Walter E Williams: Dupes For The State

The tragedy: an increased willingness to use government force. Public misunderstanding, ignorance and possibly contempt for liberty play into the hands of people who want to control our lives. Responses to my recent column "Compliant Americans" brought this home to me. In it, I argued that the anti-tobacco movement became the template and     ... MORE

Americans Want MORE Control Of Their Own Health Care

by Shikha Dalmia. With the three-day ObamaCare circus at the Supreme Court behind us, let’s fast-forward to June. Suppose that five justices find their constitutional bearings and do what a majority of Americans want them to do: Scrap the individual mandate, the key provision without which the law will collapse. What then? Will that mean that our current system ... MORE

VIDEO: Smart Meters To Monitor A Nation Of Sheep

We are now electromagnetic radiation guinea pigs.

Rekha Basu: The Bigger Problem: Drugs Or Drug War?

Vincente Fox says the solution is legalization.    When a former Mexican president comes to town, you might expect drugs to be discussed. You might not expect a pitch for legalizing them. But there on Wednesday was Vicente Fox, who led Mexico from 2000 to 2006, sharing a cocktail with a group at the Des Moines condo of Connie Wimer and Frank Fogarty ... MORE

Adam Liptak: Justices Approve Strip-Searches For Anything

No good reason required. The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, joined by the court’s conservative wing, wrote that courts are in no ... MORE

VIDEO: What If Government Ordered Your Lunch?

Sean Murphy: Lawmakers Look To Expand Gun Rights

You only get one chance at self-defense. The high-profile shooting death of an unarmed Florida teenager by a neighborhood watch captain has prompted rallies and protests across the country, including in Oklahoma, but state leaders say it won’t affect the push for greater gun rights in Oklahoma. While officials in some states, like Florida, are taking a   ... MORE

Emily Miller: America's High Tax Leadership

Highest corporate tax in the developed world. The United States is now, officially, the worst place to do business in the developed world. On Sunday, Japan lowered its corporate tax rate in the hopes of luring business to its shores, handing the title of highest tax rate to the Land of the Free. The market reaction on Monday will tell whether money will begin flowing ... MORE

Andrew C. McCarthy: Statism Goes To Court

Health care should not be a federal concern at all. Well, I can’t imagine that that — that the Commerce Clause would — would forbid Congress from taking into account this deeply embedded social norm.” This was Solicitor General Donald Verrilli on Day Two of the great Obamacare case. At issue was Affordable Care Act’s most controversial aspect:  ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: How To Think LIke The Ruling Class

Understanding the origins of state power.   In the beginning ruling classes had a problem. It will be familiar to those acquainted with the Austrian critique of central economic planning: Rulers could not know what they needed to know to do the job they wanted to do. Societies, even seemingly primitive ones, are complex networks held together by ... MORE

VIDEO: Harry Browne - Maximizing Personal Freedom

Andrew Napolitano: The Real Question About ObamaCare

Can the government force you to eat broccoli?   This week, the Supreme Court measured Obamacare to see whether it fits within the confines of the Constitution. The big picture is whether the Constitution limits the behavior of the federal government to the plain meaning and historical context of the Constitution, or whether clever lawyers and politicians ... MORE

Matt Patterson: Obama Kills Coal - As Promised

Higher electricity prices will affect the poor most. “If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”- Candidate Barack Obama, 2008. Well, we can’t say we weren’t warned. This week, the unelected, unaccountable     ... MORE