Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

No One Owes You Anything

Harry Browne's christmas gift to his 9-year-old.   Every once in a while you come across something that really sticks with you. You read the article, and it wrenches your mind in a direction that you are unfamiliar with. It leads to an “ah-ha!” moment. A few weeks ago, I came across one of these. Harry Browne, former Libertarian Party      ... MORE

Bruce Fein: Ignoring America's True Greatness

Killing America's golden goose.   The United States was founded on exceptional principles that we are ignoring at our peril. The Declaration of Independence explained that individual liberty was the center of our constitutional universe; and, that the United States was formed to protect the unalienable rights of citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit  ... MORE

Steve Tobak: How To Gain Personal Freedom And Control

My dad was a strict disciplinarian.        I hated that. I hated it so much that I grew up desperately wanting to control my own life. To have the freedom to do what I want, how I want, when I want. But here’s the thing. The pursuit of personal freedom has brought me face-to-face with an interesting dilemma. Turns out, it takes a tremendous     ... MORE

Natural Enemies: Progressivism Vs Pursuit Of Happiness

by Daren Jonescu.       Self-interest is good -- not because it "raises the general standard of living" or "makes workers more productive."  If it did neither of these things, it would still be good for a more fundamental reason, namely that it is the proper motivation of our nature as human beings. In short, self-interest is moral. Most public discussion     ... MORE

Abby Wisse Schachter: The War On Fun

When safety becomes a god.     In 1859, the esteemed magazine Scientific American issued a warning about young people's "pernicious excitement" over a trendy game: chess. The shuffling of pawns and rooks was "a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements   ... MORE

50 Reasons This Is The Greatest Period In History

by Morgan House.       Other than losing our liberties, life is good. I recently talked to a doctor who retired after a 30-year career. I asked him how much medicine had changed during the three decades he practiced. "Oh, tremendously," he said. He listed off a dozen examples. Deaths from heart disease and stroke are way down. Cancer survival rates    ... MORE

John Stossel: Charity Begins With Wealth Creation

Wealth must be created before it is given.  Charity -- helping people who have trouble helping themselves -- is a good thing two times over. It's good for the beneficiary and good for the donor, too. Stephen Post's fine book, "The Hidden Gifts of Helping," reveals that 76 percent of Americans say that helping others is what makes them most happy. Giving money  ... MORE

Brooks & Watkins: How The Welfare State Stole Christmas

The drive for guilt over happiness.    “We Could End Homelessness With The Money Americans Spend On Christmas Decorations,” announces a headline from Think Progress blogger Adam Peck. So far as we can tell, Americans haven’t exactly been taking to the streets demanding that people trade Christmas ornaments for welfare programs,      ... MORE

Sylvia Bokor: Limiting Government

Individual rights have been bastardized.  There is no such thing as "a right to a job," "a right to health care," "a right to a decent home," et cetera. No one can transform the actions of those that create products and/or services into another's purview. Today, violations of individual rights are so pervasive that many Americans are ignorant of    ... MORE

Larisa Brown: Switzerland Selected Best Place To Be Born

U.S was 1st under Reagan, has now fallen to 16th.  Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world in 2013, and the U.S. is just 16th. A new study produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit says American babies will have a dimmer future than those born in Hong Kong, Ireland and even Canada. The EIU, a sister company of The    ... MORE

David Henderson: Getting Rich In America

Eight simple rules.     Sometimes, when the person beside me on an airplane finds out that I'm an economist, he/she will ask, "What's going to happen to the economy?" I answer, "I don't know." If the person is somewhat more sophisticated, he will ask "What's going to happen to interest rates?" I used to answer, "I don't know." I now answer:    ... MORE