Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts

Katie Kieffer: Dagny Taggart Goes To War

The battle for freedom. Dagny Taggart is not just the entrepreneurial heroine of Ayn Rand’s magnum opus novel, Atlas Shrugged. She is the inspiration of real women everywhere who are taking up her shield and fighting her battle for freedom using the weapons of entrepreneurship, education and free speech. The media continually talks about the ... MORE

Business Insider: Rand's Dystopian Masterpiece

SEE ATLAS SHRUGGED II TRAILER HERE  In a Leningrad University classroom in the early 1920s, as the professor drones on about orthodox Marxist theory, a young woman with an intense gaze is writing furiously in her notebook. The woman is Alisa Rosenbaum, later to be famous as Ayn Rand, and her jottings do not concern the relationship between   ... MORE

J Tucker: Regulators Are Destroying Your Home Appliances

Say goodbye to automatic dishwashers that work.    Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem, the ebook of the week in the Laissez Faire Club, is a story about a government that hates, fears, and bans technology precisely because it wants to keep the people enslaved in a primitive state of being. Preposterous right? Wrong: this is going on every day right  ... MORE

John Tamny: Why Atlas Shrugged Part II Is A Must-See Film

Who is John Galt?   For those lucky enough to have read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, they know well that it has a timeless quality to it. Most readers feel, and with good reason, that a book from the 1950s was actually written at the time and place in which they’re reading it. A college friend from Semester at Sea sent me his worn copy in   ... MORE

VIDEO: Atlas Shrugged Part II Trailer!

*****          Release Date October 12, 2012

Omar Ghate: Ayn Rand's Appeal

The real question is why her appeal isn't greater.   Paul Ryan is Romney’s pick for Vice President and now Ayn Rand’s name is on everyone’s lips. Many on the left are pillorying Ryan as an unrealistic “ideologue” because of his Rand connection. Many on the right accede, quickly trying to set aside Ryan’s admiration for "Atlas Shrugged" as youthful     ... MORE

What Liberals Don't Understand About Ayn Rand

by Cathy Young.    Ayn Rand, the Russian-born writer and self-styled philosopher who died three decades ago, is back in the news as a favorite author of Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan. In recent years, the passionately individualist, pro-capitalist Rand has been embraced as a champion of freedom by many conservatives ... MORE

Don Watkins: Atlas Shrugged Is Required Reading

The promise of freedom from welfare enslavement.  It's not often that an American election sparks debate about a philosopher. But ever since Mitt Romney announced his selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential candidate, talk has turned to the ideas of novelist-philosopher Ayn RandRyan is on record as being a fan of Rand's, and although  ... MORE

Don Watkins: Ryan, Rand And Rights

Talking about individual rights is a positive, but ... Whether he likes it or not, Paul Ryan’s worldview is going to be defined in large part by its distance from philosopher Ayn Rand’s. Ryan is on record as praising Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged” and her moral defense of capitalism. He’s also on record as rejecting Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism.       ... MORE

Ayn Rand's Long Journey To The Heart Of American Politics

by Jennifer Burns.    In the heyday of her celebrity, it often seemed that the only appropriate public response to Ayn Rand was dismissal. In 1961, Newsweek magazine sent a reporter to investigate the growing circle of devotees clustered around the right wing novelist. Visiting the New York City headquarters of Rand’s Objectivist movement, the reporter declared ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Where Is John Galt? Part Two

Entrepreneurs must take action.  Part One is here.   Now. And by ‘action,’ I mean protesting the federal government’s unconstitutional taxes and regulations. Or, the guilt is theirs if the economy tanks. Luckily, entrepreneurs have two role models to help them develop action plans: John Galt and Steve Jobs. Last week, I wrote that in order   ... MORE

Michael J Hurd: Doctors For Socialized Medicine

Government-guaranteed insurance is like public school. This is perhaps my favorite line from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged with regard to doctors who support, or tolerate, socialized medicine: “Let them discover, in the operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man they have throttled. It is not safe,  ... MORE

Ole Martin Moen: Did Ayn Rand Eat Babies For Breakfast?

A clear and present danger to leftist ideology.     According to Mahatma Gandhi, revolutionaries are first ignored, then laughed at, then attacked—and then they win. Reading George Monbiot’s piece on Ayn Rand, “How AynRand became the new right’s version of Marx” (The Guardian), has made me think that Gandhi could have included an intermediary  ... MORE

Yaron Brooks & Don Watkins: The "On Your Own" Economy

A self-directing free man or society's servant. “From cradle to grave.” So goes the motto of the entitlement state, whose creator Otto von Bismarck said: “Give the working-man the right to work as long as he is healthy, assure him care when he is sick, assure him maintenance when he is old.” Are you bothered by the thought of government embedding ... MORE

John Stossel: Champions Of Freedom

Who will fight for individual liberty? It's election season, and so once again people look for heroes. Is Ron Paul one? Maybe. He's fought a long, lonely battle to limit the power of government. As government grows, I yearn for champions of freedom who fight back. Rep. Paul has done that. But it's a mistake to look for heroes in politics. It's too ugly a business. My ... MORE