Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Time For Trump Rivals To Consolidate To Save America

by Thomas Sowell.      The Super Tuesday primaries may be a turning point for America — and quite possibly a turn for the worse. After seven long years of domestic disasters and increasing international dangers, the next president of the United States will need extraordinary wisdom, maturity, depth of knowledge and personal character to rescue  ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Donald Trump’s Authoritarian Fantasies

Trump asks voters to "believe me."     But why should they? Has America ever seen a more authoritarian presidential candidate than Donald Trump? Not since FDR—who seized coal mines and department stores, dictated wages and prices, and even weighed whether he should decree when Americans could eat meat. But at least FDR had a   ... MORE

Anybody Believe The FBI Isn’t Out To Defeat Encryption?

by Scott Shackford.  FBI Director James Comey starts his defense of their effort to force Apple to help them break into the iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist and killer Syed Farook with a sentence that is that is extremely hard to take seriously: "The San Bernardino litigation isn't about trying to set a precedent or send any kind of message."       ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Gullible Americans

The willingness to buy a pig in a poke.   Jonathan Swift, satirist, essayist and political pamphleteer, is a favorite of mine. He wrote "Gulliver's Travels." One of Gulliver's voyages was to Laputa, where he visited the grand academy of Lagado, whose scientists have visions not unlike today's politicians who exploit mankind's gullibility. Before ... MORE

VIDEO: John McAfee Weighs In On Apple And The FBI

George Will: Donald Trump Relishes Wrecking The GOP

With friends like this, who needs Democrats?    Lyndon Johnson simply was exasperated. Barack Obama's mischief was methodical. Four days before the 1966 congressional elections, Johnson, asked about criticism from Richard Nixon, testily responded: "I do not want to get into a debate .?.?. with a chronic campaigner like Mr. Nixon."      ... MORE

Conservative Icon Thomas Sowell Endorses Ted Cruz

by Jordan Schachtel.     The Supreme Court is paramount. Thomas Sowell, a leading intellectual who has been on the frontlines of the conservative movement for decades, is endorsing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as his choice to be the next President of the United States. Writing in RealClearPolitics, Sowell explained that “the vacancy created   ... MORE

VIDEO: The Endorsements

Nick Gillespie: Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders Are Burning the GOP & Democratic Party To The Ground, Thank God

A little good news for libertarians.       With the South Carolina primaries and Nevada caucuses in plain view, there seems little to no question that 2016's key interlopers, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are still a problem for their respective "parties" (I use scare quotes because neither of them is really a member of either group). This reality  ... MORE

VIDEO: GOP Candidates - Replacing Justice Scalia

Thomas Sowell: Tragedy And Choices

Where Donald Trump may lead.     Amid the petty bickering, loud rhetoric and sordid attack ads in this year's primary election campaigns, the death of a giant — Justice Antonin Scalia — suddenly overshadows all of that. The vacancy created on the Supreme Court makes painfully clear the huge stakes involved when we choose a President of the United   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Politics After Iowa

Just how strong is "the will to believe." Senator Ted Cruz's upset victory against Donald Trump has robbed "The Donald" of his stock answer to any criticism from rivals— that he is winning and his critics are losers. Now that he has lost, Mr. Trump may finally have to try to come up with some substantive arguments about the complex issues facing    ... MORE

Rick Manning; Donald Trump's Health Care Dance

Do issues still matter to Republican voters, or are they so mad at the failed GOP establishment that they have forgotten what made them mad in the first place? Donald Trump’s past flirtation with a nationalized government run health care system brings this question starkly into play. In his book, “The America We Deserve,” published in 2000,     ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell: Advice To Voters

Thomas Sowell: Grow Up

A narcissist with followers. Of all the many things said about Donald Trump, what was said by Roger Ailes, head of the Fox News Channel, said it all in just two words: "Grow up!" It is amazing how many people have been oblivious to this middle-aged man's spoiled brat behavior, his childish boastfulness about things he says he is going to do, and his     ... MORE