Showing posts with label lawsuit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lawsuit. Show all posts

Little League Lawsuit Epitomizes A Big League Problem

by Anthony W. Hager.  Some things can't be fully appreciated unless compared to their opposites.  We hold light dear because its absence is darkness.  Crisp autumn mornings are sweeter when compared to summer's searing heat.  Likewise, reward can't be fully valued without risk.  The connection between risk and reward is a common element in    ... MORE

Steve Greenhut: California's Food Truck Shakedown

How state officials mistreat mobile food vendors. We would all laugh at a man who, sinking in millions of dollars in house payments, car loans, and credit card bills, decided to fix his problem by looking for spare quarters lurking behind the cushions of his sofas. Likewise, we should shake our heads at the way the state of California—with a budget    ... MORE

Shikha Dalmia: Detroit's Run Out Of Other People's Money

Motown is overtaxed and broke as a joke. A sigh of relief swept through Detroit recently after a judge threw out a legal challenge to the “consent agreement” the city just signed with the state to clean its books and avoid bankruptcy. The lawsuit, filed by the city’s megalomaniacal legal counsel, represented a level of overreach ridiculous even by ... MORE

Bob Dorigo Jones: Silly Labels, Serious Consequences

Frivolous lawsuits increase product dangers.  Have you ever shaved while sleeping? Or used a map on a desktop globe to navigate a boat? Perhaps a better question is: Do you really need to be warned against doing either of those things? Chances are, you answered “no” to these questions. Nevertheless, the manufacturer of a 7-inch  ... MORE

Glenn Greewald: Obama's Warrantless Spying Fight

Wants reform-free power to eavesdrop without warrants. In 2006, The New York Times‘ James Risen and Eric Lichtblau won the Pulitzer Prize for their December, 2005 article revealing that the Bush administration was eavesdropping on the electronic communications of Americans without the warrants required by the FISA law (headline: “Officials Say U.S.  ... MORE

R B Parrish: Supremes Uphold Your Right To Be Framed

"A prosecutor ... may receive absolute immunity from suit for acts violating the Constitution in order to advance important societal values." -Elena Kagan, Solicitor General, 2009      After the Civil War, Congress passed several civil rights laws, including one allowing anyone whose said rights had been violated to sue those       ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Why Doctors Hate ObamaCare

Your doctor won’t tell you this when you’re sitting in his office, so I will: He hates Obamacare. It’s time you know why your doctor is concerned about Obamacare. Doctors already live in constant fear of malpractice lawsuits. The last thing they want to do is stick their necks out and publicly attack Obamacare. Doctors also do not have an effective D.C. lobby ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Invincible Dogma

How the government demonstrates discrimination.     A long-standing legal charade was played out again recently, when Federal Express paid $3 million to settle an employment discrimination case brought by the U.S. Department of Labor. Federal Express was accused of both racial discrimination and sex discrimination. FedEx denied it. Why then did ... MORE

Cal Thomas: Will The Supreme Court Protect Liberty?

What's at stake in the ObamaCare ruling.    Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear three days of oral arguments in the healthcare lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, otherwise known as "Obamacare." We now know the law was based on phony predictions about its cost. After    ... MORE

MarketWatch: Liberty Guard Files Lawsuit Against TSA

Civil liberties vs. TSA intrusive searches. Liberty Guard, a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization with more than 4,000 members dedicated to protecting and defending individual liberty, has filed suit in the Superior Court for the Eastern District of Virginia against the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the United States Department of .. MORE

Greg Moran: Judge Weighs PETA's Whale Slavery Lawsuit

A new emancipation proclamation?   A federal judge appeared skeptical Monday of arguments that the killer whales that perform at SeaWorld are being held as slaves and that their confinement violates the constitutional ban on slavery. After an hour of arguments, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Miller said he would take the case under advisement and   ... MORE

Chuck Neubauer: Gun Makers Baffled By ATF Criteria

Arbitrary and capricious rulings from government.  The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is in charge of determining whether a gun model is legal, but the agency won’t say much about its criteria. Despite overseeing an industry that includes machine guns and other deadly weapons, ATF regulations for the manufacture of weapons ...  MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Real Cain Scandal

There is no cost to making false allegations.  The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain is the corruption of the law, the media and politics. Let's start with the law. Some people may think the fact that the National Restaurant Association reportedly paid $45,000 to settle a claim made by one of its employees against Mr. Cain is incriminating. Most of us are ... MORE

Greg Beato: Twelve Apathetic Men

Why no one wants to get convicted of jury duty. Recently I spent the morning in a large room at San Francisco’s Hall of Justice along with several hundred others watching Ideals Made Real, the world’s least convincing infomercial. A 14-minute anesthetic that the state of California administers to anxious citizens to ease the pain of imminent       ... MORE

Joe Palazzolo: The Budding War Against Big Food

Addicted to Coke ... and suing Coca-Cola?   Our colleagues Ashby Jones and Shirley Wang had a great story over the weekend about mothers and fathers in custody lawsuits increasingly hurling accusations at each other about the nutrition and obesity of their children. They are using the obesity issue in an attempt to persuade judges that their kids are ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Too Much Law

The proliferation of regulation and litigation narrow liberty and defeat common sense.