Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts

Robert Zubrin: Dethrone The EPA

Prosperity through liberty or depression by strangulation. The current presidential campaign hinges on jobs and the economy. Yet most of the debate has centered on peripheral issues such as the Bush tax cut, when there is a Tyrannosaurus in the room that is being virtually ignored. That monster is the EPA. The EPA is today the primary enemy of     ... MORE

Brook And Watkins: The Virtue Of Employee Layoffs

Hamstringing the ability to make profits. A CEO stands in front of his crumbling, century-old factory and speaks to his employees. “I promise that no matter what, I will never renovate this place. No matter how many worn-out items break, no matter how much our out-of-date machinery slows us down, no matter how many people tease us for clinging to   ... MORE

King Obama Issues Major 'Green Energy' Executive Order

by Becket Adams.   Between conservatives focusing all their attention on the successes/failures of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., and the left having a meltdown over the supposed “racism” and unprecedented disrespect of Clint Eastwood’s “Empty Chair” routine, little attention has been given to an executive order issued last    ... MORE

Ted Nugent: Crimes Against Gibson Guitars

Uncle Sam is Uncle Sham.   My all-American sonic-bombast weapon of choice for 50 years has been those world-class pieces of musical art, the mighty Gibson guitar. I own a stunning arsenal of them. It wouldn’t surprise me if some Fedzillastooge from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s Department of Gunrunning Injustice will try to tell us American    ... MORE

Kenneth P. Green: Subsidy-Powered Vehicles

Continuing the long history of failure.     Even with modern technology, electric cars are not capable of satisfying consumer desires. Policymakers should end their wasteful counter-market pursuit of vehicle electrification. Environmentalists have long wished for the electrification of passenger vehicles. As Professor Vaclav Smil points out in      ... MORE

Harry Binswanger: Revenge Of The Zeros

Battle between Rand and collectivism reaches a climax. With President Obama’s line “You didn’t build that,” the battle between individualism and collectivism has reached a climax. Obama has openly denied individual achievement, spitting in the face of every individual who ever had a creative thought. Obama has ventured to say straight   ... MORE

T.F. Stern: Private Property In Socialist America

Property rights are evaporating like distilled dew.   If Rip Van Winkle woke up in America today he’d wonder what happened to private property rights.  Imagine finding out other folks can dictate what you can use your property for; this must be some kind of bad dream, go back to sleep and maybe the next time you open your eyes things will  ... MORE

Michael Barone: Is Success A Gift From Government?

Barack Obama obviously thinks so. Perhaps the rain made the teleprompter unreadable. That's one thought I had on pondering Barack Obama's comments to a rain-soaked rally in Roanoke, Va., last Friday. Perhaps he didn't really mean what he said. Or perhaps -- as is often the case with people -- when unanchored from a prepared text he ... MORE

Michael Tanner: Romney's Chance To Embrace Outsourcing

He should point out the benefits of capitalism.   There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, that Milton Friedman was touring the Chinese countryside when he came upon a government project where workers were digging a canal. Friedman was surprised that instead of bulldozers and modern earth-moving equipment, the workers were    ... MORE

Jeff Jacoby: Minimum Wage Laws Costly To Unemployed

Minimum wage is maximum folly. Congress enacted the first federal minimum wage in 1938. A provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act, it covered about 6 million workers and set a wage floor of 25 cents per hour. It also cost a lot people their jobs. The Labor Department reported that as many as 50,000 employees, mostly poor Southern blacks, were thrown out of ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Jobs Versus Net Jobs

Sometimes a gain in one means a loss in the other. One of the reasons for the popularity of political rhetoric is that everybody can be right, in terms of their own rhetoric, no matter how much the rhetoric of one side contradicts the rhetoric of the other side. President Obama constantly repeats how many millions of jobs have been created ... MORE

Mytheos Holt: Gun Stocks Shoot Through The Roof

Guns are becoming the new gold. Given the increasingly uncertain political and economic climate, it’s no big surprise that people are continuing to buy guns in record numbers. However, at this stage it’s surpassed just an issue of being record numbers. We’d say guns are selling like hotcakes, but there might not be market data showing that  ... MORE

Jim Mahoney: California Dreamin': A Nightmare Of Collapse

A state dying from self-inflicted wounds. There was a time when the California dream conjured visions of sun, endless summers, hot love, cool breezes, and muscle cars.  The California economy, once the world's 7th largest, supported these dreams -- carrying us into the future on its brawny young shoulders.  Innovation in aviation, computers, and countless ... MORE

Ross Kaminsky: A Dark Day For Solar Power

An unaffordable feel-good luxury.  First Solar Corporation was indeed first at something: It was the first solar company to lose more than $15 billion of market value. FSLR's stock plummeted from $140 per share a year ago, and $170 a few weeks before that, to under $21 per share early this week before rebounding modestly on Tuesday. In fact $15 billion ... MORE

Greg Beato: The Gun Explosion

Why the firearms boom is good news for our economy.  In a February 2012 fund-raising appearance, President Barack Obama expressed his desire to keep America’s assembly lines humming. “I want to make sure the next generation of manufacturing isn’t taking root just in Asia or Europe,” he told a crowd of supporters. “I want it taking root in  ... MORE

Emily Miller: America's High Tax Leadership

Highest corporate tax in the developed world. The United States is now, officially, the worst place to do business in the developed world. On Sunday, Japan lowered its corporate tax rate in the hopes of luring business to its shores, handing the title of highest tax rate to the Land of the Free. The market reaction on Monday will tell whether money will begin flowing ... MORE

Matt Patterson: Obama Kills Coal - As Promised

Higher electricity prices will affect the poor most. “If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”- Candidate Barack Obama, 2008. Well, we can’t say we weren’t warned. This week, the unelected, unaccountable     ... MORE

Katherine Mangu-Ward: Feds Pay $10M For $50 Light Bulb

Government's attempt to provide cheap green lighting. In 2007, when Congress passed legislation that would gradually ban old school incandescent light bulbs, they added a carrot to the pile of sticks: A $10 million dollar prize to encourage the development of a cheap, green, domestic light bulb to replace the dearly departed Edison model.  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: It Just Ain't So

Do we really have a trade imbalance?   The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 2011 manufacturing output grew by 11 percent, to nearly $5 trillion. Were our manufacturing sector considered a nation with its own gross domestic product, it would be the world's fourth-richest economy. Manufacturing productivity has doubled since 1987, and     ... MORE