Showing posts with label banking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label banking. Show all posts

Gary Owen: Housing Crisis Redux

New wave of subprime loans demanded by government.    The 2008 melt down of the economy was a lesson.  The government learned well and is doing it better this time. A new wave of subprime mortgages is here, more powerful than the  tsunami that washed away the worlds economy with the Community  Reinvestment Act.  William Tucker informs us     ... MORE

Peter Schiff: The Not So Super Hero

We must stop waiting for a savior.   The past week provided clear lessons not just in how central bankers have a limited ability to positively influence the economy but also how they are limited in their capacity to deliver the shortsighted policy actions that investors currently crave. The developments should provide new reasons for investors and    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Tyrants And Human Nature

There are no known exceptions to the law of demand. The agendas of liberals, progressives and assorted tyrants desperately depend on the aspects of human nature they often condemn, such as acquisitiveness, profit motive, self-interestedness and greed. This crossed my mind while reading "How Departures From Economic Freedom ... MORE

VIDEO: Who Was America's Greatest President?

Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard's answer WILL surprise you.

Matt Welch: 5 New Ways The IRS Is Screwing America

Dumb disclosure laws, xenophobic banking regs, and worse.   As the nation staggers toward the April 17 tax-filing deadline—otherwise known as National Crash Your Car Day—the immovable object of a debt-financed $3.8 trillion federal budget is incentivizing the irresistible force of rapacious government to scrounge for any and all spare change in the country's ... MORE

Jacob Laksin: Obama's World Bank Pick Hates Capitalism

The president shows his true colors.   Imagine if President Obama appointed radical Noam Chomsky, who has denounced capitalism as a “murderously destructive catastrophe,” to head up a committee on economic growth. That’s less of a stretch than it may seem, considering Obama’s nominee to head the World Bank, current Dartmouth College  ... MORE

Brian Koenig: Obama Takes Crony Capitalism To New Level

He who pays the piper calls the tune. President Obama raised several hundred million dollars during the 2008 election, more than twice what Republican rival John McCain raised and a far cry more than any other U.S. President before him. The result? Obama’s fundraising achievements have ushered in a degree of crony capitalism Americans have quite       ... MORE

John Carney: Regulatory Capture - Federal Reserve Edition

Regulations are written by special interests. Simon Johnson calculates that Fed board members have met with opponents of financial reform—mostly, bankers—about 10 times more than they have met with advocates. It’s actually quite stunning just how many times representatives of big banks have met with Fed officials on the Volcker Rule. Just on the ... MORE

Arthur Caplan: Your Privacy For A Low Price

Your privacy is gone, and it’s never coming back.    A report that Target accidentally disclosed a teen girl’s pregnancy to her father shows the logical extreme to which retailers can take the search for more information about their customers. This is what happens when you hand the cashier at your local drug store or grocery store any of a zillion plastic reward  ... MORE

James A. Dorn: The Federal Reserve's Crony Capitalism

Private virtue is being penalized by public vice.   The Federal Reserve’s decision to release forecasts for short-term interest rates is supposed to clarify monetary policy and reassure the public.  By keeping the federal funds rate close to zero for three more years, and switching from shorter to longer-term securities, the Fed hopes to spur investment ... MORE

Binyamin Appelbaum: Fed Sees Rates Staying Near Zero

Bernanke favors keeping lid on boiling pressure cooker. The Federal Reserve said on Wednesday that it intended to hold short-term interest rates near zero “at least through late 2014,” extending its most basic and longest-running response to the financial crisis by at least another 18 months. The decision means that the Fed does not expect the ... MORE

John Stossel: Champions Of Freedom

Who will fight for individual liberty? It's election season, and so once again people look for heroes. Is Ron Paul one? Maybe. He's fought a long, lonely battle to limit the power of government. As government grows, I yearn for champions of freedom who fight back. Rep. Paul has done that. But it's a mistake to look for heroes in politics. It's too ugly a business. My ... MORE

Cash-Flooded Banks To Impose Fees On Depositors

Interest-earning days will soon be forgotten. This story did not break on some freakishly obscene Halloween website, but last week, CNBC ran the story that banks are now flooded with cash and that depositors are being charged fees just to slow the flood of money into the bank (article here). This means that negative interest rates appear to have arrived. Savers will ... MORE