Allen B. West: Economic Freedom For Black Americans

When will black Americans finally be "free at last?"    The word "freedom" for many black Americans is inextricably linked with the word "slavery." While it has been 148 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, and 47 years since the landmark Civil Rights Act, for many, the words of Martin Luther King in his famous speech still ring true: "The Negro lives on a ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - School Choice = Better Schools

Politicians claim to want better schools, but do they actually vote for them? 

Gene Healy: Obama's Solyndra Silence

President hides from green energy boondoggle fallout. On Friday, citing "longstanding and important Executive Branch confidentiality interests," White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler refused a House panel's demand for "all communications among White House staff and officials" relating to Solyndra. Solyndra is one of the administration's pet "green energy" ... MORE

Robert P. Murphy: Understanding The Price Of Money

On purchasing power. In a money economy, the money commodity is on one side of every transaction, and hence reduces the number of relevant prices. The direct exchange ratio between any two commodities can easily be computed from their respective money prices. The "price" or purchasing power of money is the array of goods and services for which a unit of ... MORE

Richard A. Epstein: Three Cheers For Income Inequality

More taxes on the top one percent means fewer jobs. The 2008 election was supposed to bring to the United States a higher level of civil discourse. Fast-forward three years and exactly the opposite has happened. A stalled economy brings forth harsh recriminations. As recent polling data reveals, the American public is driven by two irreconcilable  ... MORE

VIDEO: In 2012, Who Will Speak For You?

Walter E Williams: Ignorance Exploited

Workers bear up to 75 percent of the corporate tax.  Many Wall Street occupiers are echoing the Communist Party USA's call to "Save the nation! Tax corporations! Tax the rich!" There are other Americans, on both the left and the right — for example, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner — who call for reductions in corporate taxes. But the  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Numbers Games

The relationship of age and income. One of the things that has struck me, when I have gone on luxury cruise ships, is that most of the passengers look like they are older than the captain -- and luxury cruise ships don't have juveniles as captains. The reason for the elderly clientele is fairly simple: Most people don't reach the point when they can afford to travel on... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Disturbing Agenda of Occupy Wall Street

Protestors are wrong to favor forced equality over liberty. The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, obsessed with fairness, has benefitted from the lack of it. The protesters don't think so—but that is because many of them have not thought enough. The demonstrators resent disparity. So consider the disparity in coverage of OWS and the Tea Party. A single ... MORE

VIDEO: Ron Paul - Tax Policy and Limited Government

Ron Paul would starve the big government beast.

Robert M Goldberg: Obama Orders Drug Shortages

Misguided executive order will hurt Americans. With much fanfare and media attention, President Obama signed an executive order instructing the FDA to step up work to reduce current drug shortages and protect consumers. It's hard to argue with exercising presidential leadership to ensure cancer patients don't die waiting for drugs that could save their lives.  ... MORE

Joe Palazzolo: The Budding War Against Big Food

Addicted to Coke ... and suing Coca-Cola?   Our colleagues Ashby Jones and Shirley Wang had a great story over the weekend about mothers and fathers in custody lawsuits increasingly hurling accusations at each other about the nutrition and obesity of their children. They are using the obesity issue in an attempt to persuade judges that their kids are ... MORE

Gary Gibson: Why You Should Remember November 5th

Of whiskey and gunpowder.   As soon as the noose settled around his neck, Guy Fawkes broke free from the hangman and jumped off the scaffolding — guaranteeing a quick drop with a stop sharp enough to break his neck cleanly… It seems like an odd result for a man to be in such a hurry to get to, at least until you consider the alternative. In a way, it’s an early example ... MORE

VIDEO: The Left Can't Tolerate Independent Blacks

The true perpetrators of plantation politics reveal themselves again.

Brent Bozell: Herman's High-Tech Lynching

Media bias on brazen display. No one who followed politics 20 years ago will forget the night when Clarence Thomas sent an electric charge through a Senate hearing room. As liberal Democrats pushed the unproven sexual harassment charges of Anita Hill, in an attempt to destroy Thomas's chance to serve on the Supreme Court, Thomas called them out for conducting ... MORE

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - Do-Gooders And Special Interest

An effective alliance to grow government.

The Gary Johnson Candidate Profile

Is the former New Mexico governor right for you? Experience: Johnson founded his construction company Big-J Enterprises in 1976 and ran it for nearly two decades before becoming the Republican governor of the overwhelmingly Democratic state of New Mexico in 1995. Big-J, which Johnson sold in 1999, remains a leading construction firm in the Land of ... MORE