Showing posts with label housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label housing. Show all posts

Brooks & Watkins: How The Welfare State Stole Christmas

The drive for guilt over happiness.    “We Could End Homelessness With The Money Americans Spend On Christmas Decorations,” announces a headline from Think Progress blogger Adam Peck. So far as we can tell, Americans haven’t exactly been taking to the streets demanding that people trade Christmas ornaments for welfare programs,      ... MORE

Who Benefits From The Mortgage Interest Deduction?

by Anthony Randazzo & Dean Stansel.    The federal income tax code is riddled with loopholes, deductions, and credits designed to promote various social goals and benefit assorted groups of Americans. One of the largest of these is the mortgage interest deduction (MID), which allowed taxpayers to claim benefits of $82.7 billion in      ... MORE

Michael Barone: Mexican Migration May Be Over

A historical view. Is mass migration from Mexico to the United States a thing of the past? At least for the moment, it is. Last May, the Pew Hispanic Center, in a study based on U.S. and Mexican statistics, reported that net migration from Mexico to this country had fallen to zero from 2005 to 2010. Pew said 20,000 more people moved to Mexico from the      ... MORE

Brian Phillips: Zoning Versus The Internet

The key to success is freedom.     The stated purpose of zoning is to control land use within a community to prevent “incompatible” land uses and to promote planning. Most Americans accept zoning as a “necessary evil” that prevents pawn shops and factories from operating in residential neighborhoods. Most Americans are, to paraphrase Benjamin     ... MORE

The Unstoppable March Toward National Bankruptcy

by Mark Henderson.      The opening line of the Beatles’ iconic “Sergeant Pepper’s” album is echoing in my thought: “It was 20 years ago today…” Well, not quite to the day, but 20 years ago I published an article titled, “$4 Trillion and Counting.” In it, I despaired at the rapid increase in the national debt from its first-ever crossing of the $1 trillion  ... MORE

John Stossel: The Clinton Myths

Here's to arrogance and delusion.   Bill Clinton got rave reviews for his speech at the Democratic National Convention. My wife said: "Clinton was great. He made Republicans look like liars and losers." Clinton, now a sainted elder statesman, also gets credit for the booming economy of the '90s. Today, he appears in an Obama commercial — in full "I feel   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Brass Standard

Politics takes a lot of brass. And Bill Clinton is a master politician. His rousing speech at the Democrats' convention told the delegates that Republicans "want to go back to the same old policies that got us into trouble in the first place." That is world class brass. Bill Clinton's own administration, more than any other, promoted an unsustainable ... MORE

Geithner's View From The Top Of The Bubble

by Alex J. Pollock.   What a careful, informed, balanced, and intelligent discussion of risk management tells us about the high price of extreme risk. On February 28, 2006, Timothy Geithner— then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and now secretary of the Treasury—addressed the topic of risk management in the U.S. financial system, in a speech ... MORE

Gary Owen: Housing Crisis Redux

New wave of subprime loans demanded by government.    The 2008 melt down of the economy was a lesson.  The government learned well and is doing it better this time. A new wave of subprime mortgages is here, more powerful than the  tsunami that washed away the worlds economy with the Community  Reinvestment Act.  William Tucker informs us     ... MORE

Jonathan Hoenig: The Economic Police State

When the economy is not free, neither are you.   Taking a page from the United States, Argentina announced plans last week to stimulate its stagnant economy with no-cost housing loans. The idea is to boost growth by intervening in the supposedly "free" economy. It won't work. Japan's decades of infrastructure spending, government-  ... MORE

How Strong Property Rights Promote Social Equality

by Timothy B. Lee.  In today’s poetic justice news, Star Wars creator George Lucas is planning to take revenge on his meddlesome Marin Valley neighbors. For years, he’s been trying to get permission to build a new studio in Marin County. But his neighbors wouldn’t budge, insisting that it was a place for homes, not businesses. So now Lucas is pulling out ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Mixing And Matching

Should central planners decide who lives where? Apparently the soaring national debt and the threat of a nuclear Iran are not enough to occupy the government's time, because the Obama administration is pushing to force Westchester County, N.Y., to create more low-income housing, in order to mix and match classes and races to fit the government's    ... MORE

Wendell Cox: California Declares War On Suburbia

State's climate-change goals provide the impetus. It's no secret that California's regulatory and tax climate is driving business investment to other states. California's high cost of living also is driving people away. Since 2000 more than 1.6 million people have fled, and my own research as well as that of others points to high housing prices as the principal factor. ... MORE

Brian Koenig: HUD Awards Millions To Leftist Groups

Racist group La Raza among recipients. The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) is doling out $42 million in federal funding for housing counseling grants to 468 local, regional, and national organizations. Intended to prevent foreclosures and assist new home buyers, the grants will offer free assistance on foreclosure avoidance as well as educate ... MORE

Anthony Randazzo: No, This Is Not A Housing Recovery

Those saying we're in a housing recovery are wrong. We have not reached the bottom of the housing market. I hate to say it. I really do hate to always be the pessimist. And I don’t say this because I’ve been steeped in a couple decades' worth of bitterness as a Red Sox fan. The numbers are just not adding up to recovery. It is all the rage these ... MORE

VIDEO: Real Estate Agents And You

Does your real estate agent agent have your best interests in mind?