Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Ben Stein: An Embarrassment To The Nation

Hushing scandal until after the election.   General David Petraeus is roughly one thousand times the man I am. He is braver, tougher, more self-sacrificing, smarter, more unselfish, more patriotic, far more disciplined, apparently able to keep up sexually with a woman twenty years younger than he is who is also an Ironman woman superstar. He is     ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Squealing Versus Killing

Finding the leaker is relatively unimportant.     If you are still listening to those in the political class who are falling over each other to condemn leaks from the government to the media, you'd think the leaks had revealed private information in which the public has no legitimate interest, or perhaps a planned secret government mission to      ... MORE

Washington Times: Obama, The Leaker In Chief

When politics trump national security.    President Obama takes umbrage at the idea that a spate of leaks of highly classified national-security information is somehow purposefully intended to bolster his leadership credentials. His resistance to an independent investigation will only make things worse for him. The Obama White House is leaking   ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Can The President Kill You?

Does the government recognize your right to life?     Can the president kill an American simply because the person is dangerous and his arrest would be impractical? Can the president be judge, jury and executioner of an American in a foreign country because he believes that would keep America safe? Can Congress authorize the president to do this?    ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: The Real Ron Paul Stands Up

May I have your attention please?  Will the real Ron Paul please stand up? I repeat, will the real Ron Paul please stand up? I keep hearing the same three rumors about Paul: He blames America for 9/11, he’s anti-Israel and he’s pro-Iran. So, who is the real Ron Paul? Does he blame America for 9/11? No, he’s very patriotic. Bob Schieffer recently interviewed ... MORE