Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Blacks Must Confront Reality

Slavery isn't the real problem.   Though racial discrimination exists, it is nowhere near the barrier it once was. The relevant question is: How much of what we see today can be explained by racial discrimination? This is an important question because if we conclude that racial discrimination is the major cause of black problems when it isn't, then      ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Slavery Reparations

Just another hustle.         Calls for slavery reparations have returned with the publication of Ta-Nehisi Coates' "The Case for Reparations" in The Atlantic magazine (May 21, 2014). In making his argument, Coates goes through the horrors of slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow and gross racial discrimination. First off, let me say that I agree with reparations  ... MORE

Jacob Hornblower: What Does It Mean To Be Free?

From land of the free to indoctrination nation.       Johann von Goethe once wrote, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe’s statement perfectly captures the plight of the American people in our time. That’s one of the principal challenges that we libertarians face, for if people are convinced  ... MORE

Thaddeus Russell: Sex Slaves And The Surveillance State

Why 'human trafficking' is a dangerous term.     Her name, like that of nearly all the victims, is unknown. Not older than a teenager, she has large, downturned eyes, long and wavy hair, and pale skin. She wears a demure white dress, suggesting that the life she lived before she found herself in this dungeon was one of innocence. She stares     ... MORE

Christopher West: Lincoln Sucked At Ending Slavery

The exception to the 13th Amendment.     Death row inmate Ray Jasper, who has never used the internet, wrote an article that went viral. Part of his appeal is that he made it sound like he was innocent. Not true, it turns out he slit a man’s throat. But what stuck out to me, was his description of the prison system. First off, he was the only black  ... MORE

'Beaten Into Submission' by Political Correctness

by Tyler O'Neil.     The Left's focus on "political correctness" prevents Americans from speaking common sense about political issues, Dr. Ben Carson, former pediatric neurosurgery director at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center who shot to fame last year when he gave a politically incorrect speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, declared In a   ... MORE

VIDEO: Murray Rothbard - Involuntary Servitue: Taxation


Walter E Williams: Concealing Evil

The slavery liberals love.      Evil acts are given an aura of moral legitimacy by noble-sounding socialistic expressions, such as spreading the wealth, income redistribution, caring for the less fortunate, and the will of the majority. Let's have a thought experiment to consider just how much Americans sanction evil. Imagine there are several elderly  ... MORE

Robert Higgs: Getting Past Slavery And Government

A case for anarchy.       Slavery existed for thousands of years, in all sorts of societies and all parts of the world. To imagine human social life without it required an extraordinary effort. Yet, from time to time, eccentrics emerged to oppose it, most of them arguing that slavery is a moral monstrosity and therefore people should get rid of it.      ... MORE

VIDEO: Pastor Manning Shares His Thoughts On Obama

Pastor Manning risks arrest for passing federal secrets in this video.

Dr. Ben Carson: ObamaCare Is Worst Thing Since Slavery

Vladimir Lenin would have liked Obama.         Dr. Ben Carson slammed President Barack Obama’s signature health care during his speech at the Value Voter’s Summit Friday. “Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery,” Carson declared. “It is slavery in a way because it is making all of us     ... MORE

VIDEO: Ron Paul On The American Civil War

Do we owe a debt of gratitude to Abe Lincoln?

Walter E Williams: Blacks And Progressives

On excuse-making and dependency.    Sometimes I wonder when black people will reject the patronizing insults of white progressives and their black handmaidens. After CNN's Piers Morgan's interview with the key witness in the George Zimmerman trial, he said: "Rachel Jeantel is not uneducated. She's a smart cookie." That's a remarkable       ... MORE

The Truth About Southern States And Nullification

by John Lambert.     Slavery was a morally corrupt and abhorrent institution that should have never existed. No question. No debate. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about nullification’s history in the Southern states prior to the Civil War. Over time, a Paul Bunyan type myth has grown suggesting that the Southern     ... MORE

VIDEO: The Free Market And Equality Under The Law

Highlights from "Testing Milton Friedman."  The full discussion is available at

    Walter E Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

    Volunteering for the chains of the left.     If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it. First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it  ... MORE