Showing posts with label rebellion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rebellion. Show all posts

What Would James Madison Do? New Book By Charles Murray Tells Citizens How To Fight Government Tyranny

by Jay Cost.      Charles Murray’s By the People: Rebuilding Liberty without Permission is an important book that advocates of constitutional government should consider carefully. While Murray overstates the case, his book articulates a novel argument, replete with insights on the nature of political corruption and how to fight it. Murray’s book    ... MORE

John Stossel: Disobey!

How to deal with stupid laws. Charles Murray, already controversial for writing books on how welfare hurts the poor, on ethnic differences in IQ and on (less controversial, but my favorite) happiness and good government, has written a new book that argues that it's time for civil disobedience. Government has become so oppressive, constantly ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: Jesus Died In A Police State

Challenging power can be dangerous.  It is fitting at a time when the nation is grappling with moral questions about how best to execute death row prisoners, whether police should be held responsible for shooting unarmed citizens, and to what extent we allow the government to dictate, monitor and control every aspect of our lives, that we   ... MORE

The Whiskey Rebellion: True History And Hidden Lessons

What you weren't told about the power of the people.   The standard version of the whiskey rebellion story, the one which I believed until I started reading on the topic, goes something like this….  In 1791, the Congress passed a whiskey tax.  In 1792, four back-woods counties in western Pennsylvania, unable to cooperate and accept the new  ... MORE

Libertarians: Looking For Results Or Self-Congratulation?

by Sheldon Richman.     When I was researching my recent article on Nathaniel Branden, who died last month, I came across an audio file of a talk Branden gave at the 1979 Libertarian Party national convention in Los Angeles. I was at the convention, but I don't remember attending the talk. I might have been busy with other things; on the other hand, I    ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: Jesus Lived In A Police State

The dangers of challenging the state.     Those living through this present age of SWAT team raids, police shootings of unarmed citizens, roadside strip searches, and invasive surveillance might feel as if these events are unprecedented. Yet while America may be experiencing a steady slide into a police state, it is neither the first nor the last  ... MORE

Brandon Smith: Real Americans Are Ready To Snap

When to strike back is pivotal.        Despite popular belief, every culture of every nation draws a line in the sand against government tyranny. The problem is, many draw this line so close to total defeat that it rarely matters. For the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, for instance, it wasn't until the Germans had already herded millions onto    ... MORE

George Will Is Confident Americans Will Rebel

by Benjamin Weingarten.       Against abusive government. In an interview with TheBlaze Books in connection with the release of his new book, “A Nice Little Place on the North Side: Wrigley Field at One Hundred,” we spoke with prodigious columnist and author George Will on all things baseball and his unified theory of beer, and then     ... MORE

J.D. Tuccille: Why Not "Opt Out" Of Government Control?

It's getting ever-easier to exit the system.      Balaji Srinivasan, a Stanford Universty instructor and genomics entrepreneur, recently offered some radically individualistic advice to aspiring tech innovators. Speaking at at this year's Startup School, sponsored by tech "seed accelerator" Y Combinator, he warned members of the audience  ... MORE

Healthy Defiance Protects Us From Control Freak Majority

by J.D. Tuccille.      An old joke has a policeman parking his car outside a bar shortly before closing time. He's certain he'll bag a tipsy driver or two toward his arrest quota. Immediately, an obvious drunk stumbles from the bar. The drunk drops and retrieves his car keys repeatedly as people leave the bar, enter their vehicles and head home.       ... MORE

Scott Locklin: They Say They Want A Revolution

People are obviously upset about something.    According to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind survey, 29% of US citizens polled say they believe that “In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties.” Of the five potential responses to this question—“agree, disagree, neither, unsure,      ... MORE

Frank Schell: Where Is Joan Baez When We Need Her?

It's the silent Gen Y that needs her most. Much of generation Y seems to sail in denial, like the skipper of the doomed schooner Hesperus who would not heed dire tocsins about the future and an impending hurricane. They seem oblivious about what is happening to nothing more or less important than their future. Those not in denial are in  ... MORE