: The brilliant philosopher expounds on three powerful concepts.
fromCreators: Judge Andrew Napolitano asks whatever happened to the public promise to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution as it is written?
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

fromRutherfordInstitute: A 26-year-old man was gunned down by police who banged on the wrong door , failed to identify themselves and then repeatedly shot and killed the innocent homeowner who answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense, but the justices of the high court refused to intervene to address police misconduct.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

fromProjectVeritas: Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu on shadow banning: “they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it”.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromCreators: When health totalitarians make suggestions, leftist politicians jump.
Regulation Nation

fromYouTube: In praise of the 5th Amendment right not to be a witness against yourself.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle     Police State America

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: In addition to putting dent in failed 'War on Drugs,' legalization could put hundreds of thousands of people to work and generate billions in revenue.
fromConservativeTreeHouse: This outline is the story of how the FBI Counterintelligence Division and DOJ National Security Division were weaponized and the full story of what House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is currently working to expose.
The Government is Not Us     Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

fromReason: Judge cites "flagrant prosecutorial misconduct" on the government's part.
The Government is Not Us     Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

fromFOX23: In the wake of minimum wage hikes around the country, a chain hopes to save some money. Red Robin announced Monday it plans to cut bus boys from 570 restaurants. The move will save the company about $8 million over 2018.
 Regulation Nation      Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

fromCampusReform: The University of Chicago topped the list with a score of 98, while the University of Oregon came in last with a score of just 10.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromReason: "This use of secret evidence may be occurring regularly in cases throughout the country."
The Government is Not Us    Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process    Government is Watching Every Move You Make

fromMassPrivateI: In what can best be described as government sanctioned theft, our justice system has devised a new way to take money and liberty from minorities. Police are using traffic citations to help balance budgets and much more.

December 13, 2017

Less regulation means less opportunity for government corruption

from Reason: Smaller government has the possibility to be more honest government.
Regulation Nation

CNN covers botched Don Jr. story 27 times more than correction

from DailyCaller: Joseph Goebbels: If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Goebbels would be proud to see his observation has become the mission statement at CNN.

Justice Sotomayor unintentionally highlights the danger of having too many laws

from WashingtonPost: Justice Sotomayor highlights a dangerous reality of our legal system. So long as there are vastly more laws on the books than the government can realistically hope to enforce, the rule of law will continue to be imperiled.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Want More Jobs? Fight Occupational Licensing!

from Reason: Getting a cosmetology license in Oregon requires 2,300 hours of classroom instruction, but getting a similar permit in New York requires a mere 1,000 hours of training.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

FBI agent becomes GOP public enemy No. 1

from TheHill: A slate of reports from multiple outlets have catapulted the once-anonymous intelligence agent into the political maelstrom over what Republicans say is a woeful double standard of political bias at the FBI.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Rebellious jurors make the world a better place

from Reason: Jury nullification has officials losing cases, changing policies, and fretting over the power of the people they abuse.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

November 28, 2017

These laws are eroding public trust with police. And they are hurting good officers too

from Sacramento Bee: Here is the point that always gets lost in discussions about police brutality: The system is rigged in favor of the police every time it is alleged.
Police State America

The Motherboard guide to avoiding state surveillance

from Motherboard: A straightforward guide to privacy, messaging, and keeping yourself safe from passive and active surveillance.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Mother, Air Force vet kidnapped, sent to Rikers for traveling in NY with her legal Texas handgun

from TheFreeThoughtProject: For carrying her legally purchased and licensed handgun in her vehicle as she traveled through New York, a mother of two and honorably discharged veteran was arrested and charged with a felony.
Police State America    2nd Amendment Assaults

Walter E Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

from Creators: How long will black people accept the educational destruction of black youngsters — something that only benefits the education establishment?
Indoctrination and Censorship

Trump calls for media competition to win FAKE NEWS trophy

from DownTrend: The smart money is on CNN.
Media Bias on Parade

Legalization a boon to more than just marijuana markets

from the Las Vegas Sun: “Let’s put it like this: A rising tide takes all ships,” said Stuart Titus, CEO of San Diego-based General Hemp. “It’s incredible to see the growth in the industry.”
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

November 27, 2017

Warning: one of these monopolies is going to control you

from TheDailyBell: It is time to break up the only true monopoly in the United States, the federal government.
The Government is Not Us

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - Social Security Lies and Deception

from LibertyPen/YouTube: Milton explains how Social Security, which was sold to the American people as an insurance scheme, is in reality a bad tax and a bad welfare distribution system.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

On Roy Moore: When did 'proof' become immaterial?

from WND: Most definitely a man in his 30s who tries to make out with a 14-year-old girl deserves 30 days in the electric chair. But have you ever forced yourself to face up to the other side of things? A Barry Farber column.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Freedom for Television and Radio

from Mises: There is one important area of American life where no effective freedom of speech or the press does or can exist under the present system. That is the entire field of radio and television.
Regulation Nation

Bay Area takes police-state approach to tobacco

from Spectator: San Francisco, Oakland, and other cities have banned vaping and flavored tobacco, thus exposing their progressive hypocrisy.
Regulation Nation

Facebook removed this small town business’s ads for American flags because it sell guns

from TheDailyCaller: Facebook unmasked. The Sportsman’s Shop says it can no longer advertise products like American flags on Facebook because its Facebook page promotes the sales of guns, and includes links that lead to the same.
Indoctrination and Censorship

November 17, 2017

Asset forfeiture gone wild: after pot raids, cops legally steal 7 houses

from High Times: Michigan cops seize the homes of seven medical marijuana patients. In practice, asset forfeiture (legalized theft) has become an irreplaceable (even though immoral) revenue stream for American law enforcement officers.
Police State America

Supreme Court abortion case could promote free speech by both sides

from USA Today: California idiocy goes to trial. Red states might have to stop requiring advice some consider propaganda. And pro or con, both sides could end up having to trust women more.
Indoctrination and Censorship   The Government is Not Us

The state of street-level surveillance

from EFF: EFF’s “Street-Level Surveillance” project shines light on the advanced surveillance technologies that law enforcement agencies routinely deploy in our communities.
Police State America   Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Tighter gun laws will leave libertarians better-armed than everybody else

from Reason: In a politically polarized America, gun control is destined to be obeyed primarily by its advocates.
2nd Amendment Assaults

California mandates send electricity prices skyrocketing, but Texas free market policies keeps prices low

from Fox News: In 2017, Californians paid almost double – 86 percent more – to keep the lights on and run manufacturing than did Texans.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Jury acquits ‘nice guy’ who admitted selling cannabis to a cop

from Leafly: The Declaration of Independence states that America exists to produce a government that will protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness implies self-determination so long as it does not intrude on the rights of others. Gambling, drugs and prostitution are all pursuits of happiness and should be nullified by a jury.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process