Walter E Williams: Poverty In America

Let's look at a few poverty facts. According to CBS News, "the number of people in the U.S. living in poverty in 2010 rose for the fourth year in a row, representing the largest number of Americans in poverty in the 52 years since such estimates have been published by the U.S. Census Bureau." MSNBC said, "The U.S. poverty rate remains among the highest in the developed  ... MORE

Peter Wilson: Politicizing The Farmers' Market

Farmers don't need politicians and do-gooders to run market. I don't understand those "No Farms, No Food" bumper stickers you see around places like Cambridge and Berkeley. Isn't it obvious? Why not "No toy factories, no toys?" "No Apple, No iPods?" "No Chickens, No Eggs?" (Or is it the other way around) Is there a nefarious anti-farm lobby I don't know about?     ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Jobs Or Snow Jobs?

President Obama's words call for more jobs, but his actions result in fewer. 

Mark Steyn: The Supercommittee Is A Joke

Finding savings by ... adding to deficit? Have you been following this so-called supercommittee? They're the new superhero group of superfriends from the super-Congress who are going to save America from plummeting over the cliff and into the multitrillion-dollar abyss. There's Spender Woman (Patty Murray), Incumbent Boy (Max Baucus), Kept Man (John Kerry) and many other  ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Back To Economic Basics

Understanding the role of human action.   Lately I’ve landed in discussions about whether there is such a thing as human action. I’m not kidding. Some educated people have their doubts. Just to be clear from the outset, human action, as Ludwig von Mises pointed out, is purposeful behavior, as opposed to the reflex that occurs when the patellar  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Real Cain Scandal

There is no cost to making false allegations.  The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain is the corruption of the law, the media and politics. Let's start with the law. Some people may think the fact that the National Restaurant Association reportedly paid $45,000 to settle a claim made by one of its employees against Mr. Cain is incriminating. Most of us are ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - How To Read & Not To Write

Ayn Rand on how to penetrate intentionally unclear analysis with piercing logic. 

THE HILL: Democrats Want War Savings For More Spending

This from the debt reduction supercommittee.  Democrats on the supercommittee have proposed that the savings from the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan be used to pay for a new stimulus package, according to a summary of the $2.3 trillion plan obtained by The Hill. The latest offer from Democrats on the deficit panel, made Monday night to their        ... MORE

Greg Beato: Twelve Apathetic Men

Why no one wants to get convicted of jury duty. Recently I spent the morning in a large room at San Francisco’s Hall of Justice along with several hundred others watching Ideals Made Real, the world’s least convincing infomercial. A 14-minute anesthetic that the state of California administers to anxious citizens to ease the pain of imminent       ... MORE

Nile Gardiner: Obama Facing Anti-Government Revolution

Three polls that give Americans hope for change. Three major polls this week will give a jittery White House cause for concern. The first, from ABC News/Washington Post shows a significant rise in public anger towards the federal government. The second, from The Wall Street Journal/ NBC, shows overwhelming disillusionment with President Obama’s handling of the ... MORE

VIDEO: Steven Crowder Hobnobs With The Occupiers

Products of the American education system on display.

John Stossel: The FDA Kills

It would be nice if politicians and regulators left us alone.  But they don't. They always want to do more. Recently, there have been shortages of some medicines. Cancer patients can't get drugs they need. Why not? One reason is that a big drugmaker shut down for a year in part to meet Food and Drug Administration rules. The FDA makes it so expensive and difficult to sell ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Does The Government Work For Us?

Or do we work for the government?         In America, the federal government seems to control everything. Light bulbs, shoe leather, refrigerators, even the water strength in your shower. Your banker, your doctor, your lawyer, your computer all are regulated beyond belief. What is it in America that the feds can't control? The answer is simple: human ... MORE

Allen B. West: Economic Freedom For Black Americans

When will black Americans finally be "free at last?"    The word "freedom" for many black Americans is inextricably linked with the word "slavery." While it has been 148 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, and 47 years since the landmark Civil Rights Act, for many, the words of Martin Luther King in his famous speech still ring true: "The Negro lives on a ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - School Choice = Better Schools

Politicians claim to want better schools, but do they actually vote for them? 

Gene Healy: Obama's Solyndra Silence

President hides from green energy boondoggle fallout. On Friday, citing "longstanding and important Executive Branch confidentiality interests," White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler refused a House panel's demand for "all communications among White House staff and officials" relating to Solyndra. Solyndra is one of the administration's pet "green energy" ... MORE