Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts

Keith Weiner: They’re Coming To Take Away Your Cash

Do banks serve you or politicians?   The stories are all over the Internet. Governments are forcing us into a cashless society. Supposedly the pretext is terrorism, and the real reason is to take more control. No doubt more power appeals to politicians, and banning cash seems like the next step after mandatory reporting of cash transactions.        ... MORE

John Stossel's Advice On College: Don't Go

It's graduation time! Have we learned much?   No. College has become a scam. Some students benefit: those with full scholarships and/or rich parents so they don't go deep into debt, those who love learning for its own sake and land jobs in academia and those who get jobs that require a college credential. But that's not most students. Politicians such ... MORE

It Is Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off All Of Our Debt

by Michael Snyder.   The most inconvenient truth of all. Did you know that if you took every single penny away from everyone in the United States that it still would not be enough to pay off the national debt? Today, the debt of the federal government exceeds $145,000 per household, and it is getting worse with each passing year.  Many ... MORE

U.S. Economic Growth Nearly Grinding To A Halt

by Chico Harlan.       The U.S. economy ground nearly to a halt in the first three months of the year, according to government data released Wednesday morning, as exports plunged and severe winter weather helped keep consumers indoors. The gross domestic product grew between January and March at an annualized rate of 0.2 percent,      ... MORE

American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

by Michael Snyder.     The systematic destruction of the American way of life is happening all around us, and yet most people have no idea what is happening.  Once upon a time in America, if you were responsible and hard working you could get a good paying job that could support a middle class lifestyle for an entire family even if you only had a high    ... MORE

Look Out, Taxpayers: Student Loans Aren’t Being Repaid

More government folly comes home to roost.     The more than $1 trillion in student loan debt is a looming problem for taxpayers because the borrowers aren't paying it back in great numbers or amounts. "Widespread failure to repay is a problem for the lender, in this case, federal taxpayers," economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of   ... MORE

Jeanne Sahadi: The New Debt Ceiling: $18113000000000

The suspense -- or rather, the suspension -- is over.  The U.S. debt ceiling has been reset at $18.113 trillion, the Treasury Department said Tuesday. That new limit on public debt is about $1 trillion above where it stood in February 2014, when lawmakers decided to "suspend" the ceiling through this past weekend. That cool trillion reflects how ... MORE

Sports Stadiums Throw Taxpayers For A Loss

by Steve Chapman.     It's a play fake that never fails. Since 1995, Los Angeles has been an anomaly: a huge city with lots of sports fans that has exactly as much professional football as Billings, Montana. This week, Angelenos got a bit of good news: They still aren't getting an NFL franchise. A corporation called AEG announced Monday that it    ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Government Debt On The Road To Ruin

Promise today, figure out how to pay tomorrow.  Americans are addicted to living beyond their means, at least when it comes to the functions of government. That's why the federal debt tripled over the past decade and under President Barack Obama's budget plan would keep growing indefinitely. Why not? If you don't have to pay for all   ... MORE

Katie Pavlich: National Debt Hits $18,000,000,000,000

Taxpayers on the hook. As lawmakers on Capitol Hill prepare for a budget battle near the end of the lame-duck session, the United States has officially crossed the $18 trillion national debt threshold and there are no plans in the works to stop it from reaching $19 trillion next year. Under President Obama's tenure, the national debt has increased by 70 percent. 

The 5 Most Troubling Things in Congress’ New Spending Bill

by Romina Boccia.   Yesterday evening, the House of Representatives released its stopgap spending measure which blindly continues the bloated spending in the January omnibus bill that included special-interest handouts, wasteful and unnecessary energy spending, and transportation boondoggles. Instead of debating and voting on  ... MORE

Young, Bummed & In Debt: Why Aren't Millennials Angrier?

by Veronique de Rugy.    Until recently, a bad job market was nearly always bad news for political incumbents. Unemployed and anxious voters have a habit of throwing the bums out. But headed into the 2016 election season, one large demographic group is still likely to vote Democratic: millennials. Which is weird, because when it comes to the labor  ... MORE

No Taxing Our Way Out of Looming Health Spending Crisis

by Mallory Carr.      The fiscal train wreck that Obamacare and other health care entitlements will inevitably cause is quickly approaching—and no amount of tax increases can save us from the crash. Although the “Eat the Rich” and “Tax the one percent” way of thinking is currently in vogue, these catchy sound-bites remain nothing more than pithy    ... MORE

America's Unsustainable Long-Term Debt Trajectory

by Peter Suderman.       In the past year or so, the White House has become increasingly aggressive in touting President Obama’s achievements in reducing the deficit. The deficit has been “cut by more than half since 2009,” a 2013 blog post by the White House Office of Management and Budget declared, pointing to the shrinking of  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Obama's Deficient Student Loan Plan

Another expensive vote-buying scheme.        The government normally doesn't care whether you or I accumulate large bills for home improvement, a new car or exotic vacations. But Barack Obama feels no hesitation in concluding that the cost of higher education has placed "too big a debt load on too many young people." Therefore,      ... MORE