Showing posts with label wages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wages. Show all posts

John Stossel: Popular Nonsense

Repeat a lie often enough and it will be believed.      "Young people are exploited!" "Income mobility is down!" "Poor people are locked into poverty!" Those are samples of popular nonsense peddled today. Leftist economist Thomas Piketty's book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" has been No. 1 on best-seller lists for weeks (with 400    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Wage Discrimination

Never mind the reasons.     "President Obama Vows Zero Tolerance on Gender Wage Gap," read one headline. Another read, "Women Still Earned 77 Cents On Men's Dollar In 2012." It's presumed that big, greedy corporations are responsible for what is seen as wage injustice. Before discussing the "unjust" wage differences between men and      ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Why Obama Is Pandering Overtime

Vision of the anointed is just another job killer.     If you take an economics course, you may learn about the different events that can cause an increase in workers' pay. The demand for the product a worker makes may rise, causing the demand for workers to go up. The supply of workers may decline, causing employers to bid up wages to keep  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Is There Wage Stagnation?

The answer may surprise you.     Many economists, politicians and pundits assert that median wages have stagnated since the 1970s. That's a call for government to do something about it. But before we look at the error in their assertion, let's work through an example that might shed a bit of light on the issue. Suppose that you paid me a straight $20  ... MORE

Robert P. Murphy: Economist Debate The Minimum Wage

Why wage regulation hurts low-skill workers.       Economists famously argue about everything. Even so, it used to be that economists across the board—whether left, right, or center—generally agreed that the minimum wage was ill-suited to help the poor. As we still teach introductory students in Econ 101, a price floor on low-skilled    ... MORE

Quin Hillyer: Kill The Corporate Tax To Help Workers

To increase wages and shrink the tax loopholes.        It was a former top Democratic staffer on the House Budget Committee, not some Kemp-Laffer supply-sider, who first convinced me that one of the most dynamic and worthwhile tax reforms, and one of the least costly (to the federal government’s revenues), would be the complete         ... MORE

Raising Minimum Wage A Disaster For Minorities

by Mark J. Perry.       Probably the most vulnerable, at-risk group in the labor market would have to be black male teenagers, judging by the 44.3% jobless rate for that group in November. In contrast, the jobless rate for white male teens in November was less than half the rate of their black counterparts (19.8%); for male Hispanic teens the jobless    ... MORE

Doug Altner: Why 1.4 Million Americans Work At Wal-Mart

With many more trying to.        Observe any hiring center for a new Walmart and you will see thousands of individuals eager to become a Walmart associate. Many already have jobs at fast food restaurants, supermarkets, or other retail stores. LaShawn Ross, 29, worked for McDonald’s and Winn-Dixie before taking a job at a brand new  ... MORE

Mario Loyola: How The Minimum Wage Hurts Poor People

Raising the cost of employment is a bad idea.      Progressive policies are usually advanced by reference to their intended beneficiaries, without any reference at all to the social losses they create. It’s important to see how the supposed benefits fail in the case of the minimum wage, and Kevin Williamson does a typically great job   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Minimum Wage Madness

Revisiting well-intended idiocy.       Political crusades for raising the minimum wage are back again. Advocates of minimum wage laws often give themselves credit for being more "compassionate" towards "the poor." But they seldom bother to check what are the actual consequences of such laws. One of the simplest and most fundamental    ... MORE

Ira Stoll: Obama's Bogus Case For A "Decent Wage"

The president's latest bad economic idea.     President Obama’s high-wage vision of the American economy could make a consumer’s typical shopping trip nearly five times more expensive. Think that’s an exaggeration? Obama promised recently that for the “remainder of his presidency” he would focus his energy on “asking our businesses  ... MORE

Katrina Trinko: Standing Up To The Unions

Even Dems are opposing outrageous union demands.    Even in California, the buck stops occasionally. The final outcome is not yet clear, but even a four-day strike against BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, the rail system that serves San Francisco and the surrounding area) in July and the threat of a longer one haven’t won transit-union workers    ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: How To Help Fast-Food Workers

Raising the minimum wage will hurt, not help.    Doubling the minimum wage may seem like a good way to help fast-food workers, but it would hurt them instead. So what should we do? We must sweep away the government-created barriers to income earning, barriers that protect established businesses from competition and rob the most    ... MORE