VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Reducing Black Unemployment

Jeff Jacoby: Freedom Of Association, Even For Augusta Ntl

In America, private clubs are allowed to exist. Now that the 2012 Masters Tournament is over, the hounds of political correctness have stopped baying at Augusta National Golf Club over its membership policies. The gender-grievance industry is moving on, looking for a new target to harangue. Yet as the Augusta National brouhaha recedes, there are  ... MORE

Lucy Steigerwald: Almost Free To Discuss Ending Drug War

Latin American leaders talk drug legalization. Will Obama join in? On Friday in Cartagena, Colombia, leaders from North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean will gather for the Summit of the Americas. There’s no official agenda, nor is there much word as to what definitely will be discussed beyond freer trade and "civil ... MORE

VIDEO: Does the Minimum Wage Hurt Workers?

Stephanie Banchero: School Vouchers Gain Ground

Louisiana is expanding their program.   Louisiana is poised to establish the nation's most expansive system of school choice by adopting a package of vouchers and other tools that would give many parents control over the use of tax dollars to educate their children. The initiative would effectively redefine vouchers, which have typically helped lower- ... MORE

Gary Horne: What? The Magic Words Aren't Working!

The awful truth is beginning to dawn on the left. The magic words on which they have relied to make government grow may not work anymore. The consequences could be catastrophic for progressives. So it isn't hard to understand why the progressives would visualize a Supreme Court ruling against ObamaCare as "unprecedented." The case of Wickard  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: The Minimum Wage Mirage

All workers are not worth $9.80 an hour.    Unemployment remains high; job growth is sluggish; and millions of Americans have given up hope of ever finding work. So how do creative legislators propose to generate new hiring? Easy: Make it more expensive. That's right. In Congress and several states, some lawmakers want to increase the legally mandated      ... MORE

James Poulos: A Permanent Captive To Crony Capitalism

Live by the government, die by the government.   For multibillion-dollar 4G LTE startup Lightsquared, the lesson is simple: live by the government, die by the government. For the rest of us, the unfortunate truth is that a vast and growing swath of the economy is, in effect, permanently captive to crony capitalism. As The Washington  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - The War On Medical Marijuana

Isabel Otero: The Ozzie Guillen Political Correct-Mess

The thought police ticket the Marlins' manager.   Lately those in the public eye seem to have reverted back to Cold-War memes where someone, most prominently Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, can call Russia our "No. 1 geopolitical foe." I am not sure if this is nostalgia or a sincere attempt to find something to argue about. This week, it  ... MORE

Mark Whittington: IRS, The Iron Fist To Enforce ObamaCare

Half a billion dollars devoted to the task.     One of the arguments raised against the health care reform law is that few people want their health care run by the same people who run the IRS. But the IRS will enforce the law. According to Newsmax, the Obama administration is transferring $500 million to the IRS to allow the tax agency to begin enforcing tax ... MORE