VIDEO: FOX NEWS - Will Authorities Abuse Skype?

Lisa Cerda: Hi-Jacking Your Privacy

Government laser will analyze you at the molecular level.   Your privacy is a highly prized possession, and the government wants to take it away. You may not even notice it is gone at first, but then one day, when you least expect it, your going to want your privacy back. But it will be too late. The government will have gathered and stored enough information ... MORE

Steve Forbes: To Help Free Market, Bury The Hatchett

Congress must get out of the way. We all want America’s economy to improve and realize that crony capitalism — where Washington politicians, not free markets, decide who succeeds — is a barrier to prosperous growth. Yet industries still dispatch lobbyists to Capitol Hill to get a legislative or regulatory “fix” when there’s a marketplace  ... MORE

VIDEO: Talk Back on Jobs - Cooperation

Thomas Sowell: Sports Versus Politics

Empirical evidence has great value.   It has long seemed to me that there is far more rationality in sports, and in commentaries on sports, than there is in politics and in commentaries on politics. What has puzzled me is why this is so, when what happens in politics has far more serious effects on people's lives. To take one common example, there are many people ... MORE

Robert Taylor: Your TSA Pat Down Will Only Get Worse

TSA refuses to hold hearing on "naked body scanners."   The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is once again in the news for refusing to obey a federal appeals court order from last year mandating that the agency hold public hearings over its "naked body scanners." They'll get around to it in 2013, says TSA spokeswoman Lorie Dankers.   ... MORE

Little League Lawsuit Epitomizes A Big League Problem

by Anthony W. Hager.  Some things can't be fully appreciated unless compared to their opposites.  We hold light dear because its absence is darkness.  Crisp autumn mornings are sweeter when compared to summer's searing heat.  Likewise, reward can't be fully valued without risk.  The connection between risk and reward is a common element in    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Liberals, Progressives & Socialists

Where the tiny steps are taking us. In Europe, especially in Germany, hoisting a swastika-emblazoned Nazi flag is a crime. For decades after World War II, people have hunted down and sought punishment for Nazi murderers, who were responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million people. Here's my question: Why are the horrors of Nazism so well-known and    ... MORE

VIDEO: Real World Effects Of Minimum Wage

John Stossel. Why minimum wage laws have made life more difficult for low skill workers and spelled the end for movie ushers and gas station attendants.

Alva Noe: Legalize It: An Argument For 'Doping' In Sports

What does natural mean today?  Rocky's coach forbade him to have sex with his girlfriend while he was in training. Was this because he would be so tired out by sex? Or was it that the coach believed it would alter Rocky's drive, or mindset, somehow making him happy and relaxed, depriving him of the disturbed drive, the hunger, to win? I was just a kid when I    ... MORE

David Henderson: Getting Rich In America

Eight simple rules.     Sometimes, when the person beside me on an airplane finds out that I'm an economist, he/she will ask, "What's going to happen to the economy?" I answer, "I don't know." If the person is somewhat more sophisticated, he will ask "What's going to happen to interest rates?" I used to answer, "I don't know." I now answer:    ... MORE

VIDEO: Who Needs Economic Freedom ... ?

What Could Phelps Have Done Had He Not Smoked Pot?

by Nick Gillespie. As the sports world says a fond farewell to Michael Phelps, the most bemedaled Olympian that ever was, it's worth remembering the idiotic moral outrage that exploded when this picture of the eventual 18-gold-medal-winning swimmer surfaced in early 2009. To me, the most appalling aspect was the public apology that Phelps ended up giving ... MORE

Harry Binswanger: Revenge Of The Zeros

Battle between Rand and collectivism reaches a climax. With President Obama’s line “You didn’t build that,” the battle between individualism and collectivism has reached a climax. Obama has openly denied individual achievement, spitting in the face of every individual who ever had a creative thought. Obama has ventured to say straight   ... MORE