Court Demands TSA Explain Why Order Was Defied

TSA wants nude body scanners without public hearings.    A federal appeals court Wednesday ordered the Transportation Security Administration to explain why it hasn’t complied with the court’s year-old decision demanding the agency hold public hearings concerning the rules and regulations pertaining to the so-called nude body scanners     ... MORE

Janice Shaw Crouse: Sacrificing Boys To Promote Girls

Pop culture is producing male losers. Casual observation of popular culture reveals that boys and men increasingly are being portrayed negatively, in contrast to women, who invariably are seen as more competent, efficient, successful and in charge. Television and Hollywood movies are producing a tsunami of negative stereotypes depicting  ... MORE

Guns Are The Last Defense Against Tyranny

by Thomas J. Lucente Jr.  On July 16, a pizza delivery driver in Columbus, Ohio, was delivering a pizza when two men armed with shotguns approached him. The deliveryman, who has a license to carry a concealed handgun, warned the men off. When they ignored his warnings, the pizza driver opened fire, injuring one of the robbers. On July 22, John    ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Stop Complaining About Outsourcing

Sowing the seeds of a trade war.    When economic times are bad, animosity is directed at foreigners: “They’re taking our jobs!” So it’s unsurprising that the presidential campaigns feature charges and countercharges about outsourcing, the employment of foreign labor by American companies. This is a dangerous game because it sows   ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Where The Jobs Are

Why Conservatives Should Oppose The Minimum Wage

by Stephen Bronars. Last week Adam Ozimek argued that conservatives should either support the minimum wage or oppose it less.  His analysis correctly reframes the minimum wage as a law that prohibits workers from participating in the labor market if they contribute less than $7.25 per hour to production.  This does not mean that conservatives should  ... MORE

William Grigg: Keep The Guns; Abolish The Police

When society has suffered enough.   On July 23 New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the most implacably totalitarian figures in American political history, suggested that police nationwide should go on strike until the law-abiding public disarms itself. “I don’t understand why the police officers in this country don’t stand up collectively and say ... MORE

VIDEO: TSA Flouts the Law on Body Scanners

Jonathan V. Last: Go For The Gold! (Pay The IRS)

You win the gold, Uncle Sam collects $8,986. Because conservatives are scrooges, the good folks at Americans for Tax Reform have gone through the fine print to find out what our Olympians will have to cough up to the IRS should they be lucky enough to win any medals in London. Even by the standards of our government, the numbers   ... MORE

Adriaan Alsema: Columbia Is Decriminalizing Drugs

Drug addiction recognized as health issue, not crime. Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos has ratified a law deeming drug addiction a public health issue rather than a crime, local media reported Tuesday. The newly-enacted bill recognizes "the consumption and abuse of, or addiction to, psychoactive substances, legal or illegal, as a matter of public ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Big Lies In Politics

A throwback to a Nazi philosophy.    It was either Adolf Hitler or his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, who said that the people will believe any lie, if it is big enough and told often enough, loud enough. Although the Nazis were defeated in World War II, this part of their philosophy survives triumphantly to this day among politicians, and nowhere more  ... MORE

John Stossel: Myths We Live By

Why such faith in government? The Olympics have gone smoothly despite -- gasp! -- America's team wearing clothing made in China at the opening ceremony. "I'm so upset," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "Take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile, and burn them. ... We have people in the textile industry who are desperate for jobs." Here   ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas DiLorenzo - Myths About Capitalism

Bart Stupak: EPA Jeopardizing Health Of Asthmatics

Apparently, asthmatics need a better lobby. For the almost 20 years I served in Congress, much of my focus was on healthcare issues and holding federal regulators accountable for ensuring the safety and well-being of Americans. Today, I represent a California company that has over one million potentially life-saving inhalers just sitting in a warehouse.      ... MORE