Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

The Power Of The State Vs The Power Of Love

by Robert Higgs. For thousands of years, philosophers have argued that society must invest great power in the rulers because only great power can hold back the forces of evil—violence, plunder, and disorder. They have often conceded, of course, that this solution does have an unfortunate aspect, namely, that with great power, the rulers themselves     ... MORE

Robert Zurbin: Imposing Misery By Environmental Devotion

Green anti-humanism.      On February 11, 2013, the Denver Post ran a guest commentary of great clinical interest. In the piece in question, Colorado State University philosophy professor Philip Cafaro advanced the argument that immigration needs to be sharply cut, because otherwise people from Third World nations will come to the United States and  ... MORE

Kent McManigal: Following Orders Is NOT Honorable

Don't become a mindless tool.   There is no good in following orders.  None. To pretend this personality defect is a sign of an "honorable person" is disgusting and dishonest. Any idiot can manage to follow orders.  It takes a real human to evaluate those orders, and decide if they should be followed or ignored.  Or even to decide if the one giving the orders ... MORE

Tibor Machan: On Rape And Pragmatism

Principles in the age of the pragmatist.   Something not often noted in the discussion of rape across the globe is that in an age that prizes pragmatism as opposed to firm principles of conduct, even rape can be excused based on the expected benefit to the rapist versus injury to the victim. If one doesn't care about the basic principle of consent,  ... MORE

Tibor Machan: It's All About Choices, Stupid

Associations should be voluntary. There is a phony conflict afoot that statists are fond of bringing up when they try to discredit the free society. It is about the individual versus the community. Champions of human liberty are often mis-characterized as denying the significance of human community life. As if individualists advocated that       ... MORE

VIDEO: What Writer Most Turned You On To Freedom?

Thomas Sowell: Nice Losers

Mitt Romney now joins the long list   of the kinds of presidential candidates favored by the Republican establishment -- nice, moderate losers, people with no coherently articulated vision, despite how many ad hoc talking points they may have. The list of Republican presidential candidates like this goes back at least as far as 1948, when     ... MORE

Nathan Vardi: Obama Win Makes Wall Street The Big Loser

Market looks to future with dread.  In October, Wall Street hosted a rich fundraiser at the Hilton New York for Mitt Romney. Hedge fund, private equity and investment banking big shots were among the nearly 200 co-chairs of the event that cost $1,000 to attend. Those who shelled out $5,000 got to leave with a photo with vice-presidential hopeful Paul Ryan,  ... MORE

Jay Nordlinger: The People's Choice

“Mitt Romney: Not one of us.”  That was the slogan of an Obama ad. And, yes, Mitt Romney is not one of us. Who’s “us”? Whoever we are, or they are, Romney isn’t one of them. And I’m not either. Fine with me, in a way. I don’t think much of Obama’s “us.” I’m very sorry that Obama has won again, because I think he’s a bad president, and I’ve also come to think ... MORE

Onkar Ghate: A Liberal Ayn Rand?

Maybe liberals should think a little more long term. It's no secret that the right is awash in Ayn Rand. Tea Partiers carry signs like "Who is John Galt?" and, astonishing for a novel published 55 years ago, sales of Atlas Shrugged topped 445,000 last year. All of this has prompted researchers like Yale historian Beverly Gage to wonder, "Why is there no liberal    ... MORE

President Obama Jabs At Ayn Rand, Knocks Himself Out

by Wendy Milling.    In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, President Obama stated, “Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up.” I’m not trying to mock the President here – he is just repeating an old propaganda line that was hatched by Rand’s opponents – but I have to ask the “adults”  ... MORE

VIDEO: Tibor R. Machan - The Libertarian Credo

Ron Paul: The Internet Revolution Is A Liberty Revolution

LibertyPen is just one of the cogs.   Until the late 1990s, individuals interested in Austrian economics, U.S. constitutional history, and libertarian philosophy had few sources of information.  They had to spend hours scouring used book stores or the back pages of obscure libertarian periodicals to find the great works of Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, and other giants  ... MORE

VIDEO: The Morality Of Using Force To Distribute Wealth

Philip DeFranco is uncomfortable thinking about government and morality.