The Case for Trump's Wiretap Claims

      Mark Levin - Trump's Wiretap Claims                          Tucker Carlson - Trumps Wiretap Claims

Andrew Napolitano - The President and The Courts

Last week, in a public courtroom in the federal courthouse in Seattle, the states of Washington and Minnesota — after suing President Donald Trump, alleging injury caused by his executive order that suspended the immigration of all people from seven foreign countries — asked a federal judge to compel the president and all those who work for him to cease enforcing the order immediately. After a brief emergency oral argument, the judge signed a temporary restraining order,  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell's Final Column: Random Thoughts, Looking Back

Any honest man, looking back on a very long life, must admit — even if only to himself — being a relic of a bygone era.

Having lived long enough to have seen both "the greatest generation" that fought World War II and the gratingest generation that we see all around us today, makes being a relic of the past more of a boast than an admission.  
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Thomas Sowell: Football and Fallacies

This is a football story with both political and legal implications.

It was fourth down in a National Football League game, and the punting team came onto the field. The other team went into their formation to defend against the punt. Then somebody noticed that the man set to kick the punt was black.  ... MORE

Why The Veterans Administration Doesn’t Work

This Veterans Day offers an excellent opportunity to review the welfare of veterans, especially those who have suffered wounds — physical and psychological — on the battlefield. Happily, the great majority of wounded veterans seem to be doing fine. They have dealt with their wounds and returned to productive society — proud of their service and loyal to the flag. They will be much in evidence today marching in Veterans Day parades.

But many others are not doing nearly as well,  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Left and the Masses

The greatest moral claim of the political left is that they are for the masses in general and the poor in particular. 

That is also their greatest fraud. It even fools many leftists themselves. 
... MORE

🌟Jim Cardoza: Why Hillary Clinton is Flashing a Devilish Smile

"Certainly, one does not need 20-20 vision to see warts on Donald Trump. They are neon. He is brash, arrogant, far too glib, frequently insulting and routinely defensive. Unlike a polished politician, he hasn’t learned to measure his words and shroud his intentions. But while he is admittedly flawed in a myriad of ways, he does present two very under-appreciated qualities in the era of FBI cover-upssecret domestic surveillance and other hidden agenda schemes."

The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency

Latest Update: October 17, 2016
THOMAS SOWELL: The Left and the Masses 
VIDEO: Nathaniel Branden - The Entitlement Mentality
Gov't dependency a 'narcoticenabling racial tensions
Sex, drugs and freedom: Why we fail to fix homelessness
VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Legacy of the Welfare State
THOMAS SOWELL: Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete? Part II
THOMAS SOWELL: Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete?