VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Political Vs Markets

Matthew Hurtt: The Republican Plan To Cripple IRS

GOP attempt to reel in lawless thugs.     Imagine a world where there were not enough IRS agents to threaten your livelihood by pouring over years of receipts and tax filings. With the Republican takeover of the Senate, the Republican-controlled Congress is looking to severely de-fund the IRS in the wake of the ongoing scandal that revealed the   ... MORE

Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide Introduced In California

Notion that people own themselves is forwarded.   California ProLife Council, working in conjunction with a coalition of life-affirming groups, has defeated California Assisted Suicide proposals in the past. But euthanasia advocates have promised to be particularly aggressive this coming year. State Sen. Bill Monning intends to introduce       ... MORE

VIDEO: The High Price Of Ted Cruz's Disruptive Antics

Andy Fiala: Time To Reconnect With Liberterian Ideals

A libertarian wave is sweeping parts of the country. The rising tide of liberty includes the legalization of gay marriage, marijuana, and physician assisted suicide.  Libertarians think that freedom should only be restricted in order to secure more extensive liberty or to prevent harm to others.  Apart from obvious harms such as rape or      ... MORE

N.Y. Legislature Passed Bill To Protect Bad Cops

by E.J. McMahon. Who should ultimately control police discipline in New York: elected officials through their appointed police commissioners, or unelected labor arbitrators chosen in part by labor unions? The question has plainly picked up added resonance in recent days. Gov. Cuomo will soon have a chance to answer it. Sometime before    ... MORE

DC Council Moves To Protect Citizens From Cops

Passes asset forfeiture overhaul bill.  Federal guidelines on asset forfeiture say law enforcement agencies "may not commit" to spending figures in advance, but that hasn't stopped the Washington, DC police department from doing exactly that. As we covered here recently, the DC police have penciled in expected seizure amounts all the way   ... MORE

Medical Doctors, Organizing To Restrict Your Freedom

by Mike Sweeney.     Going back over the last two to three years we have often encountered groups of medical doctors who are organizing, crafting a message, and implementing protocols which will enable them to strip a law abiding citizen of their Second Amendment rights. We first encountered the doctors at public forums, which were      ... MORE

VIDEO: Bison & The Tragedy Of The Commons

Jacob Sullum: Catching Cops On Camera Can Be Crucial

A powerful weapon against police brutality.        Last week, in response to the shooting of Michael Brown and other controversial uses of deadly force by police, President Obama proposed federal funding for body cameras to record interactions between cops and members of the public. Two days later, a Staten Island grand jury cast doubt    ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Next Time, Try Rogaine

How to not share the hair.  “Desperate” is not disguising a bald spot with spray paint or treating a thinning scalp with Rogaine; desperate is murdering over a lock of human hair—and unemployed Americans are growing desperate. Despite Michelle Obama’s claim that her hubby unleashed a “huge recovery,” the only visible recovery is on    ... MORE

VIDEO: Your Second Amendment

John Stossel: Climate Catastrophe

The real world effects of fossil fuel.   People argue about whether the "consensus" of scientists is that we face disaster because of global warming. Instead of debating whether man's greenhouse gasses will raise temperatures, we should argue about how we gauge disasters. If you take most environmentalists and climate scientists at their word,   ... MORE

65% of Children Live in Federally Aided Households

by Terence P Jeffrey. The Census Bureau reported in a study released this week that 65 percent of American children lived in households taking aid from one or more federal program as of the fall of 2011. "Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of children," said the Census Bureau, "lived in households that participated in at least one or more of the      ...  MORE

David Kravets: NSA Warrantless Bulk Phone Metadata Spying Continues Unabated Despite Obama's Pledge

Snooping against Americans reauthorized.    The NSA's bulk phone metadata spying program was renewed for another 90 days, the fourth time the warrantless snooping has been reauthorized following President Barack Obama promising reform last January, the government said Monday. That means the nation's telecoms will continue    ... MORE

Every American Needs To Learn About Jury Nullification

by Kevin Mathews.    Did you know that, no matter the evidence, if a jury feels a law is unjust, it is permitted to “nullify” the law rather than finding someone guilty? Basically, jury nullification is a jury’s way of saying, “By the letter of the law, the defendant is guilty, but we also disagree with that law, so we vote to not punish the accused.”   ... MORE

VIDEO: Nuisance As A Pretense For Civil Asset Forfeiture

Thomas Sowell: Is Law Optional?

Punishment based on preconceptions.      The fiasco of "Rolling Stone" magazine's apology for an unsubstantiated claim of gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house — and the instant rush to judgment of the university administration in shutting down all fraternities, when those charges were made — should warn us about the dangers   ... MORE

14 Ways Americans Can Avoid Paying The Obamacare Tax

by Omar Hamada.      Tax season is just around the corner, and the majority of Americans are still completely puzzled when it comes to how Obamacare will affect their taxes. Unbeknownst to most, 14 ways, in total, to avoid paying the Obamacare tax penalty for not complying with the federal insurance mandate exist. In fact, one of them is so   ... MORE

VIDEO: The Award For Best Iraq Bombing Goes To ...

Dumb Policies Frustrate Benefits Of Falling Oil Prices

by Peter Morici.   Falling gas prices add to holiday cheer, but those are not an unvarnished good for the U.S. economy—thanks to bad economic policy. Oil selling at about $65 a barrel oil prices gives consumers and many businesses a lot of additional buying power, but it also puts a damper on the U.S. oil and gas boom. For now, U.S. oil    ...  MORE