Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts

Vegas Employer: Obama Won -- So I Fired 22 Employees

Election results begin being felt.   A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election. “David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.” ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Capital Gains Tax

Do you really think taxes and jobs are unrelated?   One of the many false talking points of the Obama administration is that a rich man like Warren Buffett should not be paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. But anyone whose earnings come from capital gains usually pays a lower tax rate. How are capital gains different from ordinary    ... MORE

Brook And Watkins: The Virtue Of Employee Layoffs

Hamstringing the ability to make profits. A CEO stands in front of his crumbling, century-old factory and speaks to his employees. “I promise that no matter what, I will never renovate this place. No matter how many worn-out items break, no matter how much our out-of-date machinery slows us down, no matter how many people tease us for clinging to   ... MORE

Government Spending Cuts Are Bad For The Economy?

by Tyler Watts.      “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines,” laments the gruff air traffic controller played by Lloyd Bridges in the ribald disaster-spoof Airplane! Facing the tense situation of helping a nerve-wracked pilot safely land a large passenger jet, “Steve McCroskey” could get a performance boost by popping some pep  ... MORE

Deroy Murdock: Red Tape Costs US 700,000 Jobs

Business environment continues to deteriorate.    Federal regulators are keeping America from moving forward. According to recent news stories reviewed by my colleagues at the conservative nonprofit organization Engage America, federal red tape has squelched at least 736,203 potential jobs. If these positions were filled, today's     ... MORE

Washington Times: Speed-Cameras Rake In The Loot

Expansion of photo-ticketing raises revenue.    All around the nation’s capital, the use of robotic machines to dish out traffic tickets has surged. Starting next week, the District’s for-profit, Arizona-based vendor will begin mailing citations to unwary motorists from an additional two dozen hiding spots. The public thinks this is all about the money ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: How Bill Gates Rips Off Babies

Stealing from babies is easy and low. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates makes himself feel powerful while negligently ripping off babies. I am a capitalist. I defend entrepreneurs. However, I think young people and their parents should know that Gates is a sham entrepreneur. Gates openly uses his wealth and influence to push policies that will make entrepreneurial ... MORE

Wynton Hall: Justice For Sale At Holder's DOJ

A look into the Chicago way. In an explosive Newsweek article set to rock official Washington, reporter Peter Boyer and Breitbart contributing editor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer reveal how Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are operating under a “justice for sale” strategy by forgoing criminal    ... MORE

3 Crucial Things About The Apple Antitrust Case

by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins. Just when Apple was introducing its latest iPad, the government announced that Apple was among six companies being investigated over ebook pricing. As that investigation appears to be nearing its conclusion, here are three things everyone needs to know about the case. 1. The government is targeting voluntary agreements  ... MORE

John Stossel: Greed, Capitalism And Romney

Who are the REAL bad guys?    Now that Mitt Romney is likely to be the Republican nominee, we can expect new attacks on his “vulture capitalism.” That’s how Rick Perry characterized his private equity work when he was still a GOP presidential candidate. As the campaign has unfolded, Newt Gingrich’s supporters ran an ad about Romney’s   ... MORE

VIDEO: State of the Union 2012

CATO Institute scholars respond to President Obama's State of the Union.

Sheldon Richman: How Liberals Distort Austrian Economics

Lame campaign to discret the Austrian school. When a presidential candidate declares, as Ron Paul has, “We’re all Austrians now,”  it’s inevitable that his critics would try to discredit him—whether they understand what he’s talking about or not. That’s what Matthew Yglesias does in his Slate piece “What Is ‘Austrian Economics’?” I recommend the piece because it's ... MORE

Walter E Williams: I Love Greed

What human motivation gets the most wonderful things done? 
It's really a silly question, because the answer is so simple. It turns out that it's human greed that gets the most wonderful things done. When I say greed, I am not talking about fraud, theft, dishonesty, lobbying for special privileges from government or other forms of despicable behavior. I'm talking  ... MORE